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'Take up arms', Iraqi Shia told

Mainly Saudi Arabia .Bro it is all about Oil money and Weapons .West is now in a certain financial stalemate.By doing this bloodshed Oil price will begin to rise and it already started.
And their weapons market will flourish because ,these militants will buy their weapons.At the end losers are BRICS nations,Iran and other developing world.and also these innocent people in Iraq and other Arab nations except Saudi and its allies.
you can add Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan with Saudi Arabia and of course Saudi Arabia is the leader here

These were ages I was born in not you. Lets live in the present. Today conflict zones are karachi etc. nothing to do with Vietnam.
not iraq and libya :D
scotland is for Independence.
anyway he is talking about democracy tool used in western countries to rule in other parts of the world.
yet islam does not force like minded brothers find a solution in iraq, syria and egypt or pakistan?

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
sure mr think Tonk you just proved your own point. i did not kill 20 people in karachi someone who read the holy book did.
I am more concerned about them procuring arms and exporting them to like minded groups.

Damn sure friend .With these assets they are going to start a cycle of violence and blood trade.Weapons ,cash and man power will exported in to different parts of this world for their ultimate aim.Hell they also got a lot of US weapons .They have choppers.Waves can also see in our region also.China ,chechen area of Russia.
sure mr think Tonk you just proved your own point. i did not kill 20 people in karachi someone who read the holy book did

No , they were Ignorant fools like you who did not read the holy book but "assumed" that it says so and so ...
These were ages I was born in not you. Lets live in the present. Today conflict zones are karachi etc. nothing to do with Vietnam.
Does not matter. It proves the false equivalence you are using in your argument does not hold.
yet islam does not force like minded brothers find a solution in iraq, syria and egypt or pakistan?

sure mr think Tonk you just proved your own point. i did not kill 20 people in karachi someone who read the holy book did.

Islam is not a physical force, your speaking as if it is

Islam asks for correct behaviour if someone breaks the law they become a criminal and must be punished, if someone attacks or kills then they become criminals thats the case with alot of these groups regardless of what they beleive they dont have a mandate to attack anyone
Mehdi Army, Quds Brigade, Hizbullah....are these 'human rights organizations' which Iran funds with its petrodollars?

Marg ba Amreeka, Marg ba Israel. :sarcastic:

I said Iran works together with America, all these slogans are nonesense.
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