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taliban khinzir brutality, why are we negotiating with these pigs?


Jan 20, 2011
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This materials needs to be aired on PTV, and on other media outlets, but who will do that? Nawaz's government? So if they are doing nothing to educate Pakstani people, they (PML-N) are as much accomplice in this brutality as the TTP (and JI/JUI). However, who brought them into power? Pakistani people. Who are being slaughtered? Pakistani people.

Hor chupo!!!

You get what you asked for.
Is this one of the brutally violent video/ set of pictures? Cuz I really dont want my mind to be scarred.

1) Ummah is a fancy word now. In today's world it really does not hold any meaning. Muslim nations are really just allys of convenience. The brotherhood factor is but a tiny dot in universe.

2) T-Bastards attract a lot of jobless, ignorant, violent goofs from all over the world. In their mind they say, "Hey, we accomplished pretty much nothing in life. Might as well try to die in some holy way so we may get a better afterlife."

3) Not really no, but situation is such that we all could benefit from truce than innocents and civilians facing their cowardly hit and run/ suicide attacks.

4) Pigs, goats, lions...name any animal, it would have better rights than them. At-least its in animal's nature to kill for food. They kill in hopes for some salvation.

5) A few people do not represent the state. No T-mulla or overly religious goof represents me nor should it represent you.

6) The powerless swallow the pain and wish for justice in afterlife, people with power...well I haven't heard of any renegade/ savior stories. But that's what they should do. Seek their own justice since govt/ police/ army is gonna wait for when it feels necessary. But then we also come at a risk of increment in revenge attacks.

7) I think that's the issue all over the world now. Due to overpopulation, limited resources/ power, lack of care, people tend to treat life as a cheap liability. The politicians who cry crocodile tears use civilian deaths for their political agendas, they couldn't care 1 bit. Most so called patriots who celebrate their enemy's pain and dead (publicly or privately) would never volunteer for an actual combat, its all internet "gazba", takes birth on forums and dies there as well.

Yes, its a sad world we live in. Maybe another asteroid would be better.
3) Not really no, but situation is such that we all could benefit from truce than innocents and civilians facing their cowardly hit and run/ suicide attacks.

there should not be any truce? how can you decide truce with these animals? truce is with someone who has not resorted to brutality, you can't do truce with these animals?

there should only be a deal that those talibans who didn't do criminal acts will be spared if they lay down their weapons and hand over those animals?
there should not be any truce? how can you decide truce with these animals? truce is with someone who has not resorted to brutality, you can't do truce with these animals?

there should only be a deal that those talibans who didn't do criminal acts will be spared if they lay down their weapons and hand over those animals?

A few days from now when these negotiations will ultimately fail (Also known as truce) and God forbid we face a mass bombing scenario. 100+ dead daily, you may think a truce might have been better.

Yeah so far its going very well, no? Ask/ force T bastards to lay down their weapons. Not only they give a middle finger back but also punch right in the face. God where do people like you come from...
Feel the After-effects of ISI-CIA-KSA Jihad With Russia. That time Was Ok Now it's Bad. At That time Russians were Saying the same exact thing.
Schiesse! What kind of sick fcuks are these people?!
A few days from now when these negotiations will ultimately fail (Also known as truce) and God forbid we face a mass bombing scenario. 100+ dead daily, you may think a truce might have been better.

no never, we don't have any other choice

army should device strategy to make as minimum human loss as possible, but now there is no paracetamol for this cancel, it must be uprooted once and for all
no never, we don't have any other choice

army should device strategy to make as minimum human loss as possible, but now there is no paracetamol for this cancel, it must be uprooted once and for all

A world completely free of evil, :omghaha:, yeah that must be nice parallel universe.

What do you think army has been trying to do so far? Yeah we'll give it 50% effort for min human losses..... Im with you against T bastards, I'd crush one's neck myself if I get a chance but always be prepared for the worst.
What do you think army has been trying to do so far?

army has been politically silenced, i hope political mess aside, we gather the will to go against this monster
army has been politically silenced, i hope political mess aside, we gather the will to go against this monster

Well maybe army needs to realize the situation and stop being "politically silenced" cuz people are dying. It will be reveled to us in a few days.
are we trading the blood shed by this soldier by peace deals?

are we trading the blood shed by this soldier by peace deals?


He's not a Pak soldier .. And please delete the pic... I personally feel tht such pictures only insult the memory of fallen soldiers..

On topic: why? Cause we are retarded!!
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