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Taliban Rejects All US Demands

Conquered by men hiding in burqa i suppose? Will you be one of them?

sir you are free to make any assumptions you want to make but when your soldiers would run away you would see it yourself till than enjoy your dreams
sir you are free to make any assumptions you want to make but when your soldiers would run away you would see it yourself till than enjoy your dreams

Those are not assumptions mr.press secretary. :disagree:

What bases have you conquered so far? All you can do is attack isolated outposts having a big numerical advantage and still you fail.
Or mount propaganda missions like Bagram which to any military man was a suicide mission to begin with. But i bet it was sold as a victory to terrorist wannabes.

So, in conclusion, your words mean diddly squat, wishful thinking at best.
For everyones pleasure:

BBC News - Afghan President Karzai to boycott talks with Taliban

Beginning of the end. Btw, where is Sher Malang nowadays? I had asked him to keep his arse nicely oiled post 2014, my pet doggy is so looking forward to capturing him in one of Kabul's neighborhoods. :D

As far as i feel, the transition for US& Nato Way out wouldn't go smoothly....I highly doubt that their will be no blood shed and US &Nato will leave Afg so easily...Taliban wouldn't just let them gooo....what u think??
Taliban will be crushed by Pakistan and the Afghan military ones the US leaves. In fact, Pakistan should be thinking about annexing parts of afghanistan in a few years to eradicate the threat of 'taliban'.
They will let them go. No question about it, however, what will happen in North, will stay in North.

As far as i feel, the transition for US& Nato Way out wouldn't go smoothly....I highly doubt that their will be no blood shed and US &Nato will leave Afg so easily...Taliban wouldn't just let them gooo....what u think??
All the jobs in the high security zones were carried out with the help of good inside Intel. There are enough middle ranking officers in jail for the plot on Musharraf compared to this act of one lowly soldier in the ANA.
as i said most of them were ex- soliders.....just show me one incident where an active -on duty solider turned his weapon towards his comrades......which middle ranking officers you are talking about? most of the lads involved were low JCOs or ncos

the guy you are talking about Rashid was a technician in PAF,
Taliban will be crushed by Pakistan and the Afghan military ones the US leaves. In fact, Pakistan should be thinking about annexing parts of afghanistan in a few years to eradicate the threat of 'taliban'.

Taliban would be ruling Afghanistan with ana guys running away @Audio your generals have accepted that Taliban can't be defeated and your countries are begging for talks to Taliban soon they would run away from USA many off your soldiers have been killed in bases
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all i can say here is Karzai's days are over, jis thali mein kutay ne kahay aaj usi mein peshab kar raha hai.........on the serious note I personally believe now that his days are over, he is jumping like a goon to make it look like he did not went away without a fight and he had balls to stand up to US. he is putting up a good show,

btw i thought @Sher Malang and the likes already ran away to euorpe :unsure:
For everyones pleasure:

BBC News - Afghan President Karzai to boycott talks with Taliban

Beginning of the end. Btw, where is Sher Malang nowadays? I had asked him to keep his arse nicely oiled post 2014, my pet doggy is so looking forward to capturing him in one of Kabul's neighborhoods. :D
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Taliban would be ruling Afghanistan with ana guys running away @Audio your generals have accepted that Taliban can't be defeated and your countries are begging for talks to Taliban soon they would run away from USA many off your soldiers have been killed in bases

Sure sure, begging, that's why Tallytubbies are calling for negotiation:

WASHINGTON — The Taliban signaled a breakthrough in efforts to start Afghan peace negotiations on Tuesday, announcing the opening of a political office in Qatar and a new readiness to talk with American and Afghan officials, who said in turn that they would travel to meet insurgent negotiators there within days.

and go out of their way to stress their goals are limited only to Afghanistan, ie. no harboring OBL's and his clique. Because they know they will have to run to the caves if something like that happens again.

A pair of Afghan mullahs made the Taliban announcement in a televised address from Doha, the capital of Qatar, cutting a red ribbon at the villa that will serve as the office. The Taliban’s political and military goals “are limited to Afghanistan,” said Muhammad Naim, the Taliban spokesman who read the statement.
The Taliban “would not allow anyone to threaten the security of other countries from the soil of Afghanistan,” Mr. Naim added, and they seek “a political and peaceful solution” to the conflict.


Meanwhile, preparations for post 2014 continue

A document obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE indicates the German government is preparing to procure armed drones for foreign combat.

Germany Plans To Deploy Armed Drones in Combat Abroad - SPIEGEL ONLINE

So, please mr. press secretary......
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lol, silly man, you really are misinformed. But then again, you just want it to be true, don't you.

U.S., Germany, Italy vow key Afghan roles post-2014
Let's cut the crap. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said only a NATO noncombat mission force will be deployed.

You probably know the difference between a combatant and noncombat mission force? No? Well, Google it. The U.S troops will be there for combat support roles to the ANA.

Now go take a walk and have some cherry. It's good for comprehension.
Let's cut the crap. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said only a NATO noncombat mission force will be deployed.

You probably know the difference between a combatant and noncombat mission force? No? Well, Google it. The U.S troops will be there for combat support roles to the ANA.

Now go take a walk and have some cherry. It's good for comprehension.

Yes, special forces and armed drones are for non combat duties. You're amazing. Dat comprehension.

Apart from the NATO training mission, the United States will also lead a counter-terrorism mission in Afghanistan after 2014, targeting al Qaeda.

Yes, special forces and armed drones are for non combat duties. You're amazing. Dat comprehension.
Gimme a break! Where the dickens in that article does it say that Germany would use combat drones in Afghanistan? You're either trolling or hallucinating. Or both.

Read the headline of the article again: NATO Allies are discussing keeping a training force of between 8,000 and 12,000 troops in Afghanistan after most foreign soldiers leave in 2014, the United States said on Friday.

Do you even know what a training force comprises of? Or the difference between it and a combat force? Join the Army and you'll know the difference, otherwise you'll keep crapping nonsense till the cows come home.
I believe it is inside job, but they did propaganda that Al-Qaeda did it

This is ludicrous. The US dropped two atom bombs on Japan for killing 127 Americans in Pearl Harbor.

There is no way on earth the US will terrorize its people for the sake of waging two major wars that deteriorated its economy.

Shabash mere sher.

Ask Yzd as to why KSA has gone after the AQ so hard..hint:- its not coz AQ stole some cookies while the americans rammed their own buildings with their own planes.
@Yzd Khalifa Please amplify upon that for my friend here.

Well, 9/11 was a trauma to KSA as we found out that Saudi kids were involved in the attack. Disappointingly, these individuals entered the US with Saudi passports, unlike Bin Laden who's citizenship was revoked long time before the attack. We started cracking down on them as they began to launch their assaults inside KSA, many terrorist attacks targeted Saudi citizens.

lol you really Believe KSA has gone after AQ ? if so then why KSA is the large source of AQ ?


KSA has been going after Al-Qaida long time ago, there is a world of a difference between harboring indigenous radical elements, and a state-sponsoring terror around the Globe, the question is why would KSA provoke the entire west against her?

Someone like Bin Laden with $20 billion fortune or at least part of it, and holding $300 million in hand doesn't need money from the Saudi Gov't at all.

Oh they may be chummy with a few AQ affiliates down in Syria..otherwise the AQ has always had issues with their King.

Once Assad bites it so will the AQ affiliates..never underestimate what KSA can do to religious numb-nuts..it pays to be honest guardians of the Masjid-al-haram my dear fellow.

Besides as I said..wait for Yzd's reply..the AQ is filled with poor saps who don't even know where their place in the game is anymore...ever so easy to divert..sometimes even for good and honest aims. :angel:

Syria's social structure won't help Al-Qaida in at all. When Assad bites the dust, we will handle Syria internally to make sure that no more attacks will be launched at any country, Yes, including the Jews -for some bigots here-

I don't think you understand the difference between a state sponsoring terror, and a state harboring radical elements, aside from that the US never accused the Saudi Gov't of sponsoring terror. We have had problems tracking cash down in KSA especially when deposits are made by Speed-Cash Inc.

Interestingly, Mohmmad Atta never received cash from KSA, guess where did it come from? Well, it was from Dubai!

Did you forget to notice that KSA itself is not complicit in funding..rather certain private citizens are with an emphasis on funds collected during hajj..so who all go about in the hajj..just the saudis..at that rate..Indian/BD/Malaysian/Australian Muslims who knowingly/unknowingly might end up donating to some of these "agents" which the article mentions would end up putting our countries on the AQ fund-raisers list too.:angel:

Does't work that way. Atm KSA's hands are clean as far as "supporting" AQ goes. :D

Yes, KSA had openly admitted that its own citizens did deposit cash and donate money to radical elements, but now, we can easily track down every single transactions.

Why would we instigate the whole world against us? I don't think the US, India, and the UK will tolerate that.
Check this out
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@Audio: I understand your feelings / resentment that how could the mightiest of forces loose to a bunch of cave-dwellers? Well, don't lose heart, you weren't the only ones who lost. Many Empires before you suffered the same fate. Blame it on the geography, too harsh to begin with.

Now let's move along.....
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