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Taliban Rejects All US Demands

Since the NATO will never vacate Afghanistan your delegation is doomed. As I said they will remain for at least 10 years in for of air Support and other roles. If NATO was defeated why talk we could have just runaway like the Russian army.
dil ko behlanay ke liye khayal acha hai ghalib.....
my dear if they had won the war, they wouldn't be begging at Taliban's door for peace talk and beg them to let there be peace in Afghanistan. If they had won the war, they would have crushed the taliban and than call for an exit....face it mate NATO lost in Afghanistan, and guys in Washington see it now
dil ko behlanay ke liye khayal acha hai ghalib.....
my dear if they had won the war, they wouldn't be begging at Taliban's door for peace talk and beg them to let there be peace in Afghanistan. If they had won the war, they would have crushed the taliban and than call for an exit....face it mate NATO lost in Afghanistan, and guys in Washington see it now

What ever floats your boat. It is a stalemate so both sides are talking.

Well TTP sent its men inside all the High Security bases in Pakistan. Rotten apples exist everywhere. Such incidents are part and parcel of any battle. PA has faced many such attacks too.
Why are you posting crap news? Please read up and don't mislead.
Were you always like this? Or is it some recent natural phenomenon that has withered away those brain cells? Did you in your wisdom even bother to read in detail para 3 of the second link in the OP and the entire first link? I bet you didn't because if you did you wouldn't have posted this gem.

Oh, never mind. Jumping to conclusions seems to be a habit of yours. Looks like some people are beyond redemption. :fie:
Well TTP sent its men inside all the High Security bases in Pakistan. Rotten apples exist everywhere. Such incidents are part and parcel of any battle. PA has faced many such attacks too.

did you bother reading the news? he was an ANA solider, who turned his weapon towards his trainers over an arguement. The case in Pakistan is, TTP stooges attack wearing Military uniform. No solider on duty has turned his rifle towards his comrades

but Taliban never initiated the peace talks nor they showed their desire for one. In fact it was US which called for Peace talks and Taliban welcomed this news
Its a stalemate? Please look up a dictionary. If Taliban had won there would be no need to negotiate.
All the jobs in the high security zones were carried out with the help of good inside Intel. There are enough middle ranking officers in jail for the plot on Musharraf compared to this act of one lowly soldier in the ANA.
Sir USA is running away and they would run away and run away soon from Afghanistan and the attack on Bagram base have clearly shown who is talking with strength Sir yes I know USA and its allies in NATO are finding it hard to accept the reality that after loosing 3000 soldiers over all they are now talking to same guys who killed them and not only talking to them but also would have to accept their demands

Hello, mr.terrorist press secretary, i hope you won't find it too disturbing to hear that the number of dead Taliban and their AQ henchmen goes upward of 70.000.
I'm also fairly certain that it is in your good nature, as a benevolent being that you are, to ensure the safety of Afghans post 2014, and as such you will be glad to know there will be still thousands of NATO troops left after that deadline.
Since the NATO will never vacate Afghanistan your delegation is doomed. As I said they will remain for at least 10 years in for of air Support and other roles. If NATO was defeated why talk we could have just runaway like the Russian army.
Don't spread misinformation out here when you know squat about future force deployments in Afghanistan. For your info, there will be NO NATO forces in Afghanistan by 2014. However there will be one division worth of American troops including spec ops units, training staff and logistics elements deployed around Kabul, and elsewhere depending on the situation.

If you didn't know, let me put you wise. On Tuesday, NATO launched the final phase of the 12-year war with the last round of security transfers to the Afghan National Army and police. They're all on their way out except for some rear elements who would follow up later.

Or is it that you cannot differentiate between NATO and U.S. troops? :P
Don't spread misinformation out here when you know squat about future force deployments in Afghanistan. For your info, there will be NO NATO forces in Afghanistan by 2014. However there will be one division worth of American troops including spec ops units, training staff and logistics elements deployed around Kabul, and elsewhere depending on the situation.

If you didn't know, let me put you wise. On Tuesday, NATO launched the final phase of the 12-year war with the last round of security transfers to the Afghan National Army and police. They're all on their way out except for some rear elements who would follow up later.

And those forces would be called Ghetto or NATO? As usual spewing bilge water everywhere. After 2014, NATO forces will be there but in their bases and their composition will be decided after talks with the Afghan Govt. and Taliban. Thy will have not only components of SF, etc. but other elements not mentioned for security reasons. Now have some coffee and chill.
Don't spread misinformation out here when you know squat about future force deployments in Afghanistan. For your info, there will be NO NATO forces in Afghanistan by 2014. However there will be one division worth of American troops including spec ops units, training staff and logistics elements deployed around Kabul, and elsewhere depending on the situation.

If you didn't know, let me put you wise. On Tuesday, NATO launched the final phase of the 12-year war with the last round of security transfers to the Afghan National Army and police. They're all on their way out except for some rear elements who would follow up later.

Or is it that you cannot differentiate between NATO and U.S. troops? :P

lol, silly man, you really are misinformed. But then again, you just want it to be true, don't you.


in conclusion, be quiet about things you know little of.
Hello, mr.terrorist press secretary, i hope you won't find it too disturbing to hear that the number of dead Taliban and their AQ henchmen goes upward of 70.000.
I'm also fairly certain that it is in your good nature, as a benevolent being that you are, to ensure the safety of Afghans post 2014, and as such you will be glad to know there will be still thousands of NATO troops left after that deadline.
sir don't worry they would run away no NATO would be their they would be history USA may try to stay but their bases will be conquered and they would be made history
sir don't worry they would run away no NATO would be their they would be history USA may try to stay but their bases will be conquered and they would be made history

Conquered by men hiding in burqa i suppose? Will you be one of them?
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