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Tallest Buddha statue to be built on Bali, Indonesia

Ironically, the Buddha was a very modest man.

Yet all the biggest statues in the world today are of the Buddha.

Largest statue in the world: Spring Temple Buddha in Henan province... 153 metres high.

Its not the question of being modest. Buddha started his ideology as a reaction to the prevailing customs of Hindu Religion. And Guess what that was - Idol Worship along with highly ritualistic Hindu society. He started his campaign against these two primary things. He travelled around teaching people against them.

And today the highest statues in the World belong to Buddha. This must be the greatest Irony. Buddha must be banging his head on a wall if he is still around somewhere.

P.S. No offence intended to any religion Just stating the facts.
taxila in rawalpindi and takht bai in peshawar were two famous universities of buddhism

It was both Hindu and Buddhism. Don't distort history just because you hate Hindus. And it was a center of learning not exactly a university in true sense like Nalanda.

Taxila, besides being a provincial seat, was also a centre of learning. It was not a university town with lecture halls and residential quarters, however, such as have been found at Nalanda in the Indian state of Bihar. At Taxila the preceptor housed his own pupils, who paid for their board and lodging in cash or in the form of service to the teacher and his family. The Buddhist monasteries also catered to the needs of the students and monks.

Taxila (ancient city, Pakistan) : Archaeology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Compare this with Pakistan, another Muslim majority country with strong cultural links with India, where the rabid population is protesting to even name a chowk after Bhagat Singh, a 'Hindu'.

Here is Indonesia, a modern country who comes and does beautiful things like these!
Compare Indonesia with India, huge population but less rapes, see, I too can bring up India in every single thread
thats not good india being birthplace of buddhism it should have largest statue of lord buddha

Buddha was against statues. We need to stop this statue measuring contest. Anyways we can't match the Chinese in cash. So they will always end up with something bigger.
It was both Hindu and Buddhism. Don't distort history just because you hate Hindus. And it was a center of learning not exactly a university in true sense like Nalanda.

Taxila (ancient city, Pakistan) : Archaeology -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

lol, and your own sourse doesnt mention hindu word, encyclopedia Britannica

about being university, its an opinion of experts it was, and some say it woast, it is an ancient site nothing can be told for certain if it was or not
lol, and your own sourse doesnt mention hindu word, encyclopedia Britannica

about being university, its an opinion of experts it was, and some say it woast, it is an ancient site nothing can be told for certain if it was or not

Both Nalanda and Takshashila were Hindu-Buddhist centre of learning recieving patronage from Hindu kings. Great Chanakya composed his book nitishastra in Taxila University.
I thought he was born in Nepal?

You have to understand that the borders of India and Nepal were drawn like this only in the last 100 or so years. Buddha was born 2500 years ago. And since the days of Buddha to today you don't need any document (forget passport or visa) to move between India and Nepal. In short this border is only on the map and not on the ground.

The people of Eastern India and the Tarai of Nepal bordering Indian states of UP and Bihar are the same culturally. While people of Hills of Nepal and Hills of India e.g. Gurkhas are again very similar culturally. What I am saying is that culturally there is not much difference between the people of two countries.

Now coming to history -the empire of Siddhartha Gautama's (later Buddha) father lied in the Tarai Hills of India and Nepal though his capital was in the present day Nepal. But his place of Birth is not proven given rise to multiple theories. Technically speaking he was born somewhere on the borders of India and Nepal but does that matter. There is no specific trait (e.g. facial feature/skin color) that can pin him as Nepalese or for that matter Indian. His birth belongs to both.

But then does location of his birth matter? Unlike Gods (in Hinduism and Christanity -Jesus) Buddha was not a god or son of God. He was a philosopher and a teacher. The only thing that should be revered as far as he is concerned is where he attained his Knowledge and honed his ideology and preached and that was definitely India. And there is no denying that.
He never wanted images of himself.

Ancient Indians never showed images of him until like 1st century AD.. Similar to how Muslims will not show the image of profit Mohammad today.








There are so many reliefs like above. Of an empty throne, horse, chariot, etc. Those empty thrones, etc are supposed to represent King Siddaratha.
lol, and your own sourse doesnt mention hindu word, encyclopedia Britannica

about being university, its an opinion of experts it was, and some say it woast, it is an ancient site nothing can be told for certain if it was or not

Facepalm. It has only those four lines that I quoted about Taxila as center of learning and it doesn't mention Buddhist university either.
Congratulations.. & well done. Being the most populous Muslim nation in the World, also goes to show that it's the most secured & tolerant. Unlike many other Muslim nations, Indonesia still retains & respects the heritage of other cultures... mainly Hindu. I'm just curious to know if this Indonesian currency note is still in circulation, the one with Lord Ganesh... Resident Indonesian may pls help..

The 20.000 rupiah has stopped circulating in the system, but there are still those who still uses them in transaction. This is the new 20.000 rupiah, there's no picture of Ganesha though.


& Speaking of Banknotes. Next year the treasury have a plan to introduce a new kind of money into circulation one with less zeroes.

Indonesia Zeroes In on Currency

By I Made Sentana


Indonesian rupiah banknotes of various denominations.

JAKARTA – Dutch tourist Margaret Masteling didn’t know one of her most memorable sights in Indonesia would be right on its bank notes. The rupiah has zeros – lots of them.

“At first it was confusing to see many zeros,” Masteling said in a hotel lobby here. “But I got used to it after a few days.”

All the zeros can be dizzying to a tourist being asked for 20,000 rupiah for a tall Starbucks SBUX +1.32% Americano (about $2). And, the government says, all those zeros slow down cash transfers and hurt the Southeast Asia country’s global image.

That may change soon.

The government began a push Wednesday to educate the public about why it makes sense to drop at least some of the zeros. The challenge is to do that without setting off alarms for everyday Indonesians that the some of the value of the money is going to be erased with some of the zeros.

“Probably for many foreigners who come for the first time to Indonesia, what they notice first is our currency. Their opinion of Indonesia might immediately drop when they see the prices are in hundreds of thousands of rupiah,” Bank Indonesia Governor Darmin Nasution said in a speech Wednesday.

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo chimed in at the event that erasing a few zeros from the currency will make cash transactions simpler.

“Too many digits in our currency could potentially create a problem because the value of the transactions may exceed the number of digits that our payment and recording infrastructures can tolerate,” Mr. Martowardojo said.

Indonesia officially named its currency the rupiah on Nov. 2, 1949, borrowing from the Indian rupee. During the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis, the rupiah’s value nosedived by nearly 85% against the US dollar, and by 78% against prices of goods and services.

As prices went up to hundreds of thousands of rupiah, Bank Indonesia for the first time in 2004 introduced the 100,000 rupiah bank note. That’s the biggest rupiah bill today, meaning an American tourist would need to hand over about 30 individual 100,000 rupiah bills to cover a $300 hotel bill. It also means that locals have to carry lots of bank notes to get through the day.

“The idea is good because that could mean I will carry less bank notes in my wallet,” said Muhamad Yamin, a bell boy at a five-star hotel in Jakarta.

But Mr. Yamin has some worries. He’s apprehensive that some traders might jump on any redenomination of the rupiah to jack up prices for quick profits. He urged the government to impose heavy penalties to unscrupulous traders.

The idea was first privately mulled over by the central bank in 2007. It started to air the idea publicly two years ago, arguing the country’s improving economic fundamentals would ensure success. Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, grew 5.8% on average between 2006 and 2011, while inflation averaged 6.3%.

It’s unclear how many zeros might eventually be omitted from the rupiah, but central bankers have said the authorities may follow the voluntary redenomination already practiced by merchants, hotels, and even rice traders. For several years, they’ve posted their prices without the three last zeros.

But, if all goes as hoped for by the government, it could take several years to change the rupiah’s zeros to calm any fears in the public that the money won’t be worth less. The parliament would need to pass a bill that has already been submitted. Given the government’s big push and business support, it’s expected to eventually pass and be implemented.

Bank Indonesia’s Nasution said during a transition period, which could take between two to three years, the authorities would require double price tagging. Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia would start circulating new bank notes with fewer zeros.

Here's the illustration for the plan:
Compare this with Pakistan, another Muslim majority country with strong cultural links with India, where the rabid population is protesting to even name a chowk after Bhagat Singh, a 'Hindu'.

Here is Indonesia, a modern country who comes and does beautiful things like these!

Look at your country first where Muslims are last in everything

Where Hindu extremist population plan to kill Muslims
You have to understand that the borders of India and Nepal were drawn like this only in the last 100 or so years. Buddha was born 2500 years ago. And since the days of Buddha to today you don't need any document (forget passport or visa) to move between India and Nepal. In short this border is only on the map and not on the ground.

The people of Eastern India and the Tarai of Nepal bordering Indian states of UP and Bihar are the same culturally. While people of Hills of Nepal and Hills of India e.g. Gurkhas are again very similar culturally. What I am saying is that culturally there is not much difference between the people of two countries.

Now coming to history -the empire of Siddhartha Gautama's (later Buddha) father lied in the Tarai Hills of India and Nepal though his capital was in the present day Nepal. But his place of Birth is not proven given rise to multiple theories. Technically speaking he was born somewhere on the borders of India and Nepal but does that matter. There is no specific trait (e.g. facial feature/skin color) that can pin him as Nepalese or for that matter Indian. His birth belongs to both.

But then does location of his birth matter? Unlike Gods (in Hinduism and Christanity -Jesus) Buddha was not a god or son of God. He was a philosopher and a teacher. The only thing that should be revered as far as he is concerned is where he attained his Knowledge and honed his ideology and preached and that was definitely India. And there is no denying that.

But India doesn't exactly exist until 20th century. India back then are ruled by myriads of Feudal Lord/King that encompass the whole subcontinent. The same as our old Empire is nothing more than a coalition of kings & princes.
But India doesn't exactly exist until 20th century. India back then are ruled by myriads of Feudal Lord/King that encompass the whole subcontinent. The same as our old Empire is nothing more than a coalition of kings & princes.

I don't know about the history of your country. But I know about the history of mine. India always existed as a Cultural and Religious and a geographic entity since recorded history. The first refrences of India from an external author is Megasthenes in 320 BCE in his book called Indica.

And from time to time it has also existed as a pan Indian political entity. The first was formed by the Mauryans in 320 BCE and right now the Republic of India since 1947. I will not go any further on this since this has been discussed to Death on PDF but if you are genuinely interested on the topic a good start will be to read up John Keay's "India - A history"

so they arnt fighting for any purpose, dude you just wrote

talibans fighting against the oppressor (americans) for the purose of both their religion and their country

and india is supporting that oppressor, and india always supports oppressor like how india gets aids from british(the oppressor) if they were oppressor please by all means reject british aid

you guys are twisted you know that

there was no india which existed before the british, the hindu term was invented by muslims and the british, the term india also was invented by them, muslims from central asia ruled india for 800 years and thats reality

stop indulging into your bhagwat geeta and other hindu fantasy stories

i also meant that he is not indian, so you need to back it up, for a pakistani i said that there was no india before 1947 and so he was pakistani as he was born in whats now pakistan

so my claim is on that fact, if you say he is indian then you need to show his indian passport

Of course there was India - here is Jinnah's Indian passport -

Clearly states Indian Empire - doesn't state Pakistan anywhere. This proves that he was Indian till he died - if you have a Pakistani passport of Jinnah, please show it.
Of course there was India - here is Jinnah's Indian passport -

Clearly states Indian Empire - doesn't state Pakistan anywhere. This proves that he was Indian till he died - if you have a Pakistani passport of Jinnah, please show it.

is there written india of the british?? :lol:

india was actually the term first used by the british


The 20.000 rupiah has stopped circulating in the system, but there are still those who still uses them in transaction. This is the new 20.000 rupiah, there's no picture of Ganesha though.


& Speaking of Banknotes. Next year the treasury have a plan to introduce a new kind of money into circulation one with less zeroes.

100,000 :fie:
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