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Tajikistan bans youth from mosques

Tajikistan seems to be taking a leaf from the Chinese plan in Xinjiang, where the Chinese have been very successful.

However, if the Muslim are kept on the leash, it will only give rise to further hardening of mind and their stand and it will not auger well for Tajikistan.
I have post, China's policy has existed in name only, especially in the HUI, simply because it has not, society is stable and I have to say, political and social stability is a vital problem, how to achieve, can not rely on the mouth, I have an understanding in Tajikistan, which should be a temporary measure, if the community can be on the right track, then it will be canceled, and, like us.
Those children should be open in the Muslim festival, so there should be a relief
perhaps you should cultivate the habit of reading an article before posting dear man? it did not single out only Islam, but also all religions. Being Chinese I would imagine you would like the secular teaching only comment within-- but that would mean you would stop to read the article , heh.

Viva Tajikistan , keep all religion out

Yes, it said all religions.

Since Islam is the religion of virtually the entire country, it in practice is aimed entirely at Islam.

Just a legally way of phrasing it.
the anti-religious so-called ''secular'' policies of Central Asia are causing their radical jihadi elements to spill over into OUR side of the world.......

What are you talking about?? Jihad started from your side of the world, namely Pakistan and Afghanistan during the 80s. I don't understand how Central Asians who are privately religious but publicly not, could have caused this.

I cant believe Pakistan is so soft on these CARs --like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. We should warn them that their policies of repression and police-state mentality may "help" with their jihadi issue there, but they can't keep their bad apples from spilling over to our side.

Your bad apples are the reason why IMU started in first place mate. Taliban and AQ nexus is the reason why Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan have been battling Jihad for all these years. This law only came now. But still that didn't stop jihad from entering their country and attempting to transform them into another 7th century Arabia.

And what do you mean warn CAR countries by Pakistan? Don't you have enough trouble already than pissing off Russia?

and then we get blamed......

Bro, it is not you but your government policies that are to be blamed. What you nurtured all these years since Soviet war has become a threat to Russians, their Central Asian property countries, us, Israelis, SL, Bangladeshis and now even your bosom pals, the Chinese. That means practically entire mainland Asia is in big shyte because of one political obsession of some loony generals of yours. But you still continue to play the victim card for no reason. Why??

the best model all these countries should be looking at is Turkiye --- where people are free to worship, and free to think. In Pakistan, people are free to worship, but we haven't mastered the whole "free-thinking" part quite just yet.

Do you know why Islam is so smoothly setting in in Turkey after so many years? Because Ataturk tore religion and state apart in the beginning and forced people to think themselves rather than look at some religious book for even taking the next step. This is why Turkey is successful. CAR nations on the other hand don't have that leverage since they are practically attached to you and thanks to uncontrollable terror elements in Afghan-Pak border, it can spill into their countries as well which is what they are worried about and rightly so.

banning people from worship? Well hmm gee whiz, doesnt that FUEL radicalization rather than contain it??? :what:

Read properly. It says bans people UNDER 18 to worship to implement non-fanatic thinking, after that age they can choose whatever they want. Why are you totally twisting the meaning.
These communist era oldies think you can still force people to do this and not do that. This will definitely backfire on Mr. Rahmon!
The Chechens did .... why cant the Tajiks ?

Chechen jihadis also got flattened and bombed to near extinction till they surrendered. Do you want that to happen to Tajiks? Nice love.

Do you know how Russians replied in the second Chechen war?It was by far the most ruthless anti-Jihad warfare that was fought in modern history. And along with Israel, Russia is the only country that has successfully tamed violent jihadis.

Now except for some loony fringe elements, entire Chechnya is normal, emerging and peaceful.

Tajikistan has already seen enough hell in 90s. Why do you want them to suffer again?
These communist era oldies think you can still force people to do this and not do that. This will definitely backfire on Mr. Rahmon!

Not really mate. Everything cannot backfire. Knowing Tajik style of ruling, there will be ruthless military actions if jihad comes into the open.
These communist era oldies think you can still force people to do this and not do that. This will definitely backfire on Mr. Rahmon!

Apparently you dont know your "all weather ally" well enough. China does not allow kids to attend mosques. Hey, if China can do it...why not Tajikistan? We Muslims are persecuted everywhere for the actions of a few nutjobs.
Now except for some loony fringe elements, entire Chechnya is normal, emerging and peaceful.

Tajikistan has already seen enough hell in 90s. Why do you want them to suffer again?

So freedom fighting and terrorism is same to you if done by Muslims ?
Tajikistan is inspired by the Chinese. This move has a potential for these kids to be exploited and pushed into safer havens in the neighborhood.
I think chinese muslims under 18 are are not allowed to enter mosques either(even during friday jumaa).This type of law is not new.
this article is the half truth...

This was so ironic , last night on HBO they was a show called ' learning the Koran' or something close to it. It was basically about a worldwide competition of reciting the Koran held in Egypt, where kids of all ages came from all over the world, as young as 10 yrs compete on how they could recite the Koran verbatim by heart.

One of the kids was from Tajikistan and he was 10 and won second place in the competition. They talked about how his madarassa was closed because of this secular movement. However it talked about why it was closed. These Islamic schools have one teacher and only the Koran is taught, where the kid at 10 was basically illiterate and had no reading and writing skills , could not do so even in Tajik language and was never taught math , science or any other subjects. That in my opinion is child abuse to keep a kid illiterate to every other subject matter.

His father moved him to a school in the city where the govt paid for his tuition and boarding and the father seemed happy that he would be NOT ONLY be taught a regular curriculum but ALSO had religious study included.
Sometime ago I saw a report in BBC where in a CAR republic Govt authrozies the Friday sermon & Govt agents makes sure that the Maulavi sticks to the script during Friday prayer. From their body language the BBC reporter could clearly make out who were the Govt agents and who were the devotees. Can any one tell me which CAR was it?
I think chinese muslims under 18 are are not allowed to enter mosques either(even during friday jumaa).This type of law is not new.

Also I heard in China Muslim clerics should get a licence from Govt to be a Maulavi of a mosque.
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