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Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

Oh well, It was Sinhalese now had done everything. Tamil were just little wee babies. Don't pull your BS here. It was Tamil leaders who left National political movement in 1920s for some petty reasons. It was Tamils who asked for 50-50 federal representation when there were only 30% of Tamil speaking population. It was Tamil leaders who opposed universal franchise in 1930s. You think it was Sinhalese who had started all this nonsense. Sinhalese were merely reacting to what Tamils were doing.

Tamils have every opportunity in Sri Lanka to become equal partners of government. Even Tamil can become president of Sri Lanka. We are at peace with Tamils, it is TNA that wants to continue their political fight as the saying goes on one can wake the person who pretends to sleep.
This is a thread where LTTE supporter is using indian internal politics for their own anti indian ambitions. I dont want to drag SL into this and spoil the entertainment in the thread.
this is why i call you a modaya

India allowed anti SL tamil nationalism to grow in India. They have not realised the danger in it

what makes you think manlion is a sri lankan muslim? Manlion is a SL origin tamil living in west who is an LTTE supporter. Cant imagine how an LTTE supporter whom you consider as fellow Hindus can threaten India. You do not know much about LTTE. Manlion is a classic example of the anti indian nature of LTTE. SL muslims will never support separatism in SL
ok..why a srilankan tamilan so concerned about palestian,burma and other islam related issues,then??...he is anti Indian,anti Hindu to the core(once he openly called Hinduism a pagan and islam a modern cult)..just look his verbal rantings against hinduism and praising islam each and every time he stays here??
may be LTTE is anti Indian.but why anti hindu??..he is here just to create rifts between Indians...i am not a fool to believe him as a Tamil hindu..
ok..why a srilankan tamilan so concerned about palestian,burma and other islam related issues,then??...he is anti Indian,anti Hindu to the core(once he openly called Hinduism a pagan and islam a modern cult)..just look his verbal rantings against hinduism and praising islam each and every time he stays here??
may be LTTE is anti Indian.but why anti hindu??..he is here just to create rifts between Indians...i am not a fool to believe him as a Tamil hindu..

The same reason you and i can be concerned about palestinian issue. Remember he his a supporter of a seperatist groups so he might find some common ground with them. Between LTTE supporters want to gain pakistani and muslims support to reach their goal. That is the reason for everything.
manlion is a Tamil nationalist his hindu identity does not matter to him. There is a considerable tamil speaking muslims. BUt they did not support them. This is their way of getting their support.
He has not insulted Hinduism, he has said the hinduism started among tamils and later aryans adopted it. These people believe in irrational historical things.
some of the LTTE supporters do not care about religion even the one they were born into.

I am from SL and SL muslims will never support LTTE and i know and understand the background he is coming from unlike you.
Tamilnadu is not part of India....It is even worst than J&K.....India will never be able to fully intergrate southern state TN with itself....Better let them go the LTTE way! If they want freedom so be it..stop all trade with that part of India.
BS Tamils are victimised in Shit Wanka and treated like second class citizens. Don't push your bullshit propaganda here

Tamils are not treated like first class citizens in any country including India. LOL you think Canadians treat you as first class citizens? :lol::lol:
That is true..not alone for Tamilnadu but north eastern states also.
TN in particuler as there is no dispute with neighbouring countries but the state itself is a a dispute for India..they are living in their own world and not accepting the change! difficult to integrate them...suggest, cut them off!
TN in particuler as there is no dispute with neighbouring countries but the state itself is a a dispute for India..they are living in their own world and not accepting the change! difficult to integrate them...suggest, cut them off!

What change you want us to accept?? Tamil is one of the classical and long surviving language in the world. This is our tradition for thousands of years, why we should get changed??In what way the tradition you are asking to follow is better than Tamil tradition?? Is the central govt is dare enough to make us a separate state?? don't talk rubbish.. If you think language is a barrier for your integrity, you are generations backward. We are not asking anyother state guys to learn Tamil, why you guys are pushing us?? Just check how big russia is and how many languages are used there.
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then keep your verbal rantings within your masjid..don't take outside..
when are you leaving for gaza??::

Unlike Sanskrit , Arabic is not a dead language and its not restricted to Masjids or Madrassas

Not to worry about Gaza, we are sending the occupiers to hell in piece meal

List of Zionist invaders killed in Gaza:

Maj.Tzafrir Baror
Cpt.Tsvi Kaplan
Sgt.Gilad Rozenthal Yacoby
Sgt.Oz Mendelovich
Sgt.Nissim Sean Carmeli
Sgt. Adar Barsano
Major Amotz Greenberg
2nd Lt. Bar Rahav...
Sgt. Bnaya Rubel
Sgt. Eitan Barak
Major Max Steinberg

9 others were killed, but the IDF has not released their name
Unlike Sanskrit , Arabic is not a dead language and its not restricted to Masjids or Madrassas

Not to worry about Gaza, we are sending the occupiers to hell in piece meal

List of Zionist invaders killed in Gaza:[/quote ]
Medical sources said at least 400 Palestinians were
injured in the attack; many of them suffered life-
threatening injuries, some died shortly after.
Hospitals have no space in their morgues, and had to
line the remains and bodies of slain Palestinians next to
each other after stacking bodies over each other in
morgue freezers.
More than 450 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza
Strip, and more than 3130 have been injured since the
Israeli onslaught started on Gaza on June 8, 2014.
1. Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
2. Ibrahim Salem Jom’a as-Sahbani, 20, Shuja’eyya -
3. ‘Aref Ibrahim al-Ghalyeeni, 26, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
4. Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
5. Rebhi Shehta ‘Ayyad, 31, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
6. Yasser Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
7. Esra’ Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
8. Akram Mohammad Shkafy, 63, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
9. Eman Khalil Abed ‘Ammar, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
10. Eman Mohammad Ibrahim Hamada, 40, Shuja’eyya -
11. Ahmad Ishaq Yousef Ramlawy, 33, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
12. Ahmad Sami Diab ‘Ayyad, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
13. Fida’ Rafiq Diab ‘Ayyad, 24, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
14. Narmin Rafiw Diab Ayyad, 20, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
15. Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Abu Za’nouna, 28.
16. Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
17. Tala Akram Ahmad al-‘Atawy, 7, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
18. Tawfiq Barawi Salem Marshoud, 52, Shuja’eyya -
19. Hatem Ziad Ali Za’bout, 24, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
20. Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad, 25, Shuja’eyya -
21. Khadija Ali Mousa Shihada, 62, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
22. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
23. Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbeh, 53, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
24. ‘Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
25. Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
26. Rahaf Akram Ismael Abu Jom’a, 4, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
27. Saje Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
28. Mohammad Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 2,
Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
29. Su’ad Mohammad Abdul-Razeq al-Hallaq, 62,
Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
30. Samar Osama Khalil al-Hallaq, 29, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
31. Hani Mohammad Ahmad al-Hallaq, 29, Shuja’eyya -
32. Hala Akram Hasan al-Hallaq, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
33. Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
34. Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
35. Sherin Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
36. ‘Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29, Shuja’eyya -
37. Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
38. ‘Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
39. ‘Ahed Sa’ad Mousa Sarsak, 30, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
40. Aisha Ali Mahmoud Zayed, 54, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
41. Abdul-Rahman Akram Sheikh Khalil, 24, Shuja’eyya -
42. Mona Suleiman Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, 49.
43. Heba Hamed Mohammad Sheikh Khalil, 13,
Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
44. Abdullah Mansour Radwan ‘Amara, 23, Shuja’eyya -
45. Abed-Rabbo Ahmad Zayed, 58, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
46. Issam Atiyya Sa’id Skafy, 26, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
47. Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
48. Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 53, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
49. ‘Ala Jamal ed-Deen Barda’, 35, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
50. Omar Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
51. Ghada Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shuja’eyya -
52. Ghada Sobhi Sa’adi Ayyad, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
53. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman ‘Adwan, 39, Shuja’eyya -
54. Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55, Shuja’eyya -
55. Fahmi Abdul-Aziz Abu Sa’id, 29, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
56. Kenan Hasan Akram al-Halaq, 6, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
57. Maisa Abdul-Rahman Sarsawy, 37, Shuja’eyya -
58. Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, Shuja’eyya -
59. Mohammad Ra’ed Ehsan Ayyad, 6, Shuja’eyya -
60. Mohammad Rami Fathi ‘Ayyad, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
61. Mohammad Ra’ed Ehsan ‘Akeela, 19, Shuja’eyya -
62. Mohammad Ziad Ali Za’bout, 23, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
63. Mohammad Ali Mohared Jundiyya, 38, Shuja’eyya -
64. Marah Shaker Ahmad al-Jammal, 2, Shuja’eyya -
65. Marwan Monir Saleh Qonfid, 23, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
66. Marwa Salman Ahmad Sarsawy, 13, Shuja’eyya -
67. Mos’ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi, 27, Shuja’eyya -
68. Mona Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 42, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
69. Halla Sobhi Sa’dy Ayyad, 25, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
70. Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
71. Younis Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, Shuja’eyya -
72. Yousef Salem Hatmo Habib, 62, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
Unlike Sanskrit , Arabic is not a dead language and its not restricted to Masjids or Madrassas

Not to worry about Gaza, we are sending the occupiers to hell in piece meal

List of Zionist invaders killed in Gaza:
who are these occupiers??
yes, hindus,jews and christians are occupiers and muslims always victims..Israel is doing damn right..don't give any compassion to these blood sucking bearded hamas..

Mattur (or Mathur ) is a village near the city of
Shivamogga in Karnataka , India, known for the usage of
Sanskrit for day-to-day communication.[1][2]
Mattur has a Rama Mandira, a Shivalaya, Someshwara
temple and Lakshmikeshava temple.
Mattur's twin village, Hosahalli , shares almost all the
qualities of Mattur. Hosahalli is situated across the bank
of River Tunga. These two villages are almost always
referred to together. [3]
Mattur and Hosahalli are known for their efforts to
support Gamaka art, which is a unique form of singing
and storytelling in Karnataka. These are two of the very
rare villages in India where Sanskrit is spoken as a
regional language[ citation needed] . Here more than
90% [ citation needed] of the population of this village
knows Sanskrit .

who said that Sanskrit is a dead language??
We dont need to listen any dumb a$$es, when the rest of the world understood the greatness of Tamil language.

Tamil and Korean Relations

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