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Tehran’s Worst Nightmare Armenia Azerbaijan conflict

NATO is definitely not happy with Erdogan and would prefer someone else in charge.

Their are a couple major reasons why Iran would support Armenia of Azerbaijan, or at the very least, not support Azerbaijan.

1. Azerbaijanis claim to Iranian territorial integrity. Azerbaijan has made claims on Iranian land for decades, and has clearly signal its intention to separate land from Iran.

2. Azerbaijanis closeness with Israel. Azerbaijan is a known procurer of Israeli arms including billion dollar arms deals, in addition have been known to allow Israeli Intelligence access to their airbases and facilities to spy on Iran.

Thanks mate for taking time to educate, i had no idea about the BOLD part
believe you me if azerbaijan would kick out israel they would have 1000% Iranian for life time. and now of course the terrorists from syria who are brought by erdogan.

I agree with you on the Israel point, however Azerbaycan being a fragile and incomplete state which has been denied territory by Armenia and whose Azeri cousins live in iran, does not have the ability to choose its geopolitical lot.

Iran could really gain much for supporting Azerbaycan now, otherwise Iran will lose influence among worldwide Shias, justification of its narrative, and geopolitical leverage.

Already I am seeing many Pakistani Shias supporting Azerbaycan, hand in hand with Paksitani Sunnis. Usually when it comes to Middle East, we are on opposite sides, but in this issue, we are untied, regardless of sect.
This would be great for Pakistan, it would give us a way to Turkey through friendly CARs and another best friend, Azerbaycan. We would not have to go through unstable regional actors like Arabs and Iran.

Would love to see it. In sha Allah.

unstable? you made my day it's so funny. Iran is the most stable country in the region. and as for arabs you are best friends with the saudis and you complain.

without your arab friends you wouldn't even have petrol for ypur cars.

Saudi Arabia is the largest source of petroleum for Pakistan.[14] It also supplies extensive financial aid to Pakistan and remittance from Pakistani migrants in Saudi Arabia is also a major source of foreign currency for Pakistan.[15] In recent years, both countries have exchanged high-level delegations and developed plans to expand bilateral cooperation in trade, education, real estate, tourism, information technology, communications and agriculture.[16][17] Saudi Arabia is aiding the development of trade relations with Pakistan through the Gulf Cooperation Council, with which Pakistan is negotiating a free trade agreement; the volume of trade between Pakistan and GCC member states in 2006 stood at US$11 billion.[15][17] Financial co-operation includes $3 billion in aid and loans, of which $1.5 billion was deposited in Pakistan's central bank.[18]

In 2018 Saudi Arabia agreed to establish an oil refinery at Gwadar, with a proposed capacity of 500,000 barrels per day.[19][20] In 2019, Saudi Arabia paid $20 billion to finance developmental projects in Pakistan.[21] However, Saudi Arabia had to end the loan and oil supply deal including forcing Pakistan to repay $1 billion loan, amidst the latter's criticism that the Saudi Arabia led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was not doing enough to pressure India on the Kashmir issue.[22]

nato will never kick turkey out. turkey is their door to asia and erdogan knows it, so he plays with the europeans and the u.s. there is more on the relationship from erdogan to nato i already post it here in another thread.

well there are different factors: first azerbaijan has really good realation with israel. the israelis have a base in azerbaijan from where they send drones to Iran. in the past we all witnessed that Iran shot down israeli drowns coming from azerbaijan. also mossad is allowed to opnely operate from there against Iran.mossad recruited many spies in Iran azerbaijan and turkey.they have also good economic ties with israel not only militarily. the israelis wanted actually to work with the armenians rather than azerbaijan. but the armenians refused, cause they share a border with Iran and don't want any troubles. so first reason our national security.
second reason as you can see now they want to help turkey to expand and thats a no go for Iran. yes Iran and turkey share intressts in some stuff in the region but also are enemies in other fields (syria iraq etc.).
azerbaijan allowed turkey to deploy terrorists from syria there to help fighting armenia. these are the same terrorists we fight in syria and iraq. (know for people who saying azerbaijan is a shia state it's not. people like to say it to undermine Irans justification to armenia). thats also the reason i always say the war in syria is not a secreterian war, it's a geoplitical war. cause the same terrorist killing shia are now fighting with "shias", so people need to open theirs eyes. the sectarian was a saudi advertisment against Iran.(Iran helped the kurds in iraq who are sunni, helped the yezidis and is the main supporter of the palestians who are also sunni). so second reason is again national security we can't tolerate terrorists next to our borders.
third reason is that if azerbaijan wins the war and thats a big IF turkey will make a bridge to turkemistan. since the russians closed their bases there in the 90s turkey could build a base there. also what turkey and azerbaijan would do IF they win, is that they would try to setup unrests in north of Iran. to seperate the north from the rest of Iran. erdogan said it again and again he wants the ottoman empire back. so third reason is also national security.

there also other reasons but these are teh main reasons.
i want you and others to see that this has nothing to do with religion, it's ONLY about geopolitical power.

hope i could help with that.

Thanks for taking time to reply in detail, appreciate it.
Care to substantiate the quoted claim with evidence? The shah actually didn't make that statement. I notice you often repeat this theory as if it were fact, however everyone with a minimum level of realism realizes how the US regime's mortal enmity towards post-Revolution Iran has been a consistent, undeniable fact for the past 40+ years. Including a spate of like minded anti-Iranian users here, who have a habit of cheering the prospect of US aggression on Iran.
If you know Turkish it's all explained by a leading Muslim scholar of Turkey.....

Iran, KSA etc. are there to kill the Muslim world from inside...

If you know Turkish it's all explained by a leading Muslim scholar of Turkey.....

Iran, KSA etc. are there to kill the Muslim world from inside...

so thanks erdogan is there to save us. the best moslem leader on earth helping terrorist takfiris and salafis to kill women and chikdren and take women as salves in the cities they captured. and allowed them to sell syrian oil via turkey. a good muslim leader mashAllah.
unstable? you made my day it's so funny. Iran is the most stable country in the region. and as for arabs you are best friends with the saudis and you complain.

without your arab friends you wouldn't even have petrol for ypur cars.

Doesn't look like we will be "friends" with Arabs for long.
Turkey is a NATO state just in name, it seems like NATO actually wants to remove Turkey from their ranks if they fail to eliminate Erdogan. I am not really aware of the level of animosity between Turkey and Iran so i can't comment on that further.

However i would like to know from you the reasons that Iran supports Armenia over Azerbaijan?
Iran supported Armenia too after the fall of the USSR!! The centre of Azerbayjan is Tebriz, which is under the Iranian control. Iran fears Azerbayjan would want her areas back....

Iran supported Armenia too after the fall of the USSR!! The centre of Azerbayjan is Tebriz, which is under the Iranian control. Iran fears Azerbayjan would want her areas back....

azerbaijan is a arteficial country it belonged to Iran till the 1720s. please stop posting nonsense things here. don't waste peoples time. you don't go to school.

by the early 17th century, they were ousted by Safavid Iranian ruler Abbas I (r. 1588–1629). In the wake of the demise of the Safavid Empire, Baku and its environs were briefly occupied by the Russians as a consequence of the Russo-Persian War of 1722–1723. Despite brief intermissions such as these by Safavid Iran's neighboring rivals, the land of what is today Azerbaijan remained under Iranian rule from the earliest advent of the Safavids up to the course of the 19th century.

change your school!

here even your president saying persian poems.

Armenia, and Armenians in general, are not vehemently islamophobic.

In their quest to portray the 1915 events as genocide, Armenians have resorted to using religion in an attempt to bolster their narrative. This involves portraying Armenians as the perpetually victimized and downtrodden “first Christian nation”, while portraying Turks as the perpetually victimizing and cruel Muslims. Resorting to religion is useful in the sense that it helps Armenians gain unquestioning supporters for their narrative in the Christian world that is currently seeking solidarity among co-religionists. This drive for solidarity can be seen not only in the historic meeting that took place between Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia (Russian Orthodox Church),[1] but also in the various activities of the World Council of Churches,[2] the world’s largest association of churches.

Pakistani expert: Armenia - country where Islamophobia perceived as state policy

25 September 2020 12:15 (UTC+04:00)

1 052


By Trend
Armenia is a country where Islamophobia is perceived as a state policy, Pakistani expert on geopolitics and international relations, Malik Eyub Sumbal, told Trend.
The Armenians are destroying mosques in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and keeping animals, including pigs and cows, in the destroyed mosques, Sumbal noted.
The expert emphasized that the Armenian government is abusing religion and demonstrating its fascist character to the whole world.
“In countries, where religion is used as a tool against other peoples, internal religious extremism is growing, which keeps them away from the world. Armenia also uses this kind of tactic. Toying with the religious sentiments of any people is a shame and a crime. Disrespect for religious values and sacred sites is unacceptable,” he said.
“Unlike Armenia, freedom of religion, multiculturalism, and respect for other religions are one of the priorities of Azerbaijan's state policy,” stressed the Pakistani expert.
“I witnessed how tolerant the Azerbaijani society is in relation to other religions, representatives of each religion freely perform their religious rites in Azerbaijan,” Sumbal added.

azerbaijan is a arteficial country it belonged to Iran till the 1720s. please stop posting nonsense things here. don't waste peoples time. you don't go to school.

So if Azerbaycan is an artificial country, why criticize them for trying to make themselves complete?

here even your president saying persian poems

Persian Sunni scholars taught Islam to Turks, Pakistanis, Afghans, and Tajiks. Ofcourse, we are going to use the language.

Are iranians the only ones allowed to use the language?

If so, why are you speaking and learning Arabic?
Iran could really gain much for supporting Azerbaycan now, otherwise Iran will lose influence among worldwide Shias, justification of its narrative, and geopolitical leverage.

Hardly anyone would consider Aran's conflict with Armenia as a Shia cause. This is specially true for the more religiously inclined among Shia Muslims, who do not view Baku's jailing of ulema, its tolerance of gay parades, its banning of hijab at universities, its use of masonic symbols in a positive light.

Afterall the regime in Baku is staunchly secularist, meaning that it operates a strict separation between religious considerations and (geo)politics. Which is why it seems not to have any difficulties welcoming insurgent fighters from Syria, most of whom have a reputation of being somewhat sceptical towards Shia Muslims (to say the least).

Shia Pakistanis supportive of the current Arani regime owe their stance to the favorable views Pakistanis generally have towards Turkey. Not to their confessional affiliation.

There is no contradiction between Iran's absolute neutrality in the current Karabakh conflict on the one hand and her general narratives on the others. Supporting actors that promote "ethno"-separatism against her has never been part of Iran's discourse. Likewise, Iran's narrative doesn't focus on exclusive solidarity with Shia Muslims, but chiefly on anti-imperial struggle against the zio-American oppressors, with particular sympathies for oppressed Muslims beyond sect.

Of course if a regime starts expressing hostility towards Iran or working with Iran's existential foes to threaten her territorial integrity and stability, then there is no longer an obligation for Iran to aid them.

Baku chose its side during the 90's Karabakh war: it preferred Tel Aviv over Tehran, as well as backing of anti-Iranian separatism and "ethnic" animosity over strategic cooperation and alliance. There was no obligation for Baku to make this choice, as it was receiving military assistance from Iran until it decided to switch sides. Despite this, Iran never opted for full blown hostility towards Baku, did not cultivate or encourage movements advocating re-annexation of her former province, separated from her by tsarist Russia in the early 19th century, etc.

Iran supported Armenia too after the fall of the USSR!!

Propaganda. Iran supported Aran after the fall of the USSR, until the regime in Baku decided to thank Iran by cultivating "ethno"-irredentist fantasies against Tehran and killing pro-Iranian officers inside the Arani armed forces, prior to entering a military alliance with the zionist entity and allowing Mossad operatives and Isra"el"i drones to be stationed on Iran's borders.

The centre of Azerbayjan is Tebriz, which is under the Iranian control. Iran fears Azerbayjan would want her areas back....

Other way around. Aran has been an integral part of Iran for millenia until tsarist Russia occupied that land in the early 19th century. Even the names (Aran, Azarbaijan) are Iranian.
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