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Tajiks, one of three aryan nation in China----The Keeper of Chinese frontier.

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I had saw them online,{中华城市吧}?
I like them~
If europeans came from Iran or the region... they are? but no they (you) arent.. it was the azzhole hitler who first used that word to boast the moral of his troops.. copied the swastica and boom .. n today punks call themselves "aryan" when they have nothing to do being Aryan nor have any iranic or indo-aryan ancestory.

Im a Baluch. one of the "iranic" people.... ever heard of medes? but we dont go around chest thumping around about that.

I bet even hitler would doubt his "Aryaness" according to his standards.

Georgians are perhaps the closest.

bullshit. How comes that our languages are all indo aryan then? all romanic and germanic languages are indo aryan. Beside that the therm aryan was used long before Hitler from anthropologists.
Georgians are perhaps the closest.

Georgians carry mostly G2a, which is Paleo-European.

bullshit. How comes that our languages are all indo aryan then? all romanic and germanic languages are indo aryan. Beside that the therm aryan was used long before Hitler from anthropologists.

Most Latins and Germanics only speak the Indo-Europeanized languages.

However, genetically, you are not Aryan or Proto-Indo-European per se, and those guys from Russia and Ukraine are more Aryan than you.
bullshit. How comes that our languages are all indo aryan then? all romanic and germanic languages are indo aryan. Beside that the therm aryan was used long before Hitler from anthropologists.

African speaking English doesn't make them English...
Maybe Europeans had language influences?
Georgians carry mostly G2a, which is Paleo-European.

Most Latins and Germanics only speak the Indo-Europeanized languages.

However, genetically, you are not Aryan or Proto-Indo-European, and those guys from Russia and Ukraine are more Aryan than you.

ok so we dropped down from sky then ha ha. Sorry but BS.

African speaking English doesn't make them English...
Maybe Europeans had language influences?

language "influences" don´t break down a language to its core. Its that simple.
The tajik are a mixed people , they are not aryan anymore , average tajik looks just like michael Shinoda , half mongol , half hungarian / slavic :

What's with people and "Aryanism"? I pretty damn sure it's a designation for a loosely connected group of people from a certain part of the world (hint: not Europe) and has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority.

bullshit. How comes that our languages are all indo aryan then? all romanic and germanic languages are indo aryan

Are you from South Asia? Last I checked Indo-Aryan languages were spoken in that region.
bullshit. How comes that our languages are all indo aryan then? all romanic and germanic languages are indo aryan. Beside that the therm aryan was used long before Hitler from anthropologists.

Lmao.. Some areas in south india also speak indo aryan language... does that mean they are "Aryan" ... You are a half german-half italian n probably got some east asian in you... you have nothing to claim any "aryan" shit... Real aryans are from Iran and regions neighbouring it... your swastica comes from Indus Civilisation... do you know what that is/was? covers entire modern day Pak...

Maybe because of Nietsche's hypothesis of Zoroasther ?

Maybe these guys migranted from this region?:rofl:
Lmao.. Some areas in south india also speak indo aryan language... does that mean they are "Aryan" ... You are a half german-half italian n probably got some east asian in you... you have nothing to claim any "aryan" shit... Real aryans are from Iran and regions neighbouring it... your swastica comes from Indus Civilisation... do you know what that is/was? covers entire modern day Pak...

Maybe these guys migranted from this region?:rofl:

Bullshit again. The swastika was used as well in the norse and roman art and mythology.
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