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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

Tell me what is the economic plan the Taliban have for Afghanistan ?

1-to promote terrorism outside.
2-from past experience they will not recognize the durand line and in this time they will go further, they might be licking their wounds as they know paksitan double crossed them.
That is it though it is not culture. The beard growing thing is Islamic to them. Islamic fundametalism is a problem and has nothing to do with culture. It is not accetable because it leads to death and violence. Are blasphemy laws part of Pakistani culture and should they be respected ? Have you been reading that thread btw ? Look at what some of the people that are being accused of it did.

trust me growing beard was not such a big issue for people despite the fact that they used to get beaten by the taliban. there were other things that makes the taliban anti afghanistan.
But if the Talibans are sheltering the terrorists who attacked the twin towers, the Americans have every right to attack them.
Miss Ridley and others convert to islam to escape execution. The taliban gives them a choice of conversion or execution. I am pretty sure she would have forgotten about islam as soon as she got released. Just check the latest Norweigean journalist's documentary on Taliban.

Actually it was the other way around, i have been to one of Miss Ridley's speeches where she described what happened. She said the Taliban made her promise that she would study the Quran when she went back to England, a promise she kept and consequently she decided to convert to Islam personally, not by force. Also she describes the treatment she recieved from the Taliban as very good. Dont get me wrong, im no fan of the Taliban, am the exact opposite actually but just the example you gave was wrong.
On topic, loss of any life is sad whether it be American, Afghan, Pakistani etc. We are all human, we all have families and friends who love us who will miss us. Though i have no love for the American army nevertheless one should show a certain amount of respect especially if the enemy are the Taliban, another "army" i have no respect for.
trust me growing beard was not such a big issue for people despite the fact that they used to get beaten by the taliban. there were other things that makes the taliban anti afghanistan.

That is the problem. I am not against the beard growing and wearing of what you want. It is simply unacceptable that people have to suffer and die to conform to the views of a single group. Calling it culture is a excuse.

If any of the below is part of Afghani culture then please say so.

Taliban restrictions and mistreatment of women include the:

1- Complete ban on women's work outside the home, which also applies to female teachers, engineers and most professionals. Only a few female doctors and nurses are allowed to work in some hospitals in Kabul.

2- Complete ban on women's activity outside the home unless accompanied by a mahram (close male relative such as a father, brother or husband).

3- Ban on women dealing with male shopkeepers.

4- Ban on women being treated by male doctors.

5- Ban on women studying at schools, universities or any other educational institution. (Taliban have converted girls' schools into religious seminaries.)

6- Requirement that women wear a long veil (Burqa), which covers them from head to toe.

7- Whipping, beating and verbal abuse of women not clothed in accordance with Taliban rules, or of women unaccompanied by a mahram.

8- Whipping of women in public for having non-covered ankles.

9- Public stoning of women accused of having sex outside marriage. (A number of lovers are stoned to death under this rule).

10- Ban on the use of cosmetics. (Many women with painted nails have had fingers cut off).

11- Ban on women talking or shaking hands with non-mahram males.

12- Ban on women laughing loudly. (No stranger should hear a woman's voice).

13- Ban on women wearing high heel shoes, which would produce sound while walking. (A man must not hear a woman's footsteps.)

14- Ban on women riding in a taxi without a mahram.

15- Ban on women's presence in radio, television or public gatherings of any kind.

16- Ban on women playing sports or entering a sport center or club.

17- Ban on women riding bicycles or motorcycles, even with their mahrams.

18- Ban on women's wearing brightly colored clothes. In Taliban terms, these are "sexually attracting colors."

19- Ban on women gathering for festive occasions such as the Eids, or for any recreational purpose.

20- Ban on women washing clothes next to rivers or in a public place.

21- Modification of all place names including the word "women." For example, "women's garden" has been renamed "spring garden".

22- Ban on women appearing on the balconies of their apartments or houses.

23- Compulsory painting of all windows, so women can not be seen from outside their homes.

24- Ban on male tailors taking women's measurements or sewing women's clothes.

25- Ban on female public baths.

26- Ban on males and females traveling on the same bus. Public buses have now been designated "males only" (or "females only").

27- Ban on flared (wide) pant-legs, even under a burqa.

28- Ban on the photographing or filming of women.

29- Ban on women's pictures printed in newspapers and books, or hung on the walls of houses and shops.

Apart from the above restrictions on women, the Taliban has:

- Banned listening to music, not only for women but men as well.

- Banned the watching of movies, television and videos, for everyone.

- Banned celebrating the traditional new year (Nowroz) on March 21. The Taliban has proclaimed the holiday un-Islamic.

- Disavowed Labor Day (May 1st), because it is deemed a "communist" holiday.

- Ordered that all people with non-Islamic names change them to Islamic ones.

- Forced haircuts upon Afghan youth.

- Ordered that men wear Islamic clothes and a cap.

- Ordered that men not shave or trim their beards, which should grow long enough to protrude from a fist clasped at the point of the chin.

- Ordered that all people attend prayers in mosques five times daily.

- Banned the keeping of pigeons and playing with the birds, describing it as un-Islamic. The violators will be imprisoned and the birds shall be killed. The kite flying has also been stopped.

- Ordered all onlookers, while encouraging the sportsmen, to chant Allah-o-Akbar (God is great) and refrain from clapping.

- Ban on certain games including kite flying which is "un-Islamic" according to Taliban.

- Anyone who carries objectionable literature will be executed.

- Anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion will be executed.

- All boy students must wear turbans. They say "No turban, no education".

- Non-Muslim minorities must distinct badge or stitch a yellow cloth onto their dress to be differentiated from the majority Muslim population. Just like what did Nazis with Jews.

- Banned the use of the internet by both ordinary Afghans and foreigners
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Also she describes the treatment she recieved from the Taliban as very good.

maybe they wanted to treat her very differently to reverse their actual reputation:



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Good to see that causalities during war are taken in the right sense around here.

A person, whom I personally can only call a coward, drives a mini-bus loaded full of explosives into a group of soldiers leaving a base. Six NATO soldiers and two Afghan soldiers are killed. And I see a lot of people cheering and saying that it's part of war and that the soldiers were aware of this and deserved it.

Well, I guess you are right..... this is how asymmetric warfare is fought after all. Is it a temporary victory...probably yes. Will NATO get scared and stand down...of course not. They will find out where the attack came from, send in a few gunships and bomb their camps and villages to the ground. If they run across the border, a couple of drones will take care of them and whoever happens to be standing anywhere near them. After a couple of hundred of the other guys are dead, the guns will stop blazing and NATO's boys will feel that they have had their revenge.

Will it then be considered a victory for NATO....not really...perhaps a short lived one till the next round of fighting commences. Will a few civilians also be killed...probably yes. But then again, they knew the risks and consequences of allowing the Taliban among them and thus, maybe they too deserved it. Is all of this fair?? Certainly not...But who said war was supposed to be fair?
I am neutral on the issue.Taliban of course needs to be eliminated but I am not sure why we need to show this kind of sympathy to US Soldiers or Soldiers of any other country (Showing that kind of love for our own soldiers is understandable).Look they kill civilians too so what goes around comes around.Then all NATO do is release PR that we regret the death of civilians and in any case the justification that Soldiers are doing work of politicians hence should not blamed won't work otherwise we could say the same thing for Nazi's too but they were prosecuted even though they said we were just following orders and in any case they are their to fight war i think the whining should end.War is hell and there are casualties.
Honestly what part of war do you guys have trouble understanding. Civilians are going to die. It is not avoidable. There has been no war on the face of this planet where civilians were not killed. The part that needs to be understood is which side justifies killing civilians.
I am not sure why we need to show this kind of sympathy to US Soldiers or Soldiers of any other country (Showing that kind of love for our own soldiers is understandable)

It's called Human emotion buddy, people feel bad when other human beings suffer, regardless of what country they come from.

Why did we show sympathy when the floods ravaged Pakistan and send our money and US Soldiers (Who are probably hated there) to help rescue and feed your countrymen. We could have simply said "good riddance" like some people here said a few posts before and gone on with our lives.
I feel sorry for all the British soldiers being sent to Afghanistan and Iraq...Its not Britain's war and British soldiers get bollocks for this...Those who come back injured and disabled don't get the support they deserve..No wonder many end up psychotic wrecks.
It's called Human emotion buddy, people feel bad when other human beings suffer, regardless of what country they come from.

Why did we show sympathy when the floods ravaged Pakistan and send our money and US Soldiers (Who are probably hated there) to help rescue and feed your countrymen. We could have simply said "good riddance" like some people here said a few posts before and gone on with our lives.
Well it has to be mutual.Sadly, I've seen enough comments to CNN to realize how bigoted some people are.Even on flood news there were thousand of commentators saying stuff like i hope more muslims die etc.So please don't give me a lecture about morality.It goes both ways.:cheers:
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