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Tamil chat

Jinxed girl,i ll show u some pictures of my cousins later in the evening.

U don't have to. I got the point now. Thanks for all the inputs guyz. And just a suggestion, never ever put your personal photos on the public forums like this, especially the photos of your female cousins. It is not a good idea bronxbull.


I think I agree from what u have to say from South Indian perspective . These Tamilian women must be very feminine, cute and simple from the perspective of their husbands. So who I am to doubt about what you guyz have to say? I just wanted to know what femininity and cuteness is/was considering from south indian/bengali and marathi perspective, hence I asked. You are right we can never understand what cuteness and femininity is from South Indian perspective unless we live in those places and get first hand information from people like you. Thanks for all the inputs so far from South and Central Indians! I appreciate it!!

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Oh you look pissed! I was replying to someone else.

Anyways I loved the pic you posted,that clearly shows your level of research & studies about south indian chicks.And yes keep wondering you will never know truth from any indian as we dont give a dime to racist peoples.

I have seen marathi girls, south indian girls, north indian girls as well as Pakistani girls (in my UK/Norway stay).Each of them have their own plus points but none of them are Big-mouthed like majority of Pakistani girls are.

You added Marathi girls in this discussion from nowhere. So I will like to add little about them. Marathi gals from konkan/Goa are by no way less than kashmiri/punjabis in fairness & physical attributes. Also Average girl from Maharshtrian Marwaris, Brahmins, Parsi & Sindhi can any day beat average Pakistani girl in brainy as well as look stuffs.

Use google again, your time start now :lol:
I am getting a sneaking suspicion that Jinxed is being racist.

Jinxed, is it true that Pakhtuns don't eat mutton?

Being born and brought up in Bengali bhadrolok family in Calcutta, i can but laugh when some of these gawars from Pakistani tribal belt try to pull off racist attack on others.

Heck one of her buddy boy even created a thread to show off their aryan ness, that thread was fun.

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