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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

The PCG personnel may be wrong for shooting an unarmed fishing vessel, but then again it is also WRONG to fish at someone else's sea. Don't bring up again the topic that it is in the "Disputed" EEZ since the location (confirmed by both Gov't) of where the incident happened is below PH's island Basco, Batanes. What the heck happened to people's logic and common sense..
You are so pathetic you are not worthy of a response from anyone. You probably live alone and work at some menial job judging from your intelligence. Good luck in your fantasy world.[/QUOTE]

I think i am in the position to tell you that

Living in Cebu City


Here is Bleeding Boi Youtube comment page. He is obsessed with Chinese ******. (He is also obsessed with pretending he is a patriotic American and/or White person).

It is quit clear bleeding Filiturd has a huge inferiority complex and lacks the self-confidence needed to call himself a Filipino!

Filipinos have an obscene obsession with wanting to be White. I think this guy actually convinced himself he is White. He was caught earlier but was trying to pass off the baboon in his pic as his "assistant".

Isn't it interesting that his "assistant" has a YouTube comment page focusing solely on anti-China and pro-Filipino comments and videos? LOL!

Isn't it interesting that this Fili-maid has a profile on a Fili site, and that he uses his dirty Fili language to comment on it?

So mister Fili wanna-be White man, where to next?
- Details for User bleedingboi[/url]

Re-iterating from my previous post, I really don't care on how you guys bash me or my assistant out for using this user ID and email address to start this forum account. And if it's really gut-wrenching looking at false flaggers, people assuming identities , then I will not use this account anymore. No big thingy. I can create my own.

Although I don't owe you guys any explanation about everything. John Bradley Lowe is a good friend of mine, and yes he's Filipino. I do admit he has hate issues, but it's not him posting all these comments here, it's me. So you can hit the bloody bat on me, I'll bite the bullet. You can stop dragging him to this thread.

But I do owe everyone an apology if I have used the "C" word against the Chinese. Any racial slurs, discrimination, and bashing comments, it won't happen again. I'm sorry. If you all look at my previous posts on different threads, it's not really about "China-Hating". I hate the regime but I don't hate the people.

The reason I joined this site is that, I'm a fan of the newer Pakistani Al-Khalid Battle Tanks. That's all.


Asian women in general, but Southeast asian women in particular and especially are viewed as cheap sex objects by western men. Thats why southeasti asia has a reputation for western sexual tourism. In reality, this is unfair to the majority of Thai women who are very conservative and don't sleep with perverted, middle aged overweight men from the west who can't get women back home. (This is not a personal insult to you, but to sexual tourists)

Prostitution is illegal on most ASEAN countries. Governments have a stiff rule against human trafficking and public indecency, but I can't describe the same to the Thai government, they're being too laxed. Here's why:

1. During the Vietnam War, Western soldiers and other personnel would take R&R in Thailand - this, obviously, increased demand for prostitutes in Thailand.

2. In an effort to industrialise (and at the recommendation of the World Bank & IMF), the Thai government started to push Thailand as an exotic destination for Western tourism. However, little/nothing was done to change the image Thailand inherited from the Vietnam war as being an anything-goes sex and drugs haven .

3. Thailand is surrounded by poorer neighbours - Burmese, Lao, Cambodian and Yunnan Chinese women may all come to Thailand seeking greater opportunity.

4. Prosecuting those who buy and sell sex would significantly impact on the Thai economy. Therefore, the Thai government chooses to turn a blind eye, making sex-tourism relatively risk-free for Westerners in terms of potential legal repercussions.

5. Thailand has long been a hub for drugs- and arms-trafficking - these two industries are closely correlated to human (sex) trafficking .

it's amazing why some Filipinos defy the findings of their own NBI. PCG had no right to shoot! That's the END! what more do you guys want? Your own investigators said that PCG was WRONG! all that diplomatic jousting was just delaying the inevitable, and what everyone knew (including the 14 U.S. Congressmen who condemned the shooting). Let it be a forgone conclusion that it was a wrongful act to shoot a fisherman, trespassing or not. now the question is whether it was intentional -- another forgone conclusion by any means.

If the NBI came with evidence where the PCG personnel lacked restraint on these shooting and needs to be brought to curt, then it must be the rule.
Re-iterating from my previous post, I really don't care on how you guys bash me or my assistant out for using this user ID and email address to start this forum account. And if it's really gut-wrenching looking at false flaggers, people assuming identities , then I will not use this account anymore. No big thingy. I can create my own.

Although I don't owe you guys any explanation about everything. John Bradley Lowe is a good friend of mine, and yes he's Filipino. I do admit he has hate issues, but it's not him posting all these comments here, it's me. So you can hit the bloody bat on me, I'll bite the bullet. You can stop dragging him to this thread.

But I do owe everyone an apology if I have used the "C" word against the Chinese. Any racial slurs, discrimination, and bashing comments, it won't happen again. I'm sorry. If you all look at my previous posts on different threads, it's not really about "China-Hating". I hate the regime but I don't hate the people.

The reason I joined this site is that, I'm a fan of the newer Pakistani Al-Khalid Battle Tanks. That's all.

Prostitution is illegal on most ASEAN countries. Governments have a stiff rule against human trafficking and public indecency, but I can't describe the same to the Thai government, they're being too laxed. Here's why:

1. During the Vietnam War, Western soldiers and other personnel would take R&R in Thailand - this, obviously, increased demand for prostitutes in Thailand.

2. In an effort to industrialise (and at the recommendation of the World Bank & IMF), the Thai government started to push Thailand as an exotic destination for Western tourism. However, little/nothing was done to change the image Thailand inherited from the Vietnam war as being an anything-goes sex and drugs haven .

3. Thailand is surrounded by poorer neighbours - Burmese, Lao, Cambodian and Yunnan Chinese women may all come to Thailand seeking greater opportunity.

4. Prosecuting those who buy and sell sex would significantly impact on the Thai economy. Therefore, the Thai government chooses to turn a blind eye, making sex-tourism relatively risk-free for Westerners in terms of potential legal repercussions.

5. Thailand has long been a hub for drugs- and arms-trafficking - these two industries are closely correlated to human (sex) trafficking .

If the NBI came with evidence where the PCG personnel lacked restraint on these shooting and needs to be brought to curt, then it must be the rule.

Hey retard, how stupid do you think we are?

Here is what YOU wrote on these forums in your introduction:


Hi. This is Bradley Lowe

So, what are the chances that you and your Filipino "assistant" have the same last name?

What are the chances that you and your Filipino "assistant" BOTH use the same account usernames for all of your profiles on the internet?

What are the chances that you and your non-existant "assistant" both rag on China on all of your profiles?

Prostitution is illegal on most ASEAN countries. Governments have a stiff rule against human trafficking and public indecency, but I can't describe the same to the Thai government, they're being too laxed. Here's why:

1. During the Vietnam War, Western soldiers and other personnel would take R&R in Thailand - this, obviously, increased demand for prostitutes in Thailand.

2. In an effort to industrialise (and at the recommendation of the World Bank & IMF), the Thai government started to push Thailand as an exotic destination for Western tourism. However, little/nothing was done to change the image Thailand inherited from the Vietnam war as being an anything-goes sex and drugs haven .

3. Thailand is surrounded by poorer neighbours - Burmese, Lao, Cambodian and Yunnan Chinese women may all come to Thailand seeking greater opportunity.

4. Prosecuting those who buy and sell sex would significantly impact on the Thai economy. Therefore, the Thai government chooses to turn a blind eye, making sex-tourism relatively risk-free for Westerners in terms of potential legal repercussions.

5. Thailand has long been a hub for drugs- and arms-trafficking - these two industries are closely correlated to human (sex) trafficking .

If the NBI came with evidence where the PCG personnel lacked restraint on these shooting and needs to be brought to curt, then it must be the rule.

FAIL attempt at insulting Chinese people.

The women from Yunnan who work as prostitutes in Thailand are ethnic MINORITIES.

Article: Poverty drives minority women from China's Yunnan to Thai sex industry. | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy

Yunnan women flock to Thai sex industry | South China Morning Post

Poverty drives minority women from China's Yunnan to Thai sex industry.

Asia Africa Intelligence Wire | August 11, 2004 | Copyright

(From BBC Monitoring International Reports)
South China Morning Post web site on 9 August

Women from at least half the households in some Yunnan counties have worked in the sex industry in Thailand, according to a United Nations report.

Liu Meng, from the Chinese Women's University in Beijing, is a UN Inter-Agency Project consultant and a contributor to the report. Along with three other mainland researchers, she interviewed 440 residents in Yunnan's Lancang County.

The isolated county is on the west side of the Mekong River and home to more than a dozen different ethnic communities. It has an annual per-capita income of 580 yuan, half the …
Hey retard, how stupid do you think we are?

Here is what YOU wrote on these forums in your introduction:

Hi. This is Bradley Lowe

So, what are the chances that you and your Filipino "assistant" have the same last name?

What are the chances that you and your Filipino "assistant" BOTH use the same account usernames for all of your profiles on the internet?

What are the chances that you and your non-existant "assistant" both rag on China on all of your profiles?


You guess it. The same reason why I don't put my personal info, my email addresses, credit cards on unverified sites.
I would never put my own fullname. I hope that's clear enough.

Anyroad, I'm done arguing on this matter. Too many bladdered responses.

FAIL attempt at insulting Chinese people.

The women from Yunnan who work as prostitutes in Thailand are ethnic MINORITIES.

You've said it mate. If I wanted to inflict insult on all Chinese, then I could've just jotted down --> "Chinese Women" instead of "Yunnan Chinese".
So it was murder after all. Pinoy coasties are unprofessional, trigger happy and plain dumb. Zero_wing and his cohorts are probably crapping in their pants right now. So much for "defending" our territory blah blah blah :omghaha:
Manila report suggests charges: newspaper

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Criminal charges should be filed against Philippine coastguardsmen involved in the controversial shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in May, according to a suggestion allegedly mentioned in the Manila investigation report and relayed by the Inquirer News yesterday.

The Inquirer article titled “NBI: Philippine coast guards liable,” noted that an anonymous source, who wished to remain secret due to lack of authority, revealed that the Philippine's National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) “recommended the filing of criminal charges against the Filipino coast guards involved.”

Twin probes of the shooting of the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 (廣大興28號) that occurred in overlapping waters began on May 27 for both Taiwan and the Philippines.

A group of eight Philippine NBI officials led by Foreign Liaison Office head Daniel Deganzo launched a five-day probe into the shooting, the procedure of which included meetings with local forensic experts who conducted an autopsy on the fisherman's body, the viewing of a video recording of the autopsy and discussions with the Taiwanese coroners responsible.

The nature of the recommended charges was unclear as the source had allegedly denied elaboration on “whether murder homicide charges had been suggested,” the source said.

The Inquirer quoted the source as saying that the investigation had included a debate as to whether to bring murder charges against the coastguardsmen, as “superior strength” was used “against an unarmed civilian,” or homicide, as the shooting death of fisherman Hung Shih-chen was “not premeditated.”

Shooters Identified in Report

The report allegedly contains the identities of the coast guard personnel aboard the shooting vessel and the guard who fired the fatal shot, said the source, who added that the NBI had confirmed the responsible shooter's identity after noting that the bullet in Hung's body, recovered during the autopsy in Taiwan, matched a certain coastguardsman's M14 rifle.

Ramming Accusation Rebuffed

The crew of the Philippine Coast Guard vessel engaged in the dispute had previously claimed they had been egged into shooting because the Taiwanese fishing boat had attempted to ram into them, an accusation found hollow after the video recording of the incident had been shown to Taiwanese investigators.

The source revealed the Manila investigation report also contradicted the coastguardsmen's claims.

In a conclusive meeting held in Manila between the investigators from both nations, the two teams had reportedly reached a consensus on the actual geographical coordinates where the shooting happened, but were still at odds about the ownership of the waters.

The Philippine's report was sent to the nation's Justice Secretary Leila de Lima on Tuesday, but the date of the document's publication is unclear.

Manila report suggests charges: newspaper - The China Post
You guess it. The same reason why I don't put my personal info, my email addresses, credit cards on unverified sites.
I would never put my own fullname. I hope that's clear enough.

Anyroad, I'm done arguing on this matter. Too many bladdered responses.

You've said it mate. If I wanted to inflict insult on all Chinese, then I could've just jotted down --> "Chinese Women" instead of "Yunnan Chinese".

the more you talk, the more you give yourself away...
What looks like a massive cover-up by the Pinoy government and the PCGs with attempts to obstruct the course of justice.

Persecution is only one part of proper procedures. Let see what will the verdicts be.
Then the next to follow are:
1. formal apology from aquino
2. adequate compensation
3. guranantee the same wont happen again in the same area by the pinoy government
What looks like a massive cover-up by the Pinoy government and the PCGs with attempts to obstruct the course of justice.

Persecution is only one part of proper procedures. Let see what will the verdicts be.
Then the next to follow are:
1. formal apology from aquino
2. adequate compensation
3. guranantee the same wont happen again in the same area by the pinoy government

Absolutely, except some Pinoy law professor name Roque opposes to a fisheries agreement, b/c he says there is no legal basis for it, since there is only one china. He completely misses the point that a fishery agreement does not = border dispute agreement. The fishery agreement between Taiwan and Japan sets a good example of putting aside the border dispute to protect the livelihood (and lives) of the fishermen on both sides. Short of that, I don't see how this conflict can end, with both navies bent on arresting so called "trespassers" and at the same time protect fishermen of their own.
DOJ prepared an honest to goodness report while Taipei prepared with supporting evidences all questionable since Taiwan is infamous for counterfeiting.
DOJ prepared an honest to goodness report while Taipei prepared with supporting evidences all questionable since Taiwan is infamous for counterfeiting.

The DOJ is lying. They are covering up the lies they have made for causing this incident.
The DOJ is lying. They are covering up the lies they have made for causing this incident.
The real question is: what were the Taiwanese doing in Philippine waters? Is that not relevant at all? The incident could have been avoided had they fished on their own waters.
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