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Tehran’s Worst Nightmare Armenia Azerbaijan conflict

The hope is to have the conflict spill over into Iran and give Iran a big headache...

Hopefully Iran doesn't allow that but seeing as how it's supporting Armenia.....that might happen in the future.

I think they should have a taste of their own medicine, seeing how they love using proxies even in friendly countries like Pakistan.
I think they should have a taste of their own medicine, seeing how they love using proxies even in friendly countries like Pakistan.

What goes around comes around....but another Afghanistan next to Pakistan will not help Pakistan...

But the Iranians should also realize this.
The hope is to have the conflict spill over into Iran and give Iran a big headache...

Hopefully Iran doesn't allow that but seeing as how it's supporting Armenia.....that might happen in the future.

It is the beginning of the end.

This and the stunts in Chabahar, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq will have major blowbacks.
What goes around comes around....but another Afghanistan next to Pakistan will not help Pakistan...

But the Iranians should also realize this.

If Iran becomes destabilized, removing India from Chabahar should be priority number one, no matter the cost.
I think they should have a taste of their own medicine, seeing how they love using proxies even in friendly countries like Pakistan.

We don't need to support proxies like they do, supporting the governments of the Taliban, Azerbaycan, and Turkey is enough to upset their expansionist and destabilizing plans.

Furthermore we need to deny sectarianism any oxygen in Pakistan itself, that will secure our society against the proxies of Iran in the future.
I like to think of it as a the start of the a new chapter....new players, new opportunities...the end of the book isn't as close as we think. :enjoy:

I mean for the Iranians, the strike against that abusive Sulemani was the beginning of the end for them.
What goes around comes around....but another Afghanistan next to Pakistan will not help Pakistan...

But the Iranians should also realize this.

It would only get as bad as Afghanistan if there was a direct Nato led intervention, which of course our state is against, due to the enourmous headache felt in Afghanistan for 2 decades. However some instability in their NW region will probably make the regime think twice when tempted to cause mischief beyond their frontiers.


I never said we should follow their example, I just feel its long overdue (Karma).
It is your opinion that Iran had nothing to do with Kulbushan Yadav and Indian terror operations, which killed thousands of our citizens.

it's not my opinion it's what the ministry of interio in pakistan said.

"Iran has nothing to do with the activities of Indian intelligence network. Pakistan and Iran are tied through decades long religious, social, cultural and political bonds, and nothing can come in way of our relations," said Interior Minister Nisar Ali Khan.

i don't think you have more information than your goverment!? if yes please share with us. and maybe your goverment will hire you cause you know more than them.

The fact that Iran is supporting Armenia confirms the suspicions of many people regarding Iran's real policy in the region. This is no grand altruistic Islamic defense campaign, but a cut-throat diplomatic and military campaign to expand Iranian influence by falsely using sentiments of Shias worldwide.

Iran is not supporting armenia, not now. why should Iran support azerbaijan and help the wahabis and salafis fighting there. and helping an ally of israel?
all the drones and rockets falling in Iran since this war started are made in israel and used by azerbaijan.
whats your problem you are anti shia and now cause turkey is helping azerbaijan you love azerbaijan. you don't even know the history of azerbaijan and the background all this.
israel is bombing the hell out of palsetian kids and women and you want Iran to help israels ally.
where is your muslim unity when it comes to palestine. btw they are sunni and Iran is the biggest supporter.

still till now you didn't send me any evidence and proof.
i already have send historical facts with what i wrote. so no need to talk to you anymore for now until you don't bring facts.

I am glad that Pakistani, Afghan, Arab, and Azeri Shias are waking up to this reality.

how many do you know to say so. all shias no matter from which country is fighting along side with us.
but as i said show me evidence. no need to chat we you about this things. its a never ending movie to discuss with you.
The fact that Iran is supporting Armenia confirms the suspicions of many people regarding Iran's real policy in the region. This is no grand altruistic Islamic defense campaign, but a cut-throat diplomatic and military campaign to expand Iranian influence by falsely using sentiments of Shias worldwide.

Unfortunately, Iran is not supporting Armenia. Because if it was, you would have seen a lot more destruction of Azerbaijani forces than you are seeing right now. And I say this with great chagrin, because if it was up to me, Iran would stand firmly behind Armenia in this conflict.
I think they should have a taste of their own medicine, seeing how they love using proxies even in friendly countries like Pakistan.
But your country also uses proxies:

Haqqani Network
AlQaeda(Hosting Bin Laden)

and the Islamic Pakistan guy also said Pakistan doesnt have to use proxies like Iran? are you guys in denial? PROXIES is your country's main way of fighting India in Kashmir...how else are you resisting India and fighting back under the threshold of open war? YOur country gave the doctor who led the CIA to Bin Laden 10 years in jail, so Pakistan govt hated that Dr.Afridi for supporting the murder of Bin laden..so what does that say about Pakistani govt or military supporting Bin laden/AQ? Iran also has a relationship with AQ....some senior men are still in Iran now....Pakistani and Iranian intelligence currently have active connections or and information on AlQaeda...so some of these things are just facts, unless people are in denial.
I don't think its possible for Iran to annex Azerbaijan, Its too big a country for Iran to annex, further more it will cause further resentment of the Azeri population in Iran and not to mention a full fledge war with Turkey.

I meant the Nakhchivan area as It poses an existential threat to Iran as both Turkiye and Israel could use that Azeri land to wage a war against Iran.

We don't need to support proxies like they do, supporting the governments of the Taliban, Azerbaycan, and Turkey is enough to upset their expansionist and destabilizing plans.

Furthermore we need to deny sectarianism any oxygen in Pakistan itself, that will secure our society against the proxies of Iran in the future.

I mean for the Iranians, the strike against that abusive Sulemani was the beginning of the end for them.
Wash your mouth before mentioning soleimani
i don't think you have more information than your goverment!? if yes please share with us. and maybe your goverment will hire you cause you know more than them.

Our government, unfortunately, is pretty weak when taking neighboring countries to account. Every Pakistani will tell you the same. Pakistan always plays the long game and gives chances for belligerent neighbors to correct their behavior.

Look how long India has been fighting Pakistan full throttle, but it has taken us 73 years to fight them back.

@PakFactor @Starlord @peagle @PAKISTANFOREVER @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Psychic @Zarvan @Dalit @TNT @Mamluk

You guys have mentioned it before. Can you make our Iranian brother aware of this?

whats your problem you are anti shia and now cause turkey is helping azerbaijan you love azerbaijan. you don't even know the history of azerbaijan and the background all this.

I am not anti-Shia bro, please stop. I don't want to go this route because you have not been openly abusive or accusatory before.

Pakistan and Azerbaycan relationship is old and nothing new. They cekevrated with us in Balakot as well.

how many do you know to say so. all shias no matter from which country is fighting along side with us.
but as i said show me evidence. no need to chat we you about this things. its a never ending movie to discuss with you.

Not all Shias see Iran as a model. After this fiasco, less so. I am telling you of what I am observing in my own country.

When that threatening general of yours, Sulemani, was killed, many Pakistani shias opposed their coreligionists parading his placards in Pakistan, as he had personally threatened us in abusive language and did in coordination with and right before an overt Indian attack.
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Iran–pakistan: A History of Tensions

If Iranian manoeuvres in Afghanistan raised eyebrows in Islamabad, developments on the Iran–Pakistan border further weakened the bilateral relationship. The 2016 capture of the alleged Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav, who entered Pakistan from Iran, was an eye-opener for Pakistan’s security establishment. The episode meant that the Pakistan–Iran border could not be considered a safe zone anymore, and the alleged Indian presence in the Iranian port of Chabahar was a potential threat to Pakistan’s security and strategic interests. It is highly unlikely that the Quds Force was unaware of these activities. Pakistan lodged a strong protest against this development with the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and demanded that Iran was not used as a launch pad for actions against Pakistani national interests.

As Iran–Pakistan relations soured following the Kulbhushan affair, another issue involving the Quds Force came up on the radar of Pakistan’s security circles. This was the recruitment of Pakistani Shias to fight for the Bashar Al-Assad regime in the Syrian civil war. These fighters were grouped under a militia named Liwa Al-Zainabiyoun (or the Zainabiyoun Brigade). General Qaani was a central figure in this recruitment drive in Pakistan. The Pakistani authorities eventually clamped down on a charity organisation that was used as a front group for these activities.

Yet another episode where the Quds Force and the Pakistani authorities had a face-off was the border security situation across the Iranian province of Sistan-Baluchestan and Pakistani Balochistan. The Jundullah, a Sunni Baloch separatist organisation, had waged a low-intensity insurgency within Sistan-Baluchestan, and although Pakistan helped Iran in apprehending its chief, Abdolmalek Regi, the bilateral distrust on the issue never went away. The deaths of 27 IRGC troops in an attack on their bus near the border town of Zahedan in early 2019 prompted a severe response from Iranian authorities. Soleimani cautioned the Pakistani government to stop cross-border terror attacks from its territory and vowed a strong response from Iran if significant progress hasn’t been made by Pakistan on the issue.

The government of Imran Khan in Pakistan tried to address the trust deficit issue with Iran, yet there was no structural change on any of these clash points. Instead of acknowledging and appreciating Pakistan’s efforts to defuse regional tensions, when the Pakistani prime minister visited Iran in October 2019 in an effort to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Iranian supreme leader advised Imran Khan to focus instead on addressing the border security issues between the two sides.

The fact that Iran is supporting Armenia confirms the suspicions of many people regarding Iran's real policy in the region.

This is not a fact but a zionist-promoted myth. Not one shred of evidence or proof was produced so far to substantiate the claim. Only empty accusations and libel were posted.

Also, there is no obligation to support co-religionists if they de facto declare war on you. Assisting zionists in their masterplan to balkanize a nation along so-called "ethnic" or confessional lines, is among the worst types of declaration of hostility one can think of.

That was never part of the deal so to speak, and never part of Iran's discourse either. Still, Iran has refrained from reacting with full blown hostilty towards Baku (despite Baku's efforts to help destroying Iran), because Aran used to be an integral part of Iran and because its people are Muslims and Shias. This goes to illustrate Iran's sincerity and the great consistency of her policies.

Hopefully Iran doesn't allow that but seeing as how it's supporting Armenia.....that might happen in the future.

Iran is not supporting Armenia. The assertion is essentially a zionist-peddled myth with no evidence to support it.

Not all Shias see Iran as a model. After this fiasco, less so

The fiasco here is how the secularist, gay parade tolerating, ulema jailing, hijab banning, fascist Grey Wolves-backed Baku regime has aligned itself on Tel Aviv and Washington's attempts to destroy and balkanize Iran along fictive, non-existent "ethnic" lines.

It's the same plan they have prepared for Pakistan by the way, which is going to be next should Iran ever fall (Pakistan, for her part, is scheduled to be split up between "Pashtunistan", "Azad Baluchestan" and a "Pakistani" rump state consisting of Punjab and Sindh, themselves gripped by constant civil strife).

It is the beginning of the end.

I'm afraid the wait will be long. Much like those Iranian oppositionists in exile have experienced, since they have been dreaming up scenarios of the IR's "imminent downfall" for more than 40 years.

This and the stunts in Chabahar, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq will have major blowbacks.

Naturally, zionists are furious that Islamic Iran compromised their destructive plans for the Muslim world in places such as Iraq and Syria, and so they are hatching plot after plot to destabilize Iran. Already, naive or insufficiently informed folks deceived by zionist propaganda are rallying behind Tel Aviv to continue the hostility against Iran and act as de facto zio-American footsoldiers, similar to their defeated counterparts in Iraq and Syria.

If Iran becomes destabilized, removing India from Chabahar should be priority number one, no matter the cost.

If Iran becomes destabilized, Pakistan will soon thereafter get balkanized and ripped into several pieces by the same very zionists who are now attempting to destroy Iran.
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I meant the Nakhchivan area as It poses an existential threat to Iran as both Turkiye and Israel could use that Azeri land to wage a war against Iran.

View attachment 680941

Good to see you're sincere in mentioning Turkey and Isra"el" side by side in such a hypothetical scenario. Indeed, Tel Aviv and its military ally Turkey would operate hand in hand against Iran.

Don't worry, these zionist dreams will not come to fruition though: both Turkey with its ever growing Kurdish population and the zionist entity itself are way too vulnerable to try and up the ante against a strong nation like Iran.
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