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Taiwan seeks to establish diplomatic relation with Vietnam

In fact, we should thank those rioters for ruining your economy.

Let's be frank, the Viet posters here are always getting delightful when hearing the bad news about China, then same for the Chinese posters here.
you are happy to see when the hooligans destroy our country?
China is really pathetic country.

You don't understand what he mean, do you?
are you from Taiwan?
if not, fck off!

Well, why don't you convince Vietnam government to do that and see what happens to you afterwards?
you are pushing Vietnam into a corner.
everything is possible now. nothing can be ruled out.
you are happy to see when the hooligans destroy our country?
China is really pathetic country.

are you from Taiwan?
if not, fck off!

you are pushing Vietnam into a corner.
everything is possible now. nothing can be ruled out.

When I want to pet my cat, I literally have to corner him. He may grumble a bit, but he would show his belly and he is purring again after I give him some treat. Literally everything is possible now, including the most commonly repeated scenario between Vietnam and China in the past few thousand years.
you are happy to see when the hooligans destroy our country?
China is really pathetic country.

are you from Taiwan?
if not, fck off!

you are pushing Vietnam into a corner.
everything is possible now. nothing can be ruled out.

Look at your words, could you act like a human?
go ahead.

What China claims, ROC, or taiwan, claims as well.

you dumb axx government does not have that guts. :rofl:

I think Vietnam should recognise Taiwan´s wish as an independent state.

VIETNAM PROTESTS: Officials say no to Beijing’s initiative

CROSS-STRAIT COOPERATION: Lawmakers voiced concern that joining hands with China to deal with sea disputes could undermine Taiwan’s relations with other nations
By Shih Hsiu-chuan / Staff reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) said that cooperation between Taiwan and China on the territorial disputes “could widen the chasm of misunderstanding among Vietnamese people against Taiwan.”
KMT Legislator Lu Shiow-yen (盧秀燕) suggested that the government seek to establish diplomatic relations with countries engaged in confrontation with China over territorial issues, such as Vietnam and the Philippines, with the help of the US and Japan to allay doubts they might have about Taiwan siding with China on the disputes.

VIETNAM PROTESTS: Officials say no to Beijing’s initiative - Taipei Times
Annoucement from TW to VNese living in TW:

EVen TWese also is Chinese but we dont belong to PRC.More over TWese is very friendly to VNese, and we respect what u have dedicated for the company.

Thanks for TWese for forgiving our fault in the riots, love u too :wub:
Vietnam can recognize RoC instead of PRC. This is their right. :coffee:

LOL, indeed.

I wonder if Taiwan would be happy about that if China cut off the trade with Taiwan should they agree on the recognition.

In a more likely scenario, it would be a one-way recognition and a huge blunder for the Viet.

Taiwan is just waiting for the right moment to capture all the occupied islands from the Viet. If they had the chance, given the influence corporate media has on the TW government, their response to the Viet would be ten times ruthless than China.

Viet just won't get it.
Watch ur words, buddy ! I won't blame u naive and consider both China and Russia still r members of SCO, choose Vietnam and push China into U.S side, it will be disaster for Russia like last Cold War. At least now before Uncle Sam, Russia is weak without China helps will be weaker.

He is a troll, just push the report button.

If a troll flying a Chinese flag to troll in the Russian section, then I would urge our Russian friends to report him/her as well.
Maybe the guy is not Russian. I wouldn't bother responding to him, he just created an account just to crack down China in the wrong topic.
Watch ur words, buddy ! I won't blame u naive and consider both China and Russia still r members of SCO, choose Vietnam and push China into U.S side, it will be disaster for Russia like last Cold War. At least now before Uncle Sam, Russia is weak without China helps will be weaker. Seriously in real world Chinese love American more than Russian, the truth is except weapons and resources export no more left for Russia since former Soviet collapse.

For U.S/ Russia /China, It's not wise for each other to against two big nations together. Make friends, buddy.

How can China now switch the side when it is basically USA's number one opponent?

We can't switch our side, while neither Russia can.

Why don't you report instead wasting time with that troll?
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