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Taliban threaten to target MQM

well instead of relying on ujad illeterate guy to teach you history search it yourself

PPP was not even getting seats in karachi, so its kinda useless to think that PPP was challenged by MQM in any way, the power base of MQM has always remained in karachi which has never remained power base of PPP

No one is supporting PPP here, and now the vote bank is divided on the basis of ethnicity with respect to towns , I would still like to know the basic reason behind the creation of APMSO and MQM ? Kindly share your historical info with us,
No one is supporting PPP here, and now the vote banks is divided on the basis of ethnicity with respect to towns , I would still like to know the basic reason behind the creation of APMSO and MQM ? Kindly share your historical info with us,

APMSO was the result of the university politics, ANP student wing PSF had accumulated large weapons, and IJTwith PSF were being together, both pashtun majority intrigued the mohajirs who thought that they were politically sidelined, the IJT mohajirs and others joined and made APMSO to tackle the PSF and IJT in karachi university..
APMSO was the result of the university politics, ANP student wing PSF had accumulated large weapons, and IJTwith PSF were being together, both pashtun majority intrigued the mohajirs who thought that they were politically sidelined, the IJT mohajirs and others joined and made APMSO to tackle the PSF and IJT in karachi university..
even today IJT and APMSO shares its sympithizers , Ok ! APMSO was formed to politically protect the rights of Muhajir students, then later why do they formed MQM?
you have your opinion, but why are you repeating your crap again and again??

My opinion for you is crap and your opinion for me is horse sh1t. Talk on topic dont be personal, i repeat it 100 times it isnt your concern mods are here for good.
research about it
You don't have answer? Their are two types of struggles we find in Mqm's history, A political, and A voilent. even Amnesty international accused Mqm for being voilent. Can you answer it why or will show a traditional denial?
Why do people still vote for MQM?

MQM is as good or bad as most other political parties in Pakistan. Somehow, it gets demonized a lot in Punjab with Altaf presented as having horns and a pointy tail. Maybe, there is some truth in it but then all other parties are also littered with pointy-tailed creatures and get a relatively free pass.
They vote because otherwise they will be killed I know many voters who voter for other parties and when the reached their home MQM terrorists were already standing outside and asked them why they have voted for other party this kind of elections take place in Karachi what else do you expect and many of them get killed they are not a political party but biggest armed terrorist party of Pakistan which has destroyed its one of the most beautiful and powerful cities
You don't have answer? Their are two types of struggles we find in Mqm's history, A political, and A voilent. even Amnesty international accused Mqm for being voilent. Can you answer it why or will show a traditional denial?

how many times im gonna repeat mqm was violant because army operation was done on them, the pakistani army officers have already accepted it

They vote because otherwise they will be killed I know many voters who voter for other parties and when the reached their home MQM terrorists were already standing outside and asked them why they have voted for other party this kind of elections take place in Karachi what else do you expect and many of them get killed they are not a political party but biggest armed terrorist party of Pakistan which has destroyed its one of the most beautiful and powerful cities

so they got killed :rofl:

the ballet box is not open till the polling is closed, so there is no way to know who voted for whom, and MQM

who kind of brainwashed BS is this?
how many times im gonna repeat mqm was violant because army operation was done on them, the pakistani army officers have already accepted it
So That was armed struggle against army? But they were accused not due to army operation
, But due to riots happened in Rivalry with other political parties including MQM-H, and also for so many clashes and killings had happened later, So, Have they left they basic ethinic based agenda of its initial days or still believe in that?
So That was armed struggle against army? But they were accused not due to army operation
, But due to riots happened in Rivalry with other political parties including MQM-H, and also for so many clashes and killings had happened later, So, Have they left they basic ethinic based agenda of its initial days or still believe in that?

MQM has long left its ethnic agenda unlike other parties like PPP, ANP etc MQM has won in gilgit baltistan which is a proof, and army operation made MQM arm itself for any other operation
MQM has long left its ethnic agenda unlike other parties like PPP, ANP etc MQM has won in gilgit baltistan which is a proof, and army operation made MQM arm itself for any other operation
But still APMSO guys asks first, Muhajir hu? hu tu idhar kyun hu udhar chalo, :lol:
PPP party still have a strong hold in GB, even much stronger then Mqm. Wat about Eastern part of Karachi, still don't manage to win hearts from there?
how many times im gonna repeat mqm was violant because army operation was done on them, the pakistani army officers have already accepted it

so they got killed :rofl:

the ballet box is not open till the polling is closed, so there is no way to know who voted for whom, and MQM

who kind of brainwashed BS is this?
Sir visit Karachi during elections you will know how much the election is rigged in Karachi otherwise you will never know it Karachi elections are the most rigged one
MQM has long left its ethnic agenda unlike other parties like PPP, ANP etc MQM has won in gilgit baltistan which is a proof, and army operation made MQM arm itself for any other operation

90s operation was against a bunch of stone throwing mqm workers ? duh:no:

Let us forget everything what happened in the past. Altaf bhai please come back to Pakistan and take your followers back to india. chordain wo dharti jahan zulm hota hai :P aao apne watan chaltay hain ahahahahaha :lol:
Sir visit Karachi during elections you will know how much the election is rigged in Karachi otherwise you will never know it Karachi elections are the most rigged one

Bhai log catch hold of 10 year old kids to grown ups, take them to polling booths " doors closed lock and load , BUBBA start THUPPA " thats how it goes in karachi during elections. Any one who denies BHAI's order is going back in coffin .
Read this scathing criticism of India, Nehru & the Congress by Perry Anderson--

Perry Anderson · After Nehru · LRB 2 August 2012

He writes:

1) Fake democracy
2) Phony Secularism
3) Kashmir ruled by Guns
4) Muslims are outsiders
5) Dalits brutally oppressed
6) Indians are delusional
7) False Hyper-Nationalism
8) Essentially a Hindu State
9) No progress with Caste system
10) Heading for Break up
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