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U.S. Helped Pakistan Get IMF Bailout With Secret Arms Deal for Ukraine, Leaked Documents Reveal

Russia recently snubbed India, with Putin refusing to attend the G20 Summit in New Delhi. If you are going to say that he was too busy with the Ukraine War, then be aware that Putin travelled a longer distance to Amur, less than a week ago, to meet the North Korean leader Kim Jung Un.

If I'm not mistaken, Russia supplies the RD-93 to China only. China then resupplies it to Pakistan. China is also a co-producer and exporter of JF-17, and it ordered a stockpile of RD-93 in the past already.
China has a replacement engine to the RD-93 nearly ready for mass production.
Why can't we sum up in few words as there are no Pakistani interests or National interests of Islamic Republic of Pakistan only the interests matter is the corrupt rouge generals of Pakistan.
Until and unless electronic voting machines are introduced like rest of the world is using it there mal practices at the ballot boxes will continue and hence the manipulation of democracy will continue. We can't be blaming US and other foreigner countries as our own rouge, unpatriotic, uneducated self proclaimed idiot elite generals with tin medals are happily willing to do the dirty jobs for few thousands dollars worth of licences of papa jones and green cards. These leeches will continue to bleed Pakistan until they are exterminated. Firstly they don't retire and keep on giving extensions to themselves as next in line are so poorly trained so they can't fill their boots and even when they do get retired still they are imposed on us with different departmental heads and there shameful stronghold continues.

I agree.

Getting into Ukraine war does not help Pakistan. It helps establishment to hold on to illegal power they wield. Pakistani generals have never made decision for the interest of the country.

Look at the current situation. The army is crushing a popular leader and popular political party. It could not have done this without American consent. By agreeing to get involved in Ukraine war, the generals got the power and backing they needed. They know if they can keep America happy, America wont mind what they do in the country. By crushing the resistance to their illegitimate rule, the establishment wishes to perpetuate their hold on power.

If there is ever accountability, you will find out generals have more wealth than Zardari and Sharif combined.

Yeah right! As if we believe you.
Russia recently snubbed India, with Putin refusing to attend the G20 Summit in New Delhi. If you are going to say that he was too busy with the Ukraine War, then be aware that Putin travelled a longer distance to Amur, less than a week ago, to meet the North Korean leader Kim Jung Un.

If I'm not mistaken, Russia supplies the RD-93 to China only. China then resupplies it to Pakistan. China is also a co-producer and exporter of JF-17, and it ordered a stockpile of RD-93 in the past already.

If he attends he would have been arrested and put on trial there’s a warrant out on him

That's exactly why he did not attend
India gets all of this because it has invested in its people. Unlike Pakistan which has invested all its resources in army creating a monster which is now eating the country.

India spends more on military in sheer money. India also has a larger military. It also is the world's largest consumer of arms with Pakistan coming at number eight.

They also got way more economic aid than Pakistan did. They also have way more poverty and pollution than Pakistan did.

A sitting US senator confirming on record that the US helped us with IMF and all, and we agreed to supply Ukraine weapons.

How much more of a source do you want?

Our generals and politicians really are sellouts.
A sitting US senator confirming on record that the US helped us with IMF and all, and we agreed to supply Ukraine weapons.

How much more of a source do you want?

Our generals and politicians really are sellouts.
Well, it is realpolitik. The money didn't go into the pockets of generals or politicians ( at least there is no evidence). Pakistan desperately needed the bailout and Ukraine needed the ammunition. It seems like a mutually beneficial deal.
Supporting Ukraine was the right thing to do, IMHO, for pakistan’s own interests. Russia is no friend of Pakistan, and is in fact a military treaty ally of India. Despite the hope of opening up to Russia, once they invaded Ukraine, We should have backed out of that meeting with Putin (as many on this very forum had advised/hoped would have happened in real time) and condemned the invasion. It’s what we would hope the world would do if India invaded Us. Ukraine has been a direct military supplier to Pakistan. Post-Afghan withdrawal, pivoting to the pro-Ukraine camp from the start, should have been our reset in relations with the west and Cold War boomers that still run it.

IK was left high and dry by his advisors and the policy making class, that should have foreseen the consequences. He was left in a bind as he depended on his staff to guide him. The nation’s policy “nervous system” (as Atif Mian calls it) is either broke or set IK up.

By playing against the PM, they played themselves and had to take a consolation prize of an IMF Bailout after much economic damage had already been done, over a year later. Good cop bad cop tactics only undermine national interests. Shortsighted Infighting is costing the nation its interests each and every time.

Russia was not a friend, you're right. But, in the long term, Russia & China are uniting against the global order. It's best to follow what Imran Khan was saying and to keep them by our side. In a nuclear war, Pakistan would be demolished if it were to get on Russia's bad side. Russia's nukes could obliterate Pakistan, very easily. We already have Indian and Israeli nukes to deal with, and a potential France nuclear submarine at worst. China is our friend and I don't see the UK every attacking Pakistan. And the US cannot be trusted at all, it's better to have the US as an open enemy rather than a friend.

France, Israel, India & the US are the only countries that could take on Pakistan in a war. India mainly due to its location near Pakistan.

Russia could too, but it considers us its "partner", let's not make things worse. China of course is our ally. If Pakistan gets the right leader, and if we play our cards rights, we can very well be a powerful country.
If he attends he would have been arrested and put on trial there’s a warrant out on him

That's exactly why he did not attend
If he gets arrested in India, then it only signifies that Russian-Indian ties aren't that strong and/or Russia doesn't trust India.
A sitting US senator confirming on record that the US helped us with IMF and all, and we agreed to supply Ukraine weapons.

How much more of a source do you want?

Our generals and politicians really are sellouts.
I will add people of Pakistan too

Not sure why we forgot them

Everyone was quiet when Pakistan was bombed as long as money flows in.

No one questioned it.

People aren't upset about interference..they don't care..they are only upset about inflation

My opinion is generals only sell out themselves to please the people
Russia was not a friend, you're right. But, in the long term, Russia & China are uniting against the global order. It's best to follow what Imran Khan was saying and to keep them by our side. In a nuclear war, Pakistan would be demolished if it were to get on Russia's bad side. Russia's nukes could obliterate Pakistan, very easily. We already have Indian and Israeli nukes to deal with, and a potential France nuclear submarine at worst. China is our friend and I don't see the UK every attacking Pakistan. And the US cannot be trusted at all, it's better to have the US as an open enemy rather than a friend.

France, Israel, India & the US are the only countries that could take on Pakistan in a war. India mainly due to its location near Pakistan.

Russia could too, but it considers us its "partner", let's not make things worse. China of course is our ally. If Pakistan gets the right leader, and if we play our cards rights, we can very well be a powerful country.

At this stage we are already supplying arms to the UK for onward supply to Ukraine. So if Russia is crossed with Pakistan, the damage is done with none of the benefit (only a relatively measly sum in the form of an IMF bailout)

The moment has passed, so this was all about what could have been.

Going forward, if the powers that be have serious intentions to allow or carry out structural reforms for economic development, and allow genuinely free and fair election we can dare to hope. Until then…

If he gets arrested in India, then it only signifies that Russian-Indian ties aren't that strong and/or Russia doesn't trust India.
His presence would have only put india in an awkward position and drawn attention away from what India had hoped to achieve. India probably requested Putin stay back.
They needed shells.. If stupid khakis knew that, they cd hv leverged better..
Only today, on the sideline of the UNGA, Biden met all five leaders of the central Asian nations. Supposedly, the first US President to meet with them. If we wanted any more indication of US interests in the region, this event is it.

Now this shouldn’t be a green light for shortsighted rent seeking, but a strategic move by a democratic Pakistani government, the carry’s out structural reforms and returns to its native culture, which overlaps in many ways to how Islam was also practiced in Central Asia before the Soviets. This is also more closer to Kashmiri culture, and paces the way for Pakistan to be better placed to merge with all of Muslim majority Kashmir, especially as India’s culture moves towards Hindutuva extremism.

The road to Srinagar is paved through Islamabad NOT Rawalpindi, as history has shown, and a strategic partnership with the US, vis a vi Central Asia can create the two-political space for Pakistan to build itself up to peruse this generational task.
It took over 40 years for Pakistani culture to effect Afghan culture and make it so that most Afghans can’t admit it, but can live with a border with Pakistan (as long as they can cross it with some ease). Equally, with some effort, Pakistan can be brought back to its Pre-Zia Culture, and come back in line with Kashmiri culture, so that merger of the two becomes only natural.

IK is best placed to be the leader to carry forward this vision, not just because of his relationship with the Afghans, but also his Sufi leanings and popularity domestically and in the diaspora, AND what the past year and half have made him, a symbol of change.

Doing even the most optimized plan, under a military government, will not have the people to people multiplier effect; soft power.

Center Asia is vital to Pakistan’s Geo-Poltical global relevance.

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At this stage we are already supplying arms to the UK for onward supply to Ukraine. So if Russia is crossed with Pakistan, the damage is done with none of the benefit (only a relatively measly sum in the form of an IMF bailout)

The moment has passed, so this was all about what could have been.

Going forward, if the powers that be have serious intentions to allow or carry out structural reforms for economic development, and allow genuinely free and fair election we can dare to hope. Until then…

His presence would have only put india in an awkward position and drawn attention away from what India had hoped to achieve. India probably requested Putin stay back.

The powers that be will never willingly regulate or reform themselves. They'd rather the country burn than see their gravy train stopped. It has to be imposed upon them, either through civil war/revolution/favourable politcal conditions with devastatingly low public support. I hope the latter but even then the apathy I see now isn't inspiring confidence.
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