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Taliban Rejects All US Demands

why is it so hard for you to understand :hitwall:......here let me rephrase it for you....US SF will be involved in CTO but they will lead it from behind, they will only assist Afghan forces. JSOC answers directly to WH/ US president, and this is where the instructions will be coming from....period

lol....no need to rephrase anything for me, unlike you lot here, i can read, even so good that i read whole articles without breaking a sweat.

Support means assist, helping from behind with assets, experience. Conducting anti terror operations means going in and kicking doors.

here son, another breakdown according to public available info:

But the US envisions a division of its forces. Only 5,000 of the 10,000 American troops foreseen by the plan are to be made available for the training mission. The other half will be earmarked for targeted operations against terror cells and al-Qaida camps as well as for the protection of US facilities in the country such as the embassy in Kabul.
Lute's comments regarding Washington's future troop numbers weren't the only part of his presentation that gave his European allies pause. While the US is prepared to continue offering air support after 2014, tactical capabilities such as the helicopter evacuation of the wounded are to be discontinued.

lol....no need to rephrase anything for me, unlike you lot here, i can read, even so good that i read whole articles without breaking a sweat.

Support means helping from behind with assets, experience. Conducting anti terror operations means going in and kicking doors.

you are more annoying than zarvan dear....thick head
This is getting annoying. But i suppose you've waited on this for a decade and now that it won't be over that soon yet all the resentment comes out. Sorry. :ashamed:

BBC News - Q&A: Foreign forces in Afghanistan

Was talking about Afghanistan, where did i write about Pakistan? You need a stable airfield for this. And btw, i don't think it will be successful, or more accurately, when the international donors stop donating it will all fall apart.
Then in my opinion it will be no man's land (tribal allegiances) like prior to 2001, possibly with foreign bases or not. I wouldn't dare venture that far into the future with predictions.

So you intend to provide air-support for the ANA with said drones? After all so far the drones flew out of Af into Pak..so..back to air-support for the ANA.

Do you know something about taliban rule of Af, ANA "exited" back then too..under a different name and role..Northern Alliance..good friends of India..they even held quite a bit of land against the talibs and kept it free of Omar sahib's nefarious plans. 10 to 1 odds are that the ANA will revert right back into the NA..after all its the same people/soldiers/personnel just different banners.

Dump a few MOABS into waziristan- all of it- right now and your plan might work IF you kill enough of the talibs then you guys can go and support the ANA..otherwise the tribes will go back to rending and tearing each other.

Not that I don't support what you want. We don't want to see the talibs take over either but you got any real plan to prevent that?
all i can say here is Karzai's days are over, jis thali mein kutay ne kahay aaj usi mein peshab kar raha hai.........on the serious note I personally believe now that his days are over, he is jumping like a goon to make it look like he did not went away without a fight and he had balls to stand up to US. he is putting up a good show,

btw i thought @Sher Malang and the likes already ran away to euorpe :unsure:

:rofl: The US has ordered them to lower the Taliban flag and it's been lowered from last 2 hours :rofl:

What can one expect from a group that it's flag is being raised and pull down by the American orders :rofl:
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So you intend to provide air-support for the ANA with said drones? After all so far the drones flew out of Af into Pak..so..back to air-support for the ANA.

Do you know something about taliban rule of Af, ANA "exited" back then too..under a different name and role..Northern Alliance..good friends of India..they even held quite a bit of land against the talibs and kept it free of Omar sahib's nefarious plans. 10 to 1 odds are that the ANA will revert right back into the NA..after all its the same people/soldiers/personnel just different banners.

Dump a few MOABS into waziristan- all of it- right now and your plan might work IF you kill enough of the talibs then you guys can go and support the ANA..otherwise the tribes will go back to rending and tearing each other.

Not that I don't support what you want. We don't want to see the talibs take over either but you got any real plan to prevent that?

Stop refering to me as i have some deciding role or am privy to info. I just read from several sources over a period of time and try to form a semi logical, plausible picture of events. If it contradicts some of the locals over here, not my fault.

ANA air support is getting some COIN Super Tucano's courtesy of US taxpayer.

WASHINGTON — The Afghan military will receive 20 of the A-29 Super Tucano as their new light air support vehicle, the U.S. Defense Department announced.


As for plans to not include Taliban, well public info available suggests that won't happen.

Keep your tongue clean you punjabi stooge! it's time for yours like to think how to save your founding father's British donated houses and villas all over pakistan!

And sticking feather up on your butt doesn't make you a chicken though!
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Keep your tongue clean you punjabi stooge! it's time for yours like to think how to save your founding father's British donated houses and villas all over pakistan!

And sticking feather up on your butt doesn't make you a chicken though!

As an Indian I am all with you.

But can you tell me cohesively how you shall prevent the Taliban from taking over?
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As an Indian I am all with you.

But can you tell me cohesively how you shall prevent the Taliban from taking over?

Taking over? over what? man they should prove that they are able to take over a single district from the government out of 295+ districts all over Afghanistan - these are daily politics between US and Afghan government for certain decisions and each one of them is pushing another for a better interest in post-2014 Afghanistan!

Read this: Russia Shares Kabul's Concerns Over US-Taliban Talks | Russia | RIA Novosti
The invader is bleeding from 1000 cuts. They are ready to run away with their tail between legs. But the brave mujahedeen will make them leave a limb or two in Afghanistan so they never forget the terrible mistake of invading the great Pashtun nation.

This will not be over until the US soldiers are completely surrounded, defeated and captured for mass humiliated by the Taliban.
Taking over? over what? man they should prove that they are able to take over a single district from the government out of 295+ districts all over Afghanistan - these are daily politics between US and Afghan government for certain decisions and each one of them is pushing another for a better interest in post-2014 Afghanistan!

Read this: Russia Shares Kabul's Concerns Over US-Taliban Talks | Russia | RIA Novosti

Yes yes..all of that and yet the attacks continue..and the ANA does not seem to be as capable yet as the ISAF which is understandable given how young it is.

You do not think that post soviet withdrawal scenario is possible? How can one state that with surety?
@OrionHunter if USA wants to talk with Taliban, then why the hell USA went to war against taliban in afganistan in first place ?

more question: is not it Taliban Al Qaeda attacked on 9/11 and killed over thousand Americans ? so America now negotiating the people who killed Americans, where is their Dialog now ''We do not negotiate with terrorist" ?
@Chinese-Dragon @RAMPAGE what do you say guys ?

i am dam sure this negotiation is to turn Al-Qaeda against Pakistan totally (divide and rule policy)

on the name of freeing Afganistan America just established bases.

Taliban didnt attack on 9/11.
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@Audio: I understand your feelings / resentment that how could the mightiest of forces loose to a bunch of cave-dwellers? Well, don't lose heart, you weren't the only ones who lost. Many Empires before you suffered the same fate. Blame it on the geography, too harsh to begin with.

Now let's move along.....

Geography? Its people man. Kashmir, ladakh, gilgit baltistan has more helpful terrain yet their inhabitants are teddy bears which you can terrorize and defeat with one flight of F-16 over their heads.
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:D:D:D:D I love it when I succeed getting on your nerves. Yankee stooge. :D:D:D:D


Keep your tongue clean you punjabi stooge! it's time for yours like to think how to save your founding father's British donated houses and villas all over pakistan!

And sticking feather up on your butt doesn't make you a chicken though!

Well he doesn't know that, nor will he accept it. I teach things people can digest.

Geography? Its people man. Kashmir, ladakh, gilgit baltistan has more helpful terrain yet their inhabitants are teddy bears which you can terrorize and defeat with one flight of F-16 over their heads.
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Afghan taliban can be reconciled but the main problem is ISI sponsered haqqani network (they are not exactly taliban). Its Haqqani network has huge number of alqaida members under its folds, not Afghan taliban of kandhar and helmend.
lol...linking again since you cannot read too well:
Same article as you are pointing out to me...read it in full son.
Clutching at straws, what? Here it is again since you cant seem to get it into your head...

Rasmussen said NATO is preparing a training mission for Afghanistan in 2015. "It will be a very different mission. A non-combat mission with a significantly lower number of troops."

NATO to hold 2014 summit on Afghanistan troop withdrawal | Reuters

Unfortunately, I had to scream at you since you just don't seem to get it. And secondly, don't call me son. You don't know me.
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