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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

You're avoiding one very important question. For thje sake of argument I accept that the Talibans have extreme views of Islam but does that give the americans the right to invade and bomb Afghanistan?
No...It does not. But harboring al-Qaeda who attacked US does give US that right. This is a lame attempt to distract attention from the Taliban's association with al-Qaeda and to portray the US as engaging in a war in Afghanistan solely for religious differences. But if you want to take that route, then those 'Death to America' rallies so popular among the muslims tantamount to declarations of war. Take your pick.
Taliban were arrogant bastards.They thought no body could do something to them so they even backstabbed Pakistan.Good Riddance i say.We should play clever game.In fact we should invite our rival to send troops to Afghanistan.Let's fight with Taliban (who of course needs to be eliminated) using our enemies troops.Both of them die in the process..
They were all gunmen from both sides, the more they had killed each other the better for the rest of our people, but taliban went to houses, took everybody out and shot them dead which didnt fit their caracterastic, be it language, ethnicity, religion or way of life. Masacares, burning houses, villages, cities was not something new to them.

Nothing new in Afghanistan. Northern Alliance forces were just as bad, if not worse. Dostum, Masood, the Taliban all were in the same business of slaughtering their enemies that happened to be of different ethnic/religious groups. This was down to their lack of accountibility. But it was not restricted to the Taliban. The Northern Alliance were from the same cloth as well.

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