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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

Like the Taliban that behead your soldiers right ? They also fight for freedom. The ones that beat women in public for not wearing those beehives or for not growing your beard long enough. The people that believe in no type of education but reading religous text and instruct teenagers to become suicide bombers. Bringing up abu grabi is not a argument. You can't say look these people tortured here so what the taliban do is justifiable because both are not.

i think you're both talking about different Talibans.

The beard growing culture in Afghanistan (and the "beehive" one) is stupid in my opinion also. But it is up to the Afghans to decide their own culture. Who's to say people should wear trousers in Africa? It's their culture, if they want to enforce trouser wearing even though you or I may think this is hideous.
Like the Taliban that behead your soldiers right ? They also fight for freedom. The ones that beat women in public for not wearing those beehives or for not growing your beard long enough. The people that believe in no type of education but reading religous text and instruct teenagers to become suicide bombers. Bringing up abu grabi is not a argument. You can't say look these people tortured here so what the taliban do is justifiable because both are not.

assalam alaikum

Brorher Jigs, TTP AND PKK dont campare them with taliban in Afghanistan. TTP is an illegal outfit that need to be delt with like PKK.

Beating of woment denying the education in Afghanistan by taliban doesnot give the west the right to go and bombed them and kill. Just like wat the west do with their women none of Talibans buissiness.
when taliban ruling Afghanistan there were no suicide bombers by them, AGAIN U R MIXING TTP WITH afghanistan taliban.

Bringing of abu ghariab is very relevent and i can give u and example of it, we see after abu gharaib prison scandal how ppl around the world thought of the americans and their soldiers bad actions, but the whole world dont know or dont wanna talk about miss ridley who were under the taliban arrest and became muslim ( just bcoz of their good treatment to her).

i think you're both talking about different Talibans.

The beard growing culture in Afghanistan (and the "beehive" one) is stupid in my opinion also. But it is up to the Afghans to decide their own culture. Who's to say people should wear trousers in Africa? It's their culture, if they want to enforce trouser wearing even though you or I may think this is hideous.

So do you think it is ok for them to beat people for not growing a beard long enough ? It is Simple human rights we are talking here. I wouldn't call it culture. More so religious extremism. These people would not tell you they do it for culture.

Both taliban are the same they only operate in different parts. Both have killed innocent civilians and justify it in the name of Islam. Do they not ?
Cases like this happened in every war by every side. War crimes are part of wars. You think the Pakistani or Turkish army never commited warcrimes ? Your argument holds no face value.

assalam alaikum

Brother Jigs,

I hope u r not justifying the human right violations by the uniformed soldiers while just denying the educations to the women by taliban was made the biggest crime of the history of the world and subjected them to the killings and bombings and.

Here is the diffence between me and u i say punish all those ppl who committed crimes whether they r taliban malitia or uniformed soldiers be it from any country


assalam alaikum

Brorher Jigs, TTP AND PKK dont campare them with taliban in Afghanistan. TTP is an illegal outfit that need to be delt with like PKK.

Beating of woment denying the education in Afghanistan by taliban doesnot give the west the right to go and bombed them and kill. Just like wat the west do with their women none of Talibans buissiness.
when taliban ruling Afghanistan there were no suicide bombers by them, AGAIN U R MIXING TTP WITH afghanistan taliban.

Bringing of abu ghariab is very relevent and i can give u and example of it, we see after abu gharaib prison scandal how ppl around the world thought of the americans and their soldiers bad actions, but the whole world dont know or dont wanna talk about miss ridley who were under the taliban arrest and became muslim ( just bcoz of their good treatment to her).


But if the Talibans are sheltering the terrorists who attacked the twin towers, the Americans have every right to attack them.
Miss Ridley and others convert to islam to escape execution. The taliban gives them a choice of conversion or execution. I am pretty sure she would have forgotten about islam as soon as she got released. Just check the latest Norweigean journalist's documentary on Taliban.
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So do you think it is ok for them to beat people for not growing a beard long enough ? It is Simple human rights we are talking here. I wouldn't call it culture. More so religious extremism. These people would not tell you they do it for culture.

Both taliban are the same they only operate in different parts. Both have killed innocent civilians and justify it in the name of Islam. Do they not ?

You're avoiding one very important question. For thje sake of argument I accept that the Talibans have extreme views of Islam but does that give the americans the right to invade and bomb Afghanistan?
But if the Talibans are sheltering the terrorists who bombed the twin towers, the Americans have every right to attack them.
Miss Ridley and others convert to islam to escape execution. The taliban gives them a choice of conversion or execution. I am pretty sure she would have forgotten about islam as soon as she got released. Just check the latest Norweigean journalist's documentary on Taliban.

No one "Bombed" the twin towers.

That shows how much you know.
REST IN PEACE, to all the civilians and resistance fighter's that these soldier's killed before they got there own medicine.

I cant say more just " HAIL TO AFGHAN RESISTANCE ". :tup:

Your government is giving full support for the operation and you don't question it. But now you guys are rejoicing at these soldiers death. Hypocrisy at its best.
So do you think it is ok for them to beat people for not growing a beard long enough ? It is Simple human rights we are talking here. I wouldn't call it culture. More so religious extremism. These people would not tell you they do it for culture.

Growing a beard for me is a turn off. Beating someone to make them grow a beard seems even more silly. Your question, is it a human right to shave? It is for you and I, yes. Is it a human right to walk around with no trousers? It is for some tribes in Africa, but not for you and I. If we tried it, we would be arrested and perhaps imprisoned for wanting the same right.

The Afghans can draw their own human rights. I should not tell them what the standard human rights are for beard growing.

Incidentally, I don't believe the Afghans are backward people. They have had the misfortune to be invaded by the Soviet Union, which then caused them to view the world and society from a perspective that you or I could not imagine.

Both taliban are the same they only operate in different parts. Both have killed innocent civilians and justify it in the name of Islam. Do they not ?

I don't think any side can claim to be civilian kill free. The Taliban certainly do use cruder methods. Either way, better to have no war, the Afghans to their culture and ways (which will change with development), the Americans to their culture and ways.
assalam alaikum

Brorher Jigs, TTP AND PKK dont campare them with taliban in Afghanistan. TTP is an illegal outfit that need to be delt with like PKK.

Beating of woment denying the education in Afghanistan by taliban doesnot give the west the right to go and bombed them and kill. Just like wat the west do with their women none of Talibans buissiness.
when taliban ruling Afghanistan there were no suicide bombers by them, AGAIN U R MIXING TTP WITH afghanistan taliban.

Bringing of abu ghariab is very relevent and i can give u and example of it, we see after abu gharaib prison scandal how ppl around the world thought of the americans and their soldiers bad actions, but the whole world dont know or dont wanna talk about miss ridley who were under the taliban arrest and became muslim ( just bcoz of their good treatment to her).TARIQ

She became a Muslim because she didnt want them to saw her head off. Non believers are sentenced to death by them. What happened in abu ghariab does not automatically mean that is how the U.S. military conducts itself (for example are you telling me the killing of those POWs by the Pakistani military is how they conduct themselves ?). The Taliban's actions on the other hand clearly show what they want to promote and that is religious extremism. Both are not right but the difference is the U.S. will tell you what happened in abu ghariab is unaccetpable while the Taliban will say all they do is acceptable in Islam.

Tell me what is the economic plan the Taliban have for Afghanistan ? What is their foreign policy going to be ? How will they promote tourism in their country ? The fact is they honestly don't care. The only thing they want is Jihad. They follow the same things al-Qaeda
does which is Jihad till Islam rules the world.
But if the Talibans are sheltering the terrorists who bombed the twin towers, the Americans have every right to attack them.
Miss Ridley and others convert to islam to escape execution. The taliban gives them a choice of conversion or execution. I am pretty sure she would have forgotten about islam as soon as she got released. Just check the latest Norweigean journalist's documentary on Taliban.

Hello jayron,

Nice to hear from u, Many of the oppositions in the 3rd world lived in the west and they had their followers in their home countries and made a lot of trouble while their Govt. called them terrorists i can give u long list. Do these countries have the right to do something to the western countries that have these oppostition leaders.

Miss ridley last time when i checked she was muslim if she became muslim by force she can say it after all she is living in the moderate west and say anything or can have any religion.

Japan faces absolutely no threat from China or North korea and so it has no reason to be worried about their nukes. Japan is a country with a constitution written for it by its occupier, this is shameful. Japan should form its own constitution and get rid of the american dictations. It should be able to form its own policies. As long as the americans call the shots there will always be a chance for the Japanese to get involoved, unnecessarily, in the Korean crisis. If Japan is truly so committed to a nuke free world it should also oppose the nuclear programmes of isreal and india, but do we see that?
She became a Muslim because she didnt want them to saw her head off. Non believers are sentenced to death by them. What happened in abu ghariab does not automatically mean that is how the U.S. military conducts itself (for example are you telling me the killing of those POWs by the Pakistani military is how they conduct themselves ?). The Taliban's actions on the other hand clearly show what they want to promote and that is religious extremism. Both are not right but the difference is the U.S. will tell you what happened in abu ghariab is unaccetpable while the Taliban will say all they do is acceptable in Islam.

Tell me what is the economic plan the Taliban have for Afghanistan ? What is their foreign policy going to be ? How will they promote tourism in their country ? The fact is they honestly don't care. The only thing they want is Jihad. They follow the same things al-Qaeda
does which is Jihad till Islam rules the world.

assalam alaikum,

Brother Jigs, Miss ridley is in the west now she can go back to her previous religion or faith if she was forced.

What agenda taliban have for their country is none of my or urs or anyonge's buissiness just like i have no buissiness who ever rules america or any other country.

Taliban were boycotted by all the countries accept pak , uae and saudia from day one, it was the fault of the international community which isolated them. If the international community had good relation with them may be we wound not be in this postion now.
Taliban was not given a chance to present their foriegn policy

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Growing a beard for me is a turn off. Beating someone to make them grow a beard seems even more silly. Your question, is it a human right to shave? It is for you and I, yes. Is it a human right to walk around with no trousers? It is for some tribes in Africa, but not for you and I. If we tried it, we would be arrested and perhaps imprisoned for wanting the same right.

The Afghans can draw their own human rights. I should not tell them what the standard human rights are for beard growing.

Incidentally, I don't believe the Afghans are backward people. They have had the misfortune to be invaded by the Soviet Union, which then caused them to view the world and society from a perspective that you or I could not imagine.

I don't think any side can claim to be civilian kill free. The Taliban certainly do use cruder methods. Either way, better to have no war, the Afghans to their culture and ways (which will change with development), the Americans to their culture and ways.

That is it though it is not culture. The beard growing thing is Islamic to them. Islamic fundametalism is a problem and has nothing to do with culture. It is not accetable because it leads to death and violence. Are blasphemy laws part of Pakistani culture and should they be respected ? Have you been reading that thread btw ? Look at what some of the people that are being accused of it did.

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