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Takfir or Islam

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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Friends ask me why when ever I talk, I quote only one saying of Prophet (PBUH &HF) المسلم مراة الرحمٰن I say I quote it because this Hadith briefly teach us what God wants from us. This Hadith also tell us how Muslim should pass his life. Today when I see life of our master Prophet Muhammad (PBUH &HF) and compare his blessed life with that of contemporary followers of Islam, I find that we have nothing to do with Prophet (PBUH &HF) or his religion. I find an observation of a western historian as an absolute truth“Islam which we see is not the Islam preached by Muhammad (PBUH &HF) but actually the practices of Umayyad and Abbasids… actual Islam is yet to be discovered” Today world of Islam is facing the threat of Takfir, which has changed into the single biggest threat ever faced by Ummah. The roots of Takfir lie in the deep sectarian thinking.Takfir is not only present in Wahabism, or Deobandism but also in Shias and Sunnies.Arslan Shah, Grand son of most respected Sufi and Academic Pir Karam Shah, recently told me about his visit to South Africa where he said he met some of the most fanatic Brelvies (those who claim to follow teachings of Sufi saints), Mureeds of Ala Hazrat Ahmed Raza Khan Brelvi, who according to him calls all Wahabis and Deobandi as Kafirs….Similarly News coming from Kurram agency also tells about fanatic Takfiries who are in ranks of Ahlesunnah and Ahle Tasheau. I am surprised how Mullahs and Scholars defame name of Islam and Prophet in the name of Islam, which is actually beliefs and interpretations by them and their elders. Most of us remember that once Hazrat Khalid (RATA) killed few people in Yemen who before being killed said Kalima. When he returned and went to meet Prophet. Prophet turned his face from him, he came from different directions but prophet turned his face. On which Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RATA) started crying. Prophet said “O Allah, I have no Part in what Khalid did” then said “O Khalid did you see kuffer in their hearts? Who are you to judge who is kafir and who is not? Was it not enough that they said Kalima” Those who have read Islamic History knows that Prophet and All rightly Guided Caliphs forbade Muslim armies to kill injure or harm women, children, priests and old people. They forbade to destroying plants and fields….To day we, who claim to be followers of Islam, do every thing which Allah and His Prophet forbade.I have my self come to conclusion the biggest threat which Ummah face today don’t come from out side, but its from Takfir practiced by all sects which makes us self destructive.I don’t understand why we like to call our selves sunnies or Shias when Prophet called his followers only Muslims?Why we like to waste time in debates and then using worst methods for submission of opponents before us on our point of view when these debate and their results will not help us in answering of questions in our graves or on Day of Judgment?I mean Sahaba are Sahaba and Ahlebait are Ahlebait, their lives teach us to be kind to each other and seek the blessings of Allah. We waste time in debates which are not of our level. Where as we forget or intentionally disobey the massage given by them…Shia and Sunni came as two political ideologies…. But today we have made them two different religions with in Islam. Shame on us. In reality and practice we neither follow Ahlebait nor Sahaba… but harm each other in their name… today we have so much hate for each other that we become Takfiries and Kharjies and never realize… Coming back to subject…Allah wants to see his image in us. That’s why prophet said “Muslim is mirror of God” a man can only become mirror of God when he adopts the traits of Allah…. which is blessing and kindness to all living things, not only for Muslims… when we leave Allah we become Kafirs and Kafir is the person who deny Allah. We deny Allah with our actions and deeds.I ask Takfiries belonging to any sect… do you know Qur’an and Sunnah more then prophet, His family members or his Sahaba?If not then ask forgiveness from Allah for what you are doing. One can understand Islam only from the way Prophet (PBUH &HF) lived his life, after Prophet(PBUH &HF) his Ahlebait and Sahaba are model. Follow them not any Takfiri or any sectarian scholar whose opinion may take us to depths of hell. Muslim are one, weather Shia or Sunni…Muslim may be weak but any one who believe in لا الہ الااللہ محمد رسول اللہ Is a Muslim. Weather his faith matches my school of thought or not. If I want Allah to remain happy with me…I have to look after and care for any Kalima goes (one who says Kalima). One thing to remember is Goal is important then ways. Goal of a Muslim is to seek blessings of Allah… now if we agree on it , then we must not fight on ways how to do it… every way leads to Allah weather its Shia or Sunni…. Remember goal and help each other to make better society, which is reflective of AL REHMANS blessings and Love.
It is Quran's order to stay away from the sectarianism.

# 6:159 (Asad) VERILY, as for those who have broken the unity of their faith and have become sects - thou hast nothing to do with them. [161] Behold, their case rests with God: and in time He will make them understand what they were doing.

# 6:159 (Y. Ali) As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah. He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.

# 6:159 (Picktall) Lo! As for those who sunder their religion and become schismatics, no concern at all hast thou with them. Their case will go to Allah, who then will tell them what they used to do.
Mr. Bill! you don't clearly define the takfiri group.
certainly their are extremist in almost every Muslim sects.They use to say others kafir on difference of belief,but this is not takfir.

Whereas takfiri group believe that all other religion's believers and Muslim sects are not just kafir but also "wajib ul qatal" should be killed.This is not just belief but they also implement their belief with all sources of terrorism.This group is the base of terrorism in the world.

Report of Express news: 90% of people arrested in suicidal and terrorist attack belong to one sect.In 17000 madressas in punjab 12000 madressas belong to this sect(even they are less than 20% of population).

All 8-9 hijakers of 911 belong to this sects.All ban religious organizations Alqaeda/taliban/lashker jhangvi/sipah shaba/lasker tayba/jandullah etc involve in terrorists acts belong to this sect.

We already paying for our intentional/unintentional ignorance to the terrorist acts in country.So don't make illusions in clear War of Pakistan Army with these munafqein.
You are absolutely right every person who recite Kalma is Muslim.Thousand of people at "Fateh Mecca" had accept Islam but not Eman. Rasool(SAWW) had not killed these munafqein even know about their belief but destroy their mosque to protect the Momeinein from their evils intentions.
These munafqien were expose in form of khwarjeis in Sifeen war and were be defeated by Caliph.

Beheading the people,disgracing the dead bodies,destructing the graves all these acts are part of Islamic history.

Muslims didn't understand these terrorists even after munafqein martyr the Grandson of their PROPHET(SAWW).

some evil cleric still saying today these munaqein's leader yazeed razi allah (Nauzobillah).

Pls go and read Qurran,hadiath and Islamic history with our own eyes not with mullah's words
As per one HADITH:
If you accept unrighteous & unjust rulers , then ALLAH will divide you into groups & you will just kill each other.
The intolerance prevalent now is the result of decades of injustices we have chosen to overlook. The result is intolernace & violence
what will you say about those who say
either you are from lashker e Ali or you are kaffirs?

are they not takfiries?

they are
any 1 who call kalima go kaffir is doing Takfir and is Kharji





Before the taliban, their was not such problem in Khurram agency.This is only one shia pathan tribe in all region.
They are surrounded by taliban with support of Afghan taliban for last two three years.They have no road link with Pakistan.They have no food and medicines.hundreds of children has been died so far.
This is not Shia-Sunni war.i want to paste the pic. but i have already warned by MOD.You can't bear the picture of massacre of taliban did so far here.
They are fighting with taliban salfi group not with Sunni.
This salfi group is active in all Pakistan target killing and destroying imam bargahs,attacking on funeral .Now they are active in DI Khan.
Open your eyes this is not Shia-Sunni war.we already paying from these munafqein but not want to accept reality.
Before the taliban, their was not such problem in Khurram agency.This is only one shia pathan tribe in all region.
They are surrounded by taliban with support of Afghan taliban for last two three years.They have no road link with Pakistan.They have no food and medicines.hundreds of children has been died so far.
This is not Shia-Sunni war.i want to paste the pic. but i have already warned by MOD.You can't bear the picture of massacre of taliban did so far here.
They are fighting with taliban salfi group not with Sunni.
This salfi group is active in all Pakistan target killing and destroying imam bargahs,attacking on funeral .Now they are active in DI Khan.
Open your eyes this is not Shia-Sunni war.we already paying from these munafqein but not want to accept reality.

fair point - the salafi/wahhabi taliban are drastically different from Sunnis. Our media at times makes the mistake of referring to the salafis as sunni as well.

Terrorist outfits such as Lashkar Jhangvi that are financed by saudi wahhabis among others are clearly following the salafi/wahhabi school of thought.
Before the taliban, their was not such problem in Khurram agency.This is only one shia pathan tribe in all region.
They are surrounded by taliban with support of Afghan taliban for last two three years.They have no road link with Pakistan.They have no food and medicines.hundreds of children has been died so far.
This is not Shia-Sunni war.i want to paste the pic. but i have already warned by MOD.You can't bear the picture of massacre of taliban did so far here.
They are fighting with taliban salfi group not with Sunni.
This salfi group is active in all Pakistan target killing and destroying imam bargahs,attacking on funeral .Now they are active in DI Khan.
Open your eyes this is not Shia-Sunni war.we already paying from these munafqein but not want to accept reality.

I dont want to get into argument
but do you agree those WHO call muslims kafiris on the basis of their religous beliefs are TAKFIRIES?

if yest then we dont have to argue any more
please read my post 3. I have explained the takfiris moments aims.just saying kafir is not takfiri but illiteracy.
I himself belief that talibans are muslim but manafiq.
This is quite easy to fight with kafir but very hard with munafiq ,because kafir is your open enemy but munafiq is hiding enemy.
just saying kafir is not takfiri but illiteracy.

Don't make your own definitions up.

Takfir is to declare someone to be a kaafir,takfir has its proper place in Islam,for example we make takfir of the qadiani's we declare them to be kuffar because they are without doubt kuffaar. A takfiri would be someone who declares Muslims to be kuffaar. So partaking in incorrect takfir is what makes someone a takfiri.

I himself belief that talibans are muslim but manafiq.

You're contradicting yourself in the same sentence, a munafiq cannot be a Muslim,how can you say you believe that someone is a Muslim and a munafiq at the same time? That is totally ridiculous.:crazy:

This is quite easy to fight with kafir but very hard with munafiq ,because kafir is your open enemy but munafiq is hiding enemy.

It seems you don't even know what a munafiq is let alone declaring people to be of them. A munafiq is someone who's kufr is hidden,so how would you know if someone is a munafiq?
Don't make your own definitions up.

Takfir is to declare someone to be a kaafir,takfir has its proper place in Islam,for example we make takfir of the qadiani's we declare them to be kuffar because they are without doubt kuffaar. A takfiri would be someone who declares Muslims to be kuffaar. So partaking in incorrect takfir is what makes someone a takfiri.

You're contradicting yourself in the same sentence, a munafiq cannot be a Muslim,how can you say you believe that someone is a Muslim and a munafiq at the same time? That is totally ridiculous.:crazy:

It seems you don't even know what a munafiq is let alone declaring people to be of them. A munafiq is someone who's kufr is hidden,so how would you know if someone is a munafiq?

My Brother! Please read Qurran, Allah says to RASOOL ALLAH(SAWW) about munafiq that they accept Islam but not EMAN,even YOU(SAWW) preach them.Eman could never enter in their hearts because they are sealed.
Anyone who accept Islam is called muslim but Momein is only ones who accept EMAN.

How would You know if some one in munafiq???

Good question! but answer is hard but can be proved for any regime

munafqeins are the worst enemy of AHLEBAYT(A.S) and ones who Love them.
Hussaniat(A.S) is scarifying for 1300 years to wake up the ummat against yazeedeit of every time.

We are in last regime.
LAST REFORMER is now coming soon to vanish the all evil yazedi forces and Make a ADAL all over the World.
n Islamic law, takfir or takfeer (تكفير) is the practice of declaring unbeliever or kafir (pl. kuffār), an individual or a group previously considered Muslim. The act which precipitates takfir is termed the mukaffir.
Muhammad is recorded in a hadith as saying that:
If a man (in a battle) is attacking a kafir with a spear, and it has reached his throat, and at that moment he says ‘There is no god but God’, the Muslim must immediately withdraw his spear.[

a person who call and thinks a KALIMA GO as kafir is doing takfir and is takfiri

btw we are no one to judge EAMAN of muslims

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 PM ----------

akfiris have been classified by some commentators as violent offshoots of the Salafi movement, yet while Salafism is seen as a form of 'fundamentalist Islam', it is not an inherently violent movement and does not condone terrorism.[3] Takfiris, on the other hand, condone acts of violence as legitimate methods of achieving religious or political goals.
Takfiris believe in Islam strictly according to their interpretation of Muhammad's and his companions' alleged actions and statements, and do not accept any deviation from their path; they reject any form of reform or change from the religion as it was revealed in the time of the prophet. Those who change their religion from Islam to any other way of life, or deny any of the fundamental foundations of Islam, or who worship, follow or obey anything other than Islam, become those upon whom the takfiris declare the "takfir", calling them apostates from Islam and so no longer Muslim.
Takfiris practice a number of beliefs that separate them from the Salafist movement. The most obvious example is the aforementioned labelling of fellow Muslims as kafir and the practice of declaring takfir/damnation upon them—a legacy from the notorious medieval Islamic writer, Ibn Taymiyyah the Takirist. This belief allows Takfiris to justify the use of violence against fellow Muslims; a contemporary example being the sectarian violence perpetrated in the Iraqi Insurgency. Takfiris also reject the traditional Muslim duty to obey one's legitimate rulers in all manners that do not contradict Sharia, as sedition is viewed as a great danger to a nation. However Takfiris consider all political authority that does not abide by their interpretation of Islam as illegitimate and apostate; a view which closely mirrors Qutb's views on jahiliyyah.[4] As such, violence against such regimes is considered legitimate.
Takfiri views on suicide also differ significantly from that of orthodox Islam. Takfiris believe that one who deliberately kills themselves whilst attempting to kill enemies is a martyr (Shahid) and therefore goes straight to heaven. As such all sin is absolved when a person is martyred, allowing carte blanche for the indiscriminate killing of non-combatants, for example.[5]
Some Takfiris are not bound by the usual religious constraints regarding wearing a beard, drinking alcohol, or eating pork when such restrictions would interfere with waging effective jihad.[citation needed] To Takfiris, strict adherence to those laws precludes necessary covert action in defense of Islam.[citation needed] Because Takfiris "blend in," they can organize, plan, and take action necessitated by the overriding duty of Jihad with less risk of identification, interference, or interception.[citation needed]
Opponents of the takfiris, especially anti-takfiri Islamic hardliners often view them as modern-day analogues of the Khawarij, a seventh-century off-shoot Islamic sect which waged war against the Caliphate.[citation needed]
Takfiris, on the other hand, exist in every Muslim sect, large or small, and often their fingers point not only to those who supposedly belong to a 'rival' sect, but also to those within their own; an example to that is the clear enmity between the Sufis and Salafi (both groups of which go under the umbrella of Sunni Islam.) 'Takfir' also occurs within the enmity between some pro-Saudi Salafis and the Jihadis (like Bin Ladin's group, al-Qaeda),with some Jihadis making takfir of the Salafis. Among Shia groups, takfir occurs in regards to the Sahaba and as is the case toward the followers of the major Shia Ayatollah Fadlallah of Lebanon (whose latest published opinions that review many beliefs deeply characteristic of Shia Islam have caused uproar and fierce opposition on the part of other Arab and Iranian clerics)[citation needed]. There also exists the example of Twelver Shia declaring the takfir of the Shaykhi Shia small sect (found mainly in Basra, Iraq).
The term Takfiri was brought to a more public prominence by the BBC investigative journalist Peter Taylor, in his 2005 BBC television series The New Al Qaeda. However the term was used frequently by proponents of Salafism before this.

now judge ur self and dont let ur secterian bais hide the truth
I have already said that answer is hard, because you can't absorb this.
This is reality not secreter ism.
I don't go back in to history,you may read yourself(Taarekh Islam by Abdullah malik) .
You give the definition from BBC journalist and hadiath you qoute has no answer about munafqein identity.
Takfiris are the exposed munafqein who show their intentions openly and also go act by killing every religions and sect people who has different belief from them.

I have given you definition of munafqein from Qurran not from hadiath or other source please try to perceive this.

About fadlullah that he is takfiri. i don't hear any news that he is saying to kill and target everyone in the world .

Fatwa baaz mullah belong to any sect(sunni,shia,brelivi,deobnadi..) is 90% responsible for secreter ism.
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