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Taliban Rejects All US Demands

So sad. I wish you had approached us with that. We are businessman, first and foremost! :D

Only if you were a bit mellow and not gung-ho about your firepower, "General: we will shoot our way through these imbecile farmers, give us the order and we shall level the battlefield.... yada yada yada...." :P

We had approached you but you said you did not where he was?

We have ensured that the PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed and that PA rightly chose to side with the NATO & ANA against the fair and lovely Taliban.

We will support the PA with drones and ANA with air support and hence we have nothing to worry as the boots on ground will be yours since it is your country.

Sir Nato presence will not be their no NATO country is ready to keep his soldiers in Afghanistan after 2014 only USA is looking to do that and they would fail too and eventually run away and these ANA guys don't stand a chance

Troops will be there guard our bases and air assets till the ANA has a capable Air Force. The boots on the ground will be PA & ANA in their respective countries.
We had approached you but you said you did not where he was?

We have ensured that the PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed and that PA rightly chose to side with the NATO & ANA against the fair and lovely Taliban.

We will support the PA with drones and ANA with air support and hence we have nothing to worry as the boots on ground will be yours since it is your country.

Troops will be there guard our bases and air assets till the ANA has a capable Air Force. The boots on the ground will be PA & ANA in their respective countries.
SIR ANA will be taken out within a month they don't have any chance many from inside will cause rebellion against their leadership and Nato would never be able to provide any kind of support after leaving Afghanistan not Aerial or ground
I don't get you dude: "PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed "????

We were never indifferent to TTP. We are killing them in every nook and cranny of the country, while they are being armed to the teeth by foreign powers. Besides, NO ONE dictates to the PA, we make our own choices and decisions. Agreed that sometimes we make bigger mess of things ourselves, however, on the whole we have always managed to hold ground against vastly superior hyper-powers. You have to give it to us, we are relentless. :D

We had approached you but you said you did not where he was?

We have ensured that the PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed and that PA rightly chose to side with the NATO & ANA against the fair and lovely Taliban.

We will support the PA with drones and ANA with air support and hence we have nothing to worry as the boots on ground will be yours since it is your country.
I don't get you dude: "PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed "????

We were never indifferent to TTP. We are killing them in every nook and cranny of the country, while they are being armed to the teeth by foreign powers. Besides, NO ONE dictates to the PA, we make our own choices and decisions. Agreed that sometimes we make bigger mess of things ourselves, however, on the whole we have always managed to hold ground against vastly superior hyper-powers. You have to give it to us, we are relentless. :D

Sir PA has followed the dictation of every second time Sir the biggest example is attacking tribal areas on USA orders and that has resulted in deaths of thousands and thousands of Pakistanis and the war is still going on
Yara, are you from tribal areas? No - I am! Do trust me when I say that 85% of the PA operation is JUSTIFIED. Most of the thugs being killed there are FOREIGNERS and lower lifeforms such a Mahsuds etc etc, who deserved to be killed 100 years ago. Don't tell me about things that you yourself have no idea about. It's not a war of principles or ideologies there, but of treachery by a select minority of violent tribe and their foreign henchmen who have blackmailed other citizens for way too long, more that two centuries that is.

Sir PA has followed the dictation of every second time Sir the biggest example is attacking tribal areas on USA orders and that has resulted in deaths of thousands and thousands of Pakistanis and the war is still going on
I don't get you dude: "PA policy of being indifferent to the TTP is exposed "????

We were never indifferent to TTP. We are killing them in every nook and cranny of the country, while they are being armed to the teeth by foreign powers. Besides, NO ONE dictates to the PA, we make our own choices and decisions. Agreed that sometimes we make bigger mess of things ourselves, however, on the whole we have always managed to hold ground against vastly superior hyper-powers. You have to give it to us, we are relentless. :D

Then those PA old statements of making peace with the TTP and their Jeep march past were figments of our imagination? TTP leaders look very healthy while giving those Press conferences in Pakistan.
Yara, are you from tribal areas? No - I am! Do trust me when I say that 85% of the PA operation is JUSTIFIED. Most of the thugs being killed there are FOREIGNERS and lower lifeforms such a Mahsuds etc etc, who deserved to be killed 100 years ago. Don't tell me about things that you yourself have no idea about. It's not a war of principles or ideologies there, but of treachery by a select minority of violent tribe and their foreign henchmen who have blackmailed other citizens for way too long, more that two centuries that is.
Sir I know Tribal areas mostly those who are killed are Innocent because only few Taliban fight and other leave that area where Army enters they go to other area or stay in outskirts of that area I have full idea of this war Sir Sir they were not their before 2003 came into existence after at the end of 2006 Sir your points have shown enough How much you know about this area :hitwall:
Yara, are you from tribal areas? No - I am! Do trust me when I say that 85% of the PA operation is JUSTIFIED. Most of the thugs being killed there are FOREIGNERS and lower lifeforms such a Mahsuds etc etc, who deserved to be killed 100 years ago. Don't tell me about things that you yourself have no idea about. It's not a war of principles or ideologies there, but of treachery by a select minority of violent tribe and their foreign henchmen who have blackmailed other citizens for way too long, more that two centuries that is.

the Yara crap will not work anymore and most TTP are Pakistanis and the PA knows that and Kiyani considers them Enemy No 1.
Dude, you don't ALWAYS deal with threats head on. That's where you and I differ. They will all be cleared once we settle our borders, we do have brains to distinguish between friend and foe.

Then those PA old statements of making peace with the TTP and their Jeep march past were figments of our imagination? TTP leaders look very healthy while giving those Press conferences in Pakistan.

Kiddo, go play some interactive strategy game, nothing for you to contribute in real world scenarios.

the Yara crap will not work anymore and most TTP are Pakistanis and the PA knows that and Kiyani considers them Enemy No 1.

if USA wants to talk with Taliban, then why the hell USA went to war against taliban in afganistan in first place ?

USA wants to talk now, because perhaps, the situation in Afghanistan has dramatically changed since 2001? read there is a higher chance now that the Americans will get what they want. things change...

more question: is not it Taliban Al Qaeda attacked on 9/11 and killed over thousand Americans ? so America now negotiating the people who killed Americans, where is their Dialog now ''We do not negotiate with terrorist" ?

Nope not the Taliban, the Taliban were accomplices by sheltering and providing nessicities for Al Queda, but they were not the one's who ordered nor executed that attack. But they continues support for AQ was a threat for USA (and western) security across the globe.

on the name of freeing Afganistan America just established bases.

USA invaded Afghanistan not to free it's people but to destroy AQ infrastructure and debase the Taliban who were supporting said group.

When you base your understanding on "facts" that are not true you are bound to reach a wrong conclusion.


Do you never use violence again to get what you want, resorting to patient dialogue and wide-spread petitioning and overall helping of the people?

This comes down to possession power. Their military might is the source of their power, no matter how weak their weapons, this is what brought the USA to try talk. If you believe that they care about the good of the Afghan you haven't been paying attention, to believe they will relinquish the source of their power for something temporary and ever changing like political influence is wishful thinking. In the end after the USA will leave they will have political power either way and probably join the government anyway, either by their name or by a puppet party. Check out Hezballah in Lebanon story.

The Islamic Emirate never wants to pose harms to other countries from its soil, nor will it allow anyone to cause a threat to the security of countries from the soil of Afghanistan.

So they said. Action speak louder than words...

The fact of the matter is that they are Pushtoons fighting for a homeland free of tyranny, local and foreign

They are fighting for control and power, they fight to force their way of life upon others and did so when they had the power to. Or maybe you believe in USA claims they fight for democracy too?
I do agree that they are ethnic group and not an organization. I also agree that the current government does not represent the majority, but neither do the Taliban.
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Dude, you don't ALWAYS deal with threats head on. That's where you and I differ. They will all be cleared once we settle our borders, we do have brains to distinguish between friend and foe.

Classic case of chicken came first or the Egg. Times have changed a flaw existed in the State of Pakistan and that has now been exposed. TTP will go down finally but not without a fight and the border cannot be settled till the question of Pashtun land is decided by the one eyed Emir and the GOP.
Accept is or not, Afghanistan belongs to the people of Afghanistan and Taliban are Afghans. What they said about occupation is dead right.

US is no one to force its demands. It can do it on puppet Karzai but not Taliban. By accepting to talk to Taliban, US has accepted their authority. Remember, just a few years ago Taliban were terrorists for them.

Pakistan had been urging US since 2002 to talk to taliban. But they were hell bent on destroying them, thinking they could do it. They have failed and hence they are willing to talk now.
Accept is or not, Afghanistan belongs to the people of Afghanistan and Taliban are Afghans. What they said about occupation is dead right.

US is no one to force its demands. It can do it on puppet Karzai but not Taliban. By accepting to talk to Taliban, US has accepted their authority. Remember, just a few years ago Taliban were terrorists for them.

Pakistan had been urging US since 2002 to talk to taliban. But they were hell bent on destroying them, thinking they could do it. They have failed and hence they are willing to talk now.

What hypocrisy on your part. May I jog your memory you may fill in the dates from 2007?

TTP-Army Peace accord.
TTP Jeep March.
TTP declared terrorist group by GOP.
TTP bank accounts seized.
PA declares TTP as a bigger threat to the nation then India.
TTP and GOP agree to enter into talks.
TTP says no peace talks with GOP in the near future.
What hypocrisy on your part. May I jog your memory you may fill in the dates from 2007?

TTP-Army Peace accord.
TTP Jeep March.
TTP declared terrorist group by GOP.
TTP bank accounts seized.
PA declares TTP as a bigger threat to the nation then India.
TTP and GOP agree to enter into talks.
TTP says no peace talks with GOP in the near future.

Ha ha ha ha .. Stupid as ever.

Sorry to tell you man, but Taliban in Afghanistan is different from 'Taliban' in Pakistan. TTP has no representation in Doha office. TTP is a terror body supported by occupation forces in Afghanistan.
Ha ha ha ha .. Stupid as ever.

Sorry to tell you man, but Taliban in Afghanistan is different from 'Taliban' in Pakistan. TTP has no representation in Doha office. TTP is a terror body supported by occupation forces in Afghanistan.

Stupid as ever are you. I am talking of the love and hate relationship between the TTP, PA & the GOP. Which cave have you been living in that you never heard of these events taking place in Pakistan.
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