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Tajikistan bans youth from mosques

How is political Islam different from Zionism ?

Zionism is a secularist ideology that promotes nationalism and love for Israel in all the religions of Israel and Political Islam promotes Afghanistan, KSA, Bahrain, all the GCC basically and of course Iran.
No freedom, no thinking, no life.
If Muslim nations want to be great, here is the man that made Turkey great:
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Zionism is a secularist ideology that promotes nationalism and love for Israel in all the religions of Israel and Political Islam promotes Afghanistan, KSA, Bahrain, all the GCC basically and of course Iran.
No freedom, no thinking, no life.
If Muslim nations want to be great, here is the man that made Turkey great:
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Zionism is a racist ideology calling for ethnic cleansing of the land of Palastine. Political Islam calls for ALL islamic countries to unite under one banner ofcourse such a thing will make you piss your pants if it really happened. Ofcourse someone like you fed from childhood to hate Muslims in general and Arabs in particular will make such an argument.

And what made turkey great not Mustafa Kemal Ataturk... What made it what it is today is the very leader you keeo comparing to Stalin. Raccap Tayip Erdogan.
Zionism is a racist ideology calling for ethnic cleansing of the land of Palastine. Political Islam calls for ALL islamic countries to unite under one banner ofcourse such a thing will make you piss your pants if it really happened. Ofcourse someone like you fed from childhood to hate Muslims in general and Arabs in particular will make such an argument.

And what made turkey great not Mustafa Kemal Ataturk... What made it what it is today is the very leader you keeo comparing to Stalin. Raccap Tayip Erdogan.

But then isn't that the same thing that political Islam advocates...i.e. where minorities are systematically cleansed of the local lands? Example the Jews of African countries, Mizrahi Jews, Buddhists and mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Zoroastrians of pre-Islamic Iran and Buddhists and mainstream Hindus of Bangladesh?

Please don't tell me it doesn't encourage this because the whole ideology revolves around making the lives of non-Muslims in politically Islamized countries so difficult that they are forced to leave, so as to make it look as if they left on their own will. You need to acknowledge anti-non-Muslim hate as well if you are to make others understand your opinion.

The world runs on give and take, mate. Not only take, take and take.

Oh and regarding Erdogan, If Ataturk had not brought massive reforms to the dying Ottoman empire, Turkey would have been like how Yemen is today. Turkey became an open-minded, intelligent, developed economy due to the open-thinking that Ataturk introduced.

Had Islamists controlled Turkey, it would not have reached half the prosperity it is today. Because of a solid foundation of tolerant thinking and strong nationalism today, Turks have a powerful identity that was gifted to them by Mustafa Kemal.

Erdogan would be as much ruling on Yemen rather than a smart, powerful and sensible country that Turkish society has transformed it into. Fantasies of an anti-American Islamic brigade on last till here.
But then isn't that the same thing that political Islam advocates...i.e. where minorities are systematically cleansed of the local lands? Example the Jews of African countries, Mizrahi Jews, Buddhists and mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Zoroastrians of pre-Islamic Iran and Buddhists and mainstream Hindus of Bangladesh?

Please don't tell me it doesn't encourage this because the whole ideology revolves around making the lives of non-Muslims in politically Islamized countries so difficult that they are forced to leave, so as to make it look as if they left on their own will. You need to acknowledge anti-non-Muslim hate as well if you are to make others understand your opinion.

The world runs on give and take, mate. Not only take, take and take.

Oh and regarding Erdogan, If Ataturk had not brought massive reforms to the dying Ottoman empire, Turkey would have been like how Yemen is today. Turkey became an open-minded, intelligent, developed economy due to the open-thinking that Ataturk introduced.

Had Islamists controlled Turkey, it would not have reached half the prosperity it is today. Because of a solid foundation of tolerant thinking and strong nationalism today, Turks have a powerful identity that was gifted to them by Mustafa Kemal.

Erdogan would be as much ruling on Yemen rather than a smart, powerful and sensible country that Turkish society has transformed it into. Fantasies of an anti-American Islamic brigade on last till here.

IT is even more dangerous.........
Zionism is a secularist ideology that promotes nationalism and love for Israel in all the religions of Israel and Political Islam promotes Afghanistan, KSA, Bahrain, all the GCC basically and of course Iran.
No freedom, no thinking, no life.
If Muslim nations want to be great, here is the man that made Turkey great:
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

you should also include the founder of the ottoman empire. wich has played a much larger role on people across the midle east! and caucasus.

Osman I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
such kind of anti ISLAMIC acts cann,t stop ISLAM from spreading and prospering.
ISLAM means peace , many forces are busy in mutilating image of ISLAM BUT THEY WILL SOON KISS THE DUST.......................
Zionism is a racist ideology calling for ethnic cleansing of the land of Palastine. Political Islam calls for ALL islamic countries to unite under one banner ofcourse such a thing will make you piss your pants if it really happened. Ofcourse someone like you fed from childhood to hate Muslims in general and Arabs in particular will make such an argument.

And what made turkey great not Mustafa Kemal Ataturk... What made it what it is today is the very leader you keeo comparing to Stalin. Raccap Tayip Erdogan.

I didn`t even know what a Muslim was when i was a child, let alone Arab, but seems you knew who were the Israeli Jews from the day you could speak.
I guess Zionist Druze, Muslims and Christians need to be worried eh? Even if the whole Muslim world united under one rule, you`d destroy yourselves as you always do.
Arabs will want to rule themselves, Turks will want to rule you all, Pakistanis will want to rule, etc etc.
Don`t think the Asian Muslims forget how you treat them when they visit Arab countries, trust me Arab, your race isn`t even loved by your own fellow Muslims.
But then isn't that the same thing that political Islam advocates...i.e. where minorities are systematically cleansed of the local lands? Example the Jews of African countries, Mizrahi Jews, Buddhists and mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Zoroastrians of pre-Islamic Iran and Buddhists and mainstream Hindus of Bangladesh?

Please don't tell me it doesn't encourage this because the whole ideology revolves around making the lives of non-Muslims in politically Islamized countries so difficult that they are forced to leave, so as to make it look as if they left on their own will. You need to acknowledge anti-non-Muslim hate as well if you are to make others understand your opinion.

The world runs on give and take, mate. Not only take, take and take.

Oh and regarding Erdogan, If Ataturk had not brought massive reforms to the dying Ottoman empire, Turkey would have been like how Yemen is today. Turkey became an open-minded, intelligent, developed economy due to the open-thinking that Ataturk introduced.

Had Islamists controlled Turkey, it would not have reached half the prosperity it is today. Because of a solid foundation of tolerant thinking and strong nationalism today, Turks have a powerful identity that was gifted to them by Mustafa Kemal.

Erdogan would be as much ruling on Yemen rather than a smart, powerful and sensible country that Turkish society has transformed it into. Fantasies of an anti-American Islamic brigade on last till here.

First it is NOT about making the lives of non-muslims hell if you would read about how non-muslims were treated in Islamic empires in the past you would know what I mean. (do not bring me incidents of when violence was erupted due to extremists from both sides violence did happen but the majority of the time it was peaceful co-existence)

Islam only conquered countries which had no religious freedom in them it did not conquer countries just for the kick of it. (The Romans used to throw newly converted muslims into large pots of burning oil. The Persians used hang them from trees after cutting off their arms and legs) so fighting those oppressors became mandatory and Jihad was called on the other hand China had somewhat of free religion policy (Buddhists and Taoists and others learned to co-exist a long time ago) So introduction of a new religion was not a big deal to them which is why ALL islamic empires had great relationship with China.

And non-muslims in Muslim countries are suppose to be treated with respect and given freedom to practice their religion (do not bring my country into this I already said I wish there was freedom of religion in my country as well a long time ago) In Islam empires non-muslims had their own neighborhoods and their own courts to settle their disputes even. They would pay a larger tax since they were not Muslims and so were not required that a family member would join the military (a VERY common practice at the time) but when a certain group males an agreement to fight with the Muslims they would be treated exactly like any other citizen (Christian Mamluks, Christian brigade of Ottoman Janissary, Jewish fighters in Andalus) They all fight side by side with Muslims because they enjoyed greater freedom than what they had in other places.

A great decline came to the muslim world. a VERY great decline and because we strayed from the correct path God is punishing us by making us what we are today. As a kid I never thought I would live to see the day when the situation would change, But now the situation IS changing and it is up to me and every other Muslim out there to go back to the right ways pf practicing Islam. Europeans and Americans have already started curtailing freedoms for Muslims which is the first step to their decline as well while at the same time Muslims countries are cleansing itself from corrupt rulers who plagued it.

Just you wait everyone if we continue to go back to the right path God will bestow his mercy on us again. Banish the extremists ways of Bin Laden and his elk wash yourselves from ****** Sunni-Shia and whatever else divide and come together. "God does not change the situation of a people until they change what is within their selves" (Holy Qur'an)
How the Muslims conquerors treated the non Muslim is well known.

Let us not discuss it and wreck up the thread.
yes yes all this coming from indians whose country (or rather just confederation at the time) saw its Golden Years under Islamic rule and considerably less internal discrimination than what it sees today!

Thats the dumbest thing a country can do with an overwhelming majority of Muslims. This is how stupid people lose in politics.
^ The Golden age of India was during the Gupta Empire.
Stupid Rahman again, this will encourage bad behaviour and extremism among the youth. Tajikistan did really really well by putting their differences aside and ending civil war in the country many years ago, but this dictator having the title of president will make things worse. Crash extremists, but dont bar ordinary people from worshiping.
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