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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

Actually it was the other way around, i have been to one of Miss Ridley's speeches where she described what happened. She said the Taliban made her promise that she would study the Quran when she went back to England, a promise she kept and consequently she decided to convert to Islam personally, not by force. Also she describes the treatment she recieved from the Taliban as very good. Dont get me wrong, im no fan of the Taliban, am the exact opposite actually but just the example you gave was wrong.

assalam alaikum

Brother nobody would say that what ever taliban did was right but to say taliban cant fight the invaders and those invaders can commit atrocities is fine and when taliban inforce their rule wrong this is what we object on.

Most of the ppl who talk about taliban wound not have heard their name before 9/11 and now they have become expert on afghanistan
I didnot have time to search for miss Ridley interview before she riverted and as u stated and i did in earlier post she became muslim on Great Britain Land and not the prison of taliban ( and the sword on her neck). It shows how these ppl r ill informed or may be trying to twist the facts.

Good to see that causalities during war are taken in the right sense around here.

A person, whom I personally can only call a coward, drives a mini-bus loaded full of explosives into a group of soldiers leaving a base. Six NATO soldiers and two Afghan soldiers are killed. And I see a lot of people cheering and saying that it's part of war and that the soldiers were aware of this and deserved it.

Well, I guess you are right..... this is how asymmetric warfare is fought after all. Is it a temporary victory...probably yes. Will NATO get scared and stand down...of course not. They will find out where the attack came from, send in a few gunships and bomb their camps and villages to the ground. If they run across the border, a couple of drones will take care of them and whoever happens to be standing anywhere near them. After a couple of hundred of the other guys are dead, the guns will stop blazing and NATO's boys will feel that they have had their revenge.

Will it then be considered a victory for NATO....not really...perhaps a short lived one till the next round of fighting commences. Will a few civilians also be killed...probably yes. But then again, they knew the risks and consequences of allowing the Taliban among them and thus, maybe they too deserved it. Is all of this fair?? Certainly not...But who said war was supposed to be fair?

If u think we r happy that some of the western soldiers r dead then u missed our point see my first post i called it a sad moment but some ppl can bomb the whole nation and doesnot feel ashamed but when some of their soldiers killed in foreign land they occupied they cry.

Killing of taliban resulted in more taliban and see how stronge they became after these years. Day by Day the west is loosing their soldier for an unfair war.

Yes we want the end of this unfair war and the west leave the ppl of afghanistan solve their own problem since this is their history.

But mate, these soldiers chose to join the army, and they knew what was coming. You are right that the soldiers aren't calling the shots, but regardless, they voluntarily carry out the commands of their commanders.
Those soldiers are murderers, hence deserve to be killed. There really is nothing to "disagree" here.
Honestly what part of war do you guys have trouble understanding. Civilians are going to die.

American civilians are not dying, the U.S. is not being bombed with tens of thousands of missiles and illegal weapons. The aggressor is the U.S. I'm appalled by this attitude.
^Again? I've never been here before. I'm telling the truth and I'm not glorifying terrorist American "soldiers". I assume that's a good enough reason to be banned!
Hello jayron,

Since u could not provide me any source or link of Miss Ridley saying she was forced to islam and while she is living in west where she has the freedom of speech, i would take it she was not forced by taliban to rivert to islam. A lesstion from history after she was recovered from afghanistan. She gave an interview and answering to the question if she became muslim she said i m studying islam and have not revirted yet. After may some months when she announced herself a muslim.

When osama came to pakistan and then to afghanistan ( he was a freedom fight mujahid by west ) and to the soviet unions he was a notorious person. Calling someone terrorist is a ralative term and everybody uses it to suits them. In the mid 80's when i was studying in U.S the western press had full praises for these guys.

As i stated earlier I point finger to anyone who commits a crime or do harm to others.

I can talk about pakistan and wat their ppl wants but this thread is not for that.

One of the allegations about taliban they used to force the ladies burqa yes this is true and we used to say it is their culture and why would say it coz now look whenever u see videos from afghanistan u see women wearing burqa ( who is forcing them now? )

Bottom line is american soldiers have no right to be in afghanistan, there will be no peace in the region untill these invaders messing around there.


to be Frank I don't know about Ms.Ridley. But I just saw the Documentary a journalist made living with the Taliban. They promised his safety at first but then abducted him for ransom. One way to escape them is converting to islam and he did. They released him after much trouble. This is Taliban. Unreliable, savage and stupid.

The woman there wear those primitive clothes because they fear their lives. Taliban is still not wiped out. They will shed the burqa when they know the last Taliban is dead. Since that is not possible, future isn't better for Afghan women.

Bottom line is, Taliban , be it Afghan or Pakistani is bad. The sooner they are finished , the better the world will be. Americans are doing the dirty job Pakistani army is supporting them. There shouldn't be any complaints.
to be Frank I don't know about Ms.Ridley. But I just saw the Documentary a journalist made living with the Taliban. They promised his safety at first but then abducted him for ransom. One way to escape them is converting to islam and he did. They released him after much trouble. This is Taliban. Unreliable, savage and stupid.

The woman there wear those primitive clothes because they fear their lives. Taliban is still not wiped out. They will shed the burqa when they know the last Taliban is dead. Since that is not possible, future isn't better for Afghan women.

Bottom line is, Taliban , be it Afghan or Pakistani is bad. The sooner they are finished , the better the world will be. Americans are doing the dirty job Pakistani army is supporting them. There shouldn't be any complaints.


If u stopped after the 1st bolded part i would have not responded to u since u accepted u didnot have an idea about miss Ridly ( eventhough it was not right for u to comment something that dont go any idea of it ur credibility at stake or knowledge). We r here to exchange view on +ve way and not to score points ( alteast i say it about my self). Again u put urself in not a good situation by talking about some journalist, or documentary made by dutch , norwegian , german of bla bla media group. U have only one side of the story it is may be true wat happened to journalist or may be in not the same way that u have stated. Forcing of conversion if it was true taliban would have forced all the sikhs living in afghanistan during their government when they had all the authority.

Taliban r not reliable , this is not right if they were not reliable they would have handed osama to U.S. After all who in good state of mind would like his country be bombed, loose his grip just for one person. They r not reliable for u, for the west but reliable for their friends or whomever is on their land who asked for their help now u tell me they treated some journalist bad without having the other side of the story i cant accept it. If the international community didnot boycott them and helped them in some ways may had some say on their politics.

Afghanistan is in state of war since 79 when there was no sign of taliban. Taliban r stupid , they r narrow minded tribal culture agree on all these points but does this give the west to invade a country and call them terrorist and take their right to fight the invaders. PPl of the land r called terrorists and and invaders r praised ( dbl standard)

I guess u never seen any video shots of kabul where u see ladies wearing burqas? Again u r trying to twist the fact wearing a burqa or scarf is islamic didnot u see muslim ladies doing it by their own will in the west? Why there r laws to ban burqa, niqab on public places in some wetern countries.

Bottom line is since taliban r muslims doesnot have tuxedos, dont talk english didnot obey the western masters and their allies they need to be bombed and killed.

Bottom line, Most of the muslims do not approve what taliban were doing but never accepted how they were treated before the war or after.

Again dont bring pakistan


The Taliban are the same to us Pakistani's as the PKK is to you Turks.

If you mean TTP terrorists then yes. If you mean Afghan Taliban then no.

Afghan Taliban are not Pakistani people's enemy.

Everyone has the right to defend their nation from foreign invaders.
Millions of innocent people have been maimed in Iraq and Afganistan and millions of children orphaned. But since they are not American, who cares?

have you got any idea how many civilians are delibarately targeted by the taliban? around 70% of the civilian casualties are due to the taliban attacks. in the past they used to mascare villages, thanks god they dont have that power anymore.
Plss respect the dead soldier..! Wheather a soldier is of any country, a soldier is a soldier and deservs respect..!!

May the dead soldiers RIP..!
many members here showed lots of sympathy with talibanis but not with dead soldiers...
what??? when these talibanis kills innocents........
assalam alaikum

Loosing a life is a sad moment, U put the blame on the politicians but the one who was torturing the ppl in abu gharaib bagram or in the other secret prisons r these soldiers.

Taliban is not like pkk. Taliban was ruling thier independent country good or bad.
They r fighting the invaders PKK R NOT FIGHTING THE INVADERS.
I wonder u ppl when object on taliban how u will react when western powers negotiate with them( then taliban will become angels or clean)



We Pakistani's helped create the Taliban and were the ones that got them into power in Afghanistan. Just so that we could have a neighbor who is friendly to us no matter what. But that didn't work out so well, because they hid Al Qaeda from us and the USA. It's our responsibility to help destroy them.

If you haven't realized, they are fighting Pak Fauj, and killing our innocents every day.

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