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Taliban gunned down 6 American soldiers.

RIP to the soldiers.

Plz don't look into what Erdogan is saying. He seems to keep forgetting the close to 2,000 troops that Turkey has in Afghanistan. He also seems to forget we fight the PKK who credit themselves as freedom fighters like the Taliban.
Even though I'm anti-war, in no given equation, I see the Taliban doing the killing as something to be glad about.

Edit: Directed at mjsnaud or whatever his name is, but you're welcome to comment.

The uniform argument is a red herring. It's understandable that you're either a soldier, or a civilian. But with the shift to urban and asymmetric warfare, that's not how battles are fought anymore.

There's too much emotion when someone mentions taliban. So take the example of the French Resistance. Would you say they could be treated inhumanely by the Nazis because they were resistance fighters? or would you be of the opinion that they are combatants and should be treated humanely? I think most people would say the Nazis should treat them humanely, and if they didn't it shows they are monsters. The same you can apply here. If you think that it would have been alright for the French Resistance to be tortured by the Nazis then there is no hypocrisy in shrugging off the Bagram or Abu Ghraib tortures.

You'd need to seperate out any emotion you have for or against the warring factions involved.

But for the record, I think all soldiers and civilians, and indeed combatants are puppets of politicians and the system. In many cases they are just doing their job, or just wanting to defend their country and way of life. And I'm against any form of torture or extrajudicial killing.
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assalam alaikum

Loosing a life is a sad moment, U put the blame on the politicians but the one who was torturing the ppl in abu gharaib bagram or in the other secret prisons r these soldiers.

Taliban is not like pkk. Taliban was ruling thier independent country good or bad.
They r fighting the invaders PKK R NOT FIGHTING THE INVADERS.
I wonder u ppl when object on taliban how u will react when western powers negotiate with them( then taliban will become angels or clean)

assalam alaikum

Loosing a life is a sad moment, U put the blame on the politicians but the one who was torturing the ppl in abu gharaib bagram or in the other secret prisons r these soldiers.

There's probably a difference in the duties of soldiers on the frontline and those MI that run prisons. The MP do seem to be lacking in morals.

But I'm not sure of the answer to this. A soldier is just following orders, but also has free will. So do the MI. So those MP in Abu Ghraib should have realized that something.... wasn't.... quite...... right. Clearly some did, but it took a long while. There's probably a difference in the MP and frontline soldier moral compass.
assalam alaikum

Muhammad Ali refused to goto vietnam, but these soldiers r coming to Afghanistan and iraq after getting very good salaries and incentives.


Good point.These yankee bastards and their friends need to be treated the way the Russians and the brits were treated.
Good point.These yankee bastards and their friends need to be treated the way the Russians and the brits were treated..

Now you're getting carried away. Fortunately you're not fighting any war. There's nothing wrong with humane treatment.
There's probably a difference in the duties of soldiers on the frontline and those MI that run prisons. The MP do seem to be lacking in morals.

But I'm not sure of the answer to this. A soldier is just following orders, but also has free will. So do the MI. So those MP in Abu Ghraib should have realized that something.... wasn't.... quite...... right. Clearly some did, but it took a long while. There's probably a difference in the MP and frontline soldier moral compass.

assalam alaikum,

Front line soldiers raped the teenage iraqi girl and killed her whole family, with all the respect i cant draw a line between them since they all have come out with same attitude.

assalam alaikum

Loosing a life is a sad moment, U put the blame on the politicians but the one who was torturing the ppl in abu gharaib bagram or in the other secret prisons r these soldiers.

Taliban is not like pkk. Taliban was ruling thier independent country good or bad.
They r fighting the invaders PKK R NOT FIGHTING THE INVADERS.
I wonder u ppl when object on taliban how u will react when western powers negotiate with them( then taliban will become angels or clean)


Like the Taliban that behead your soldiers right ? They also fight for freedom. The ones that beat women in public for not wearing those beehives or for not growing your beard long enough. The people that believe in no type of education but reading religous text and instruct teenagers to become suicide bombers. Bringing up abu grabi is not a argument. You can't say look these people tortured here so what the taliban do is justifiable because both are not.
assalam alaikum,

Front line soldiers raped the teenage iraqi girl and killed her whole family, with all the respect i cant draw a line between them since they all have come out with same attitude.


yep, there were some cases. But usually frontline soldiers follow orders. I think anyway.
You should tell that to those who run secret torture cells and concentration camps like the Guantanamo Bay Prison.

Though I rarely quote Gandhi.. An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.

Surely the moral high ground is where you'd prefer to be, is it not?
assalam alaikum,

Front line soldiers raped the teenage iraqi girl and killed her whole family, with all the respect i cant draw a line between them since they all have come out with same attitude.


Cases like this happened in every war by every side. War crimes are part of wars. You think the Pakistani or Turkish army never commited warcrimes ? Your argument holds no face value.
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