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Tehran’s Worst Nightmare Armenia Azerbaijan conflict

China and Russia won't intervene to save Iran if there is a full fledged attack on them by a coalition force that includes the Americans, British, Israelis, Saudis and their Arab allies. I am also advocating for Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and the Kurds to participate in the war on Iran and join the allied coalition. Pakistan will receive Iran's Sistan and Balochistan province, united with its own Baluchistan, the Turkmen areas of Iran will be united to make a Greater Turkmenistan, the Azeri areas to make a Greater Azerbaijan, and the Kurdish areas will be united with Iraqi Kurdistan to make a viable, independent Kurdish state.
At the same time, the internal discontent boiling over in Iran among ordinary Iranians who are sick of the regime, will also cooperate to liberate their country. They won't be too happy about Iran losing so much territory, but they will end up with a democratic and secular Persia totally aligned with the West, their dream for so long.
Put down the Crack pipe. Its really messing up your brain!
China and Russia won't intervene to save Iran if there is a full fledged attack on them by a coalition force

that was the case 15 years ago. many things changed since.
as for russia nato is coming closer and closer to her borders. since the regime change in ukraine russias foreigne policiy has changed. i don't think russia will send troops to help Iran but they will send intellligence and weapons maybe advisers to prevent nato & co. to balkanize Iran. i can also imagine that russia would use this war to make some covert operations against nato.
russia won't let nato to control the persian gulf and let alone balkanize Iran and get to her south borders and share the caspian sea with nato.

now lety go to china. as you know china is building the silk road and Iran is one of if not the most imprtant hub for this project. the u.s. is trying to prevent this project cause it's a direct threat to their hegemony. once this road is build, china already said that they will protect the road wiht their military.
another aspect you forgot is that chinas main enegery supplier is Iran. imagine there will be a regime change in Iran and a pro u.s. goverment comes to power. that would mean if the u.s. want they can cut of the supply for china anytime, since all arab countries are u.s. puppets.
china will help Iran in case of war. again i don't think with troops but enough to fight nato & co.
Iran needs to re-adjust its foreign policy. the world is changing. and IRans foreign policy stance is still geared for the 90s/early 2000s geopolitical world.

This war Iran did nothing, while 3 rivals besides it gained, and a friendly state was destroyed.

Russia gets a new base in nagorno karabakh. and it takes over armenian soveriegnty essentially.

azerbaijan gets alot of land back.

Turkey out of nothing has essentially annexed azerbaijan into its province, and created a direct turkey to caspain corridor bypassing Iran. (something the goddamn ottomans couldnt do)

Armenia is shattered.

and IRan has lost its influence on nakhchivan. Its lost its influence and revenue of being the link between turkey/nakhchivan and azerbaijan.

Absolutely pathetic. a complete and utter failure of the Iranian government
Iran needs to re-adjust its foreign policy. the world is changing. and IRans foreign policy stance is still geared for the 90s/early 2000s geopolitical world.

This war Iran did nothing, while 3 rivals besides it gained, and a friendly state was destroyed.

Russia gets a new base in nagorno karabakh. and it takes over armenian soveriegnty essentially.

azerbaijan gets alot of land back.

Turkey out of nothing has essentially annexed azerbaijan into its province, and created a direct turkey to caspain corridor bypassing Iran. (something the goddamn ottomans couldnt do)

Armenia is shattered.

and IRan has lost its influence on nakhchivan. Its lost its influence and revenue of being the link between turkey/nakhchivan and azerbaijan.

Absolutely pathetic. a complete and utter failure of the Iranian government
Not much could have been done:
NK was not even recognized by Armenia itself. Pashiniyan was pro-west, this made Russia angry and we see the results. While it's a big loss for Armenia it doesnt change much for Iran.
  • The new transit will not benefit Turkey and Azerbayjan a lot because that will only make Armenia stronger. Armenia has the future possibility to receive transit toll/tax from this highway/corridor and if Armenia becomes little bit richer in the future, it's not bad for Iran to see prosperity of Armenia. It gives some leverage for Armenia against future attacks. Also the Iranian transit alternative is time tested, reliable and safe, so it's possible that it will be kept used by Azerbayjan and Turkey, especially if they consider strategic goal of keeping their transit safe from possible Armanian interference or blockade.
  • The caspian lake/sea agreement forbids presence of any foreign force in Caspian sea. Turkish military will never be allowed to be active in Caspian sea.
  • Turkey will never be allowed a land connection with Azerbayjan. Russia will enter the war and CSTO agreement will be activated. Iran while not being part of CSTO, will join Russia to prevent such scenario and in background, China is also not waiting for such thing to happen.
  • While losing the war, Armenia has now 5 years time to modernize its pathetic soviet era army and somehow has extended the Russian protection from mainland Armenia into Karabagh, to prevent sudden further loses. If the war continued, maybe they would lose whole karabagh. The areas which Armenia is giving away are mainly parts of mainland Azerbayjan, not part of disputed karabagh. This ofcourse is a setback for Armenia in the sense that they could have used these occupied areas to have leverage in negotiations, now they are giving it away for a ceasefire and presence of Russian forces to preven losing the rest Karabagh (around 2/3 is still in hands of Armenia, around 1/3 lost).
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Turkey out of nothing has essentially annexed azerbaijan into its province, and created a direct turkey to caspain corridor bypassing Iran. (something the goddamn ottomans couldnt do)

This is a bit of an exaggeration
Turkey out of nothing has essentially annexed azerbaijan into its province, and created a direct turkey to caspain corridor bypassing Iran. (something the goddamn ottomans couldnt do)

The road connection between Nakhjava and the rest of the main territory of the so-called "Republic of Azarbaijan", which leads through Armenian land, will be open to civilians and merchandise only - not to Turkish military transports. It will furthermore be surveiled by the Russian military.
Which country do u represent?
Azerbaijan is totally Shia and Iran will gladly shoot down Armenia drones? Are u in the right forum ..eh?

There is no matter of Shia, Sunni, Wahhabi..
Iran is Russia Ally, So it has to support Russia, So it is already supporting Russia,
Russia has already sent its weapons though Irani route,,

Russia has its own interest, except This, Azerbaijan is Israeli friend, and Israel is US ally,
so, there are chances Russia will support Armenia
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