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Tehran’s Worst Nightmare Armenia Azerbaijan conflict

According to the Last Shah, he was undone by a CIA ops which put both the Islamists and the communists within the same crucible....

The rationalization by the Iranian Molla regime never fails to amuse me....

I am yet to meet an Iraninan in real life who supports the Molla regime.....
In Iran Persians are first class citizens (official language status), Kurds are second class citizens (Aryans along with Persians), Azeris are third class citizens (Turkic speaking people)
Not sure anything could be more wrong than this. Cities with Azeri majorities are some of the most developed in the country, including people in high positions with Azeri backgrounds.
Yes Iran can annex that area, but logically it doesn't make sense to try and annex that area. It will mean war with Azerbaijan and Turkey. Not only that it could also lead to an Azeri revolt with-in Iran which could lead to a civil war as around 20% of the population are Azeris and if the other Turkic people join in that would be around 25% of the population.

Iran won't annex azerbaijan, but if turkey will not enter a direct war with Iran. and the azeri revolt is what people see on tv and make it big. it's a small minority of azeri speaking Iranian that go to the streets the majority know that they are Iranian and not turks and don't support turkey at all. but won't see them on western tv.
russia will never leave a nato state (turkey) taking influence in the caspian sea region. the only reason russians still didn't involed them self that much is that this war is going to end no where. neither armenia nor azerbaijan will gain anything from this war, except of destroyed cities and having thousands of deaths. if in any case the scenario should change in favoure of azerbaijan russia will step in maybe not directly but helping armenia with weapons and intelligence.
as for Iran if there is any hostile situation towards Iran, Iran will make limit military actions by sending drones or send some missile to destroy some military facilities, only as a signe.

my opinion is if one more drone comes towards Iran we should destroy the base they coming from with all the inventory that should be enough.
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In Iran Persians are first class citizens (official language status), Kurds are second class citizens (Aryans along with Persians), Azeris are third class citizens (Turkic speaking people)
To my Canadian friend....being half Azari and half Persian myself....Azaris and Persians are both from Aryan stock . Turks of turkey are a mongolin race unrelated to Azaris...Both persian and azaris are so intermixed socially in iran that with exception of few there are no issues of class or alliganc to iranian nationhood...Turkamans of iran are the ones closer to Turkish race.
Iran won't annex azerbaijan, but if turkey will not enter a direct war with Iran. and the azeri revolt is what people see on tv and make it big. it's a small minority of azeri speaking Iranian that go to the streets the majority know that they are Iranian and not turks and don't support turkey at all. but won't see them on western tv.
russia will never leave a nato state (turkey) taking influence in the caspian sea region. the only reason russians still didn't involed them self that much is that this war is going to end no where. neither armenia nor azerbaijan will gain anything from this war, except of destroyed cities and having thousands of deaths. if in any case the scenario should change in favoure of azerbaijan russia will step in maybe not directly but helping armenia with weapons and intelligence.
as for Iran if there is any hostile situation towards Iran, Iran will make limit military actions by sending drones or send some missile to destroy some military facilities, only as a signe.

my opinion is if one more drone comes towards Iran we should destroy the base they coming from with all the inventory that should be enough.

Turkey is a NATO state just in name, it seems like NATO actually wants to remove Turkey from their ranks if they fail to eliminate Erdogan. I am not really aware of the level of animosity between Turkey and Iran so i can't comment on that further.

However i would like to know from you the reasons that Iran supports Armenia over Azerbaijan?
Turkey is a NATO state just in name, it seems like NATO actually wants to remove Turkey from their ranks if they fail to eliminate Erdogan. I am not really aware of the level of animosity between Turkey and Iran so i can't comment on that further.

However i would like to know from you the reasons that Iran supports Armenia over Azerbaijan?

NATO is definitely not happy with Erdogan and would prefer someone else in charge.

Their are a couple major reasons why Iran would support Armenia of Azerbaijan, or at the very least, not support Azerbaijan.

1. Azerbaijanis claim to Iranian territorial integrity. Azerbaijan has made claims on Iranian land for decades, and has clearly signal its intention to separate land from Iran.

2. Azerbaijanis closeness with Israel. Azerbaijan is a known procurer of Israeli arms including billion dollar arms deals, in addition have been known to allow Israeli Intelligence access to their airbases and facilities to spy on Iran.
If that is true then how do you explain the fact that Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei himself is an Azeri? Why do you know nothing morons feel the need to make such retarded claims that are so easily discredited?

I remember when he was completely pro-Iran, and now he has flipped a coin and become totally against Iran.

Who is this guy really?
According to the Last Shah, he was undone by a CIA ops which put both the Islamists and the communists within the same crucible....

Care to substantiate the quoted claim with evidence? The shah actually didn't make that statement. I notice you often repeat this theory as if it were fact, however everyone with a minimum level of realism realizes how the US regime's mortal enmity towards post-Revolution Iran has been a consistent, undeniable fact for the past 40+ years. Including a spate of like minded anti-Iranian users here, who have a habit of cheering the prospect of US aggression on Iran.
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Iran won't annex azerbaijan, but if turkey will not enter a direct war with Iran. and the azeri revolt is what people see on tv and make it big. it's a small minority of azeri speaking Iranian that go to the streets the majority know that they are Iranian and not turks and don't support turkey at all. but won't see them on western tv.
russia will never leave a nato state (turkey) taking influence in the caspian sea region. the only reason russians still didn't involed them self that much is that this war is going to end no where. neither armenia nor azerbaijan will gain anything from this war, except of destroyed cities and having thousands of deaths. if in any case the scenario should change in favoure of azerbaijan russia will step in maybe not directly but helping armenia with weapons and intelligence.
as for Iran if there is any hostile situation towards Iran, Iran will make limit military actions by sending drones or send some missile to destroy some military facilities, only as a signe.

my opinion is if one more drone comes towards Iran we should destroy the base they coming from with all the inventory that should be enough.

It is difficult to see two Muslim nations (both Shias too) at two opposite sides of a conflict involving a Christian country (and vehemently islamophobic one at that.)

The point about Israel (though overblown a bit) and AZ claiming iranian territory is totally justified, however it would be better to co-opt Azerbaycan than to antagonize it further (especially when it is embroiled in ridding itself of an occupation.)

I hope common sense prevails and we come together on the same side, otherwise we know what Rasulullah saws says about two Muslims fighting each other, or supporting a Kaffir against another Muslim. These are very serious issues according to Fiqh.
According to the Last Shah, he was undone by a CIA ops which put both the Islamists and the communists within the same crucible....

The rationalization by the Iranian Molla regime never fails to amuse me....

I am yet to meet an Iraninan in real life who supports the Molla regime.....

The Western countries are very good at assassinating or deposing the leaders of their allied countries. It is a very honed skill. Being on the recieving end of this, we Muslims have learned to never trust the West as an ally.

They take out their allies first, before even their enemies.
Turkey is a NATO state just in name, it seems like NATO actually wants to remove Turkey from their ranks if they fail to eliminate Erdogan. I am not really aware of the level of animosity between Turkey and Iran so i can't comment on that further.

nato will never kick turkey out. turkey is their door to asia and erdogan knows it, so he plays with the europeans and the u.s. there is more on the relationship from erdogan to nato i already post it here in another thread.

However i would like to know from you the reasons that Iran supports Armenia over Azerbaijan?

well there are different factors: first azerbaijan has really good realation with israel. the israelis have a base in azerbaijan from where they send drones to Iran. in the past we all witnessed that Iran shot down israeli drowns coming from azerbaijan. also mossad is allowed to opnely operate from there against Iran.mossad recruited many spies in Iran azerbaijan and turkey.they have also good economic ties with israel not only militarily. the israelis wanted actually to work with the armenians rather than azerbaijan. but the armenians refused, cause they share a border with Iran and don't want any troubles. so first reason our national security.
second reason as you can see now they want to help turkey to expand and thats a no go for Iran. yes Iran and turkey share intressts in some stuff in the region but also are enemies in other fields (syria iraq etc.).
azerbaijan allowed turkey to deploy terrorists from syria there to help fighting armenia. these are the same terrorists we fight in syria and iraq. (know for people who saying azerbaijan is a shia state it's not. people like to say it to undermine Irans justification to armenia). thats also the reason i always say the war in syria is not a secreterian war, it's a geoplitical war. cause the same terrorist killing shia are now fighting with "shias", so people need to open theirs eyes. the sectarian was a saudi advertisment against Iran.(Iran helped the kurds in iraq who are sunni, helped the yezidis and is the main supporter of the palestians who are also sunni). so second reason is again national security we can't tolerate terrorists next to our borders.
third reason is that if azerbaijan wins the war and thats a big IF turkey will make a bridge to turkemistan. since the russians closed their bases there in the 90s turkey could build a base there. also what turkey and azerbaijan would do IF they win, is that they would try to setup unrests in north of Iran. to seperate the north from the rest of Iran. erdogan said it again and again he wants the ottoman empire back. so third reason is also national security.

there also other reasons but these are teh main reasons.
i want you and others to see that this has nothing to do with religion, it's ONLY about geopolitical power.

hope i could help with that.
In Iran Persians are first class citizens (official language status), Kurds are second class citizens (Aryans along with Persians), Azeris are third class citizens (Turkic speaking people)

Most Iranians are of multiple linguistic-communal backgrounds, categorizing them along so-called "ethnic" categories makes no sense. Genetically, upwards of 97% of Iranians belong to one same group anyway, so there's really only one Iranian "ethnicity".

It follows that there's also no "ethnic" discrimination of any kind, neither on the societal or institutional levels in Iran.

Yes Iran can annex that area, but logically it doesn't make sense to try and annex that area. It will mean war with Azerbaijan and Turkey. Not only that it could also lead to an Azeri revolt with-in Iran which could lead to a civil war as around 20% of the population are Azeris and if the other Turkic people join in that would be around 25% of the population.

1) Their percentage doesn't reach 25. See here for a detailed demonstration:

2) Most of them are of mixed linguistic-communal backgrounds.

3) To Iranian citizens, common Iranian and Muslim identity tops all other identities. We're talking of a staunchly patriotic population that is not going to side with foreign entities, and whose loyalty goes to their motherland Iran first and foremost. Pan-Turkist separarists represent a tiny minority among Azari-speaking Iranians.
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It is difficult to see two Muslim nations (both Shias too) at two opposite sides of a conflict involving a Christian country (and vehemently islamophobic one at that.)

The point about Israel (though overblown a bit) and AZ claiming iranian territory is totally justified, however it would be better to co-opt Azerbaycan than to antagonize it further (especially when it is embroiled in ridding itself of an occupation.)

I hope common sense prevails and we come together on the same side, otherwise we know what Rasulullah saws says about two Muslims fighting each other, or supporting a Kaffir against another Muslim. These are very serious issues according to Fiqh.

believe you me if azerbaijan would kick out israel they would have 1000% Iranian for life time. and now of course the terrorists from syria who are brought by erdogan.
third reason is that if azerbaijan wins the war and thats a big IF turkey will make a bridge to turkemistan. since the russians closed their bases there in the 90s turkey could build a base there.

This would be great for Pakistan, it would give us a way to Turkey through friendly CARs and another best friend, Azerbaycan. We would not have to go through unstable regional actors like Arabs and Iran.

Would love to see it. In sha Allah.
It is difficult to see two Muslim nations (both Shias too) at two opposite sides of a conflict involving a Christian country (and vehemently islamophobic one at that.)

Armenia, and Armenians in general, are not vehemently islamophobic. In the collective representations of the two warring sides, the so-called "ethnic" or rather linguistic factor is starkly predominant over the religious one. Neither Azaris, nor their secularist regime perceive this as a religious conflict.

Armenian communities have been present for centuries in various Muslim majority countries such as Lebanon, Syria and Iran, where they have been socially well integrated and where they have been living in harmony with their Muslim neighbors. There is no widespread islamophobic tradition among them.
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