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Tehran’s Worst Nightmare Armenia Azerbaijan conflict

this is a nice interview you should watch, if you have time for it. interview guest is mohmmad marandi, i think most of you guys know him.

Beautiful! The great Mohammad Marandi by the way is an Azari Iranian from the town of Marand located close to Tabriz.

Just another example of a patriotic Iranian from Azarbaijan, loyal to the Islamic Republic like the immense majority of Azari-speaking Iranians, and fully aware of the Baku regime's treacherous alliance with Tel Aviv and Washington.

Azari Iranians in general are deeply disgusted by the small handful of pan-Turkist traitors and ultra-secular Grey Wolf fascists that the Islamic Republic is generously tolerating, and who are known to side with the pro-zionist anti-Iranian Aliyev regime - if a group of Kurds dared even one tenth of any of this in Turkey, they'd most probably get lynched or torn to pieces by fanatisized mobs even before Ankara's regime forces could shoot them dead.

Sometimes I get the impression that Islamic Iran is way too soft on some of her existential enemies. But this forgiving attitude is a consequence of her Islamic ethics and greatness of spirit.
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Beautiful! The great Mohammad Marandi by the way is an Azari Iranian from the town of Marand located close to Tabriz.

Just another example of a patriotic Iranian from Azarbaijan, loyal to the Islamic Republic like the immense majority of Azari-speaking Iranians, and fully aware of the Baku regime's treacherous alliance with Tel Aviv and Washington.

Azari Iranians in general are deeply disgusted by the small handful of pan-Turkist traitors and ultra-secular Grey Wolf fascists that the Islamic Republic is generously tolerating, and who are known to side with the pro-zionist anti-Iranian Aliyev regime - if a group of Kurds dared even one tenth of any of this in Turkey, they'd most probably get lynched or torn to pieces by fanatisized mobs even before Ankara's regime forces could shoot them dead.

Sometimes I get the impression that Islamic Iran is way too soft on some of her existential enemies. But this forgiving attitude is a consequence of her Islamic ethics and greatness of spirit.

nice said bro!
The hope is to have the conflict spill over into Iran and give Iran a big headache...

Hopefully Iran doesn't allow that but seeing as how it's supporting Armenia.....that might happen in the future.
Just like I hope afghan terrorism that your government supports spill to Pakistan but wait it already happened :lol:
Azerbaijan was smart to maintain cordial ties and strategic relationship with Israel rather than Iran. Who came to Azerbaijan's rescue? Turkey and Israel, not those tire headed Mullas and their war criminal generals.
Azerbaijan has a glorious future if it goes on board with the future war to dismantle Iran. They can liberate Azeri areas of northwest Iran and make a Greater Azerbaijan. That will be their reward for participating in the war. The Azeris on the Iranian side of the border will have to launch an insurrection, as will the Kurds if they want to unite with Iraqi Kurdistan.
Azerbaijan was smart to maintain cordial ties and strategic relationship with Israel rather than Iran. Who came to Azerbaijan's rescue? Turkey and Israel, not those tire headed Mullas and their war criminal generals.
Azerbaijan has a glorious future if it goes on board with the future war to dismantle Iran. They can liberate Azeri areas of northwest Iran and make a Greater Azerbaijan. That will be their reward for participating in the war. The Azeris on the Iranian side of the border will have to launch an insurrection, as will the Kurds if they want to unite with Iraqi Kurdistan.
What are you smoking theses days...must have been a bad batch...lol
Azerbaijan was smart to maintain cordial ties and strategic relationship with Israel rather than Iran. Who came to Azerbaijan's rescue? Turkey and Israel, not those tire headed Mullas and their war criminal generals.
Azerbaijan has a glorious future if it goes on board with the future war to dismantle Iran. They can liberate Azeri areas of northwest Iran and make a Greater Azerbaijan. That will be their reward for participating in the war. The Azeris on the Iranian side of the border will have to launch an insurrection, as will the Kurds if they want to unite with Iraqi Kurdistan.
Yeah right maybe they shouldn’t bark at Iran in the first place like the afghans did when they barked at Pakistan.
What are you smoking theses days...must have been a bad batch...lol
He is false flag Indian who hide behind Pakistani identity to mqje hatred between Iran and Pakistan or a Zionist.
Azerbaijan has a glorious future if it goes on board with the future war to dismantle Iran. They can liberate Azeri areas of northwest Iran and make a Greater Azerbaijan. That will be their reward for participating in the war. The Azeris on the Iranian side of the border will have to launch an insurrection

Won't work. China and Russia which are allies of Iran will militarily intervene. Sure, they can take on the Persians, but they are still no match for huge countries like China and Russia.
they can take on the Persians, but they are still no match for huge countries like China and Russia.

1) Outside of three very small minorities, there is "genetically" speaking only one "ethnic" group in Iran.

2) The Baku regime can "take on" Iran? In any full scale war without third party interference, it would probably take Iran less than a week to liberate the entire territory of her former regions of Shirvan, Quba and Qareh Bagh (so-called "Republic of Azarbaijan") stolen by Russia in the early 19th century.
I.R was saying :" Our red line is Iranian soil " ... so for 1 month they are bombarding our soil and I.R doesn't dare to response back ... I'm sure Americans and Persian Guld Arabs are seeing this and next time they will attack our soil because in reality , I.R is toothless ....
1) Outside of three very small minorities, there is "genetically" speaking only one "ethnic" group in Iran.

2) The Baku regime can "take on" Iran? In any full scale war without third party interference, it would probably take Iran less than a week to liberate the entire territory of her former regions of Shirvan, Quba and Qareh Bagh (so-called "Republic of Azarbaijan") stolen by Russia in the early 19th century.

As an Iranian who live in Iran and observe all descion of I.R in past 15 years ( from when I was 15) , I assure you I.R don't care about Iran ... their only real and true policy is "حفظ نظام" ....
I.R was saying :" Our red line is Iranian soil " ... so for 1 month they are bombarding our soil and I.R doesn't dare to response back ... I'm sure Americans and Persian Guld Arabs are seeing this and next time they will attack our soil because in reality , I.R is toothless ....

Nobody is bombarding Iranian soil: these are stray shells unintentionally landing in Iran. Stray shells are a very common and frequent occurrence in any war fought close to an international border.

That's entirely different from an outright aggression, and therefore does not call for offensive military action in response. This has nothing to do with legitimate defence in case of real aggression, so you're invoking a false notion here. And you surely know this too. So why the baseless rant?

Even if some of these shells were fired on purpose into Iran - which will be hard to prove as long as they are more or less isolated incidents, those responsible will benefit from plausible deniability, hence still no clear-cut casus belli for Iran.

Common sense suggests that if either "Azarbaijan" Republic or any of Iran's other neighbours engage in actual military aggression against Iran, that aggressor will be met with an overwhelming response and counter attacks from Iran.

To consider that the US regime itself is not apprehending Iran's deterence power to a sufficient extent and therefore needs to follow the lead of geopolitical lightweights such as Baku, is rather far fetched.

The Islamic Republic is "toothless", as opposed to Persian Gulf monarchies - we were offered an example of this when Iranian allies equipped by the IR, or maybe Iran itself, struck the highly strategic Abqaiq oil facility on Saudi territory proper and Riyadh didn't dare to respond.

As an Iranian who live in Iran and observe all descion of I.R in past 15 years ( from when I was 15) , I assure you I.R don't care about Iran ... their only real and true policy is "حفظ نظام" ....

For my part, I have been closely following Iranian policy for more than twice than time. Not only that, but I've been reading tons of serious analytical and research material dealing with Iran, as well as with other topics, which helps me to keep in mind the necessary comparative outlook at all times. Although I know quite well how it is to live in Iran, in the west as well as in a few other places, I avoid drawing far reaching conclusions based on subjective experience, which by definition can only be fragmentary.

The I.R. "doesn't" care about Iran, ok... maybe that's why all of Iran's development indicators have experienced a steady rise since 1979, and that Iran is not only benefiting from very high levels of domestic security but is in fact enjoying a geopolitical standing and impact beyond her borders unseen since Safavid and arguably even Sassanid times.
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I.R was saying :" Our red line is Iranian soil " ... so for 1 month they are bombarding our soil and I.R doesn't dare to response back ... I'm sure Americans and Persian Guld Arabs are seeing this and next time they will attack our soil because in reality , I.R is toothless ....

As an Iranian who live in Iran and observe all descion of I.R in past 15 years ( from when I was 15) , I assure you I.R don't care about Iran ... their only real and true policy is "حفظ نظام" ....

No intention was behind the rocket attacks. We will sit back and watch their war closely. We will only intervene if there is a real danger. Definitely not soon.
Azerbaijan was smart to maintain cordial ties and strategic relationship with Israel rather than Iran. Who came to Azerbaijan's rescue?

SO you expect Iran to come to Azerbaijan's help when Azerbaijan has chosen not to have strategic ties with IRan? this makes no sense.
Turkey and Israel, not those tire headed Mullas and their war criminal generals.
LOL....but IRan respects Azebaijan's rights to NK...but Azerbaijan preferred relations with Turkey AND ISrael, which is their choice, and Iran's reaction to the ISraeli connection is also iran's choice, but you sound salty as if Iran made the choice for Azerbaijan..Iran didnt.

Azerbaijan has a glorious future if it goes on board with the future war to dismantle Iran.
Ha ha ....US cant dismantle Iran and has given up so i really wonder how regional powers can do what US couldnt do to Iran.
They can liberate Azeri areas of northwest Iran and make a Greater Azerbaijan.
Well try..then Iran will Sharia that invading hand off. I so wish they will try..anybody...Turkey..ISrael..US..nobody wants to even try...i wonder why.
That will be their reward for participating in the war.
Like Saddam was "rewarded"? I dont understand what reward you mean when you invade another country and expect gifts??
The Azeris on the Iranian side of the border will have to launch an insurrection, as will the Kurds if they want to unite with Iraqi Kurdistan.
They dont have the numbers, strategy, motivation or resources to do such, the only place that is possible is in your dreams.
I.R was saying :" Our red line is Iranian soil " ... so for 1 month they are bombarding our soil and I.R doesn't dare to response back ...
So are you saying that IRan should invade NK/AZerbaijan because some rockets fell into Iranian territory?? Sorry but i dunno if you would do well in govt, because you expect such brash reactions from your govt when :

1) the threat(rocket,drones falling in Iran) does not warrant an invasion or strong response(afterall, both Armenia and Azerbaijan know they are no match) and even if Iran was goign to react militarily, maybe the situation is not yet "ripe" for Iran to intervene.
2. You dunno if those rockets and things are tempting provocations by Israel and US to trap Iran in something..
3. You dont have all the information of what is happening militarily between Armenia- Iran-Azerbaijan...
4. Iran is a patient power...Iran does not get hot fast and act fast...

Or maybe you need to admit you just want to see Iranian military in action against NK or/and Azerbaijan? because i want to also see it, and i bet many on PDF want to, but we are not responsible for national strategic decisions for Iran, so we are litearly NOT QUALIFIED to know what is appropriate or not appropriate for Iran to do relative to the NK situation.
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nato will never kick turkey out. turkey is their door to asia and erdogan knows it, so he plays with the europeans and the u.s. there is more on the relationship from erdogan to nato i already post it here in another thread.
Wise words. US and Europe cannot do without Turkey. The Anatolian region is junction of Europe, Asia, Russia and athwart Africa. NATO loses Turkey would crack open the NATO and free Russians. Turkey is the knot that ties belt that keeps the Western order intact.

Europe knows this, USA knows this and Erodogan certainly knows this which is why despite no intention of ever leaving NATO he annoys Europe and Americans even picking fights with Israel. Contrary to what many think Erdogan is razor sharp. He does this to extract the most out of everybody.

By the way the single biggest blow that West could be given by Muslim world is if Turkey left NATO. The single biggest good the Muslim world could achieve is if Turkey left NATO. But fact is even the so called Islamists Erdogan will never leave NATO.

Think about this. What does NATO membership imply? The Turks promise that their young boys and girls are ready to spill blood for America and Europe. Are the Turks prepared to spill the blood of thier young for any Muslim country? You know the answer.

Of course this is a two way street. Europeans and Americans promise to spill their young blood to defend Turks.

Won't work. China and Russia which are allies of Iran will militarily intervene. Sure, they can take on the Persians, but they are still no match for huge countries like China and Russia.

China and Russia won't intervene to save Iran if there is a full fledged attack on them by a coalition force that includes the Americans, British, Israelis, Saudis and their Arab allies. I am also advocating for Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and the Kurds to participate in the war on Iran and join the allied coalition. Pakistan will receive Iran's Sistan and Balochistan province, united with its own Baluchistan, the Turkmen areas of Iran will be united to make a Greater Turkmenistan, the Azeri areas to make a Greater Azerbaijan, and the Kurdish areas will be united with Iraqi Kurdistan to make a viable, independent Kurdish state.
At the same time, the internal discontent boiling over in Iran among ordinary Iranians who are sick of the regime, will also cooperate to liberate their country. They won't be too happy about Iran losing so much territory, but they will end up with a democratic and secular Persia totally aligned with the West, their dream for so long.
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