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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

The Republic of China both claimed and stationed garrisons in the Spratlys before the Philippines -FACT

The Republic of China and France both claimed the Spratly islands while the Americans administration in the Philippines did nothing - FACT

Japan invaded the Spratlys and took them from French forces, not American forces - FACT

The allies designated the Republic of China to receive the surrender of Japanese forces in the Spratly Islands - FACT

The Philippines then made up a claim based on proximity after both the Republic of China claimed and occupied the Spratly Islands - FACT.

The Republic of China and France claimed the Spratly and Paracel ISLANDS, not the south china sea itself, all it means is that whoever owns them would have a big EEZ. The middle of the arctic has no islands and is not under any particular nation's EEZ, only the areas around Canada and Russia are. The dotted line map shows the maritime boundary, not some magical boundary of sea claimed to be part of China.

And I love how you managed to mysteriously misread South Georgia Island into the Falkland islands. South Georgia is uninhabited, claimed by both Argentina and Britain, closer to Argentina yet it is controlled by Britain. Isn't that strange?

And since when did the uninhabited islands say they wanted to be ruled by the Philippines? I didn't know inanimate islands could voice their opinion?

Man now i know all this lies made up by both the ROC and the PRC one it was the philippines who had control of the near islands to the Philippines because majority are islands with no people unlike most the claimants who claim all (china) even rock and shoals which you people still call islands see your wrong the first time and your still wrong in everything other fact is china namely the ROC and later on the PRC claim base on the Map of the ROC 1930s in any map of china you never find it any islands in the expect Taiwan which was stolen from the original inhabitants by the chinese (wow ever since then your pirate invaders so long for your no invading others nonsense) and under international law islands who have no occupants and near archipelago (a.k.a Nations like the Philippines) can claim those islands sine hence Archipelago unlike you Falklands (I mean if your going to side with the Argentine use the Argentinian name for the islands Islas Malvinas See when you use things use its full content) which is a whole different case all to together there is no comparison and besides the people voted to stay with UK so when people vote they get its well known fact that birts have that island since 1690 so please cry me the river among rivers you have no idea what is and what is not so please sell your trash propaganda some place else because people here are not stupid to believe that 100% b.s lies heck you can even face us in a peaceful way of solving matters like this and use military power heck am talking to guy who's own country or renegade province political status is in questions and now you did something wrong to your neighbor your just too damn proud to admit it and now your people are using force and hurt innocent workers because of their origins some first world country you people turn out to be! and yet tell us that their is difference between you and the imperials up north? Now this bull b.s b.s b.s to the core as we say here katarantadohan yan kagaguhan niya! Face it you evil people are the real evil here may araw rin kayo! remember that.
Man now i know all this lies made up by both the ROC and the PRC one it was the philippines who had control of the near islands to the Philippines because majority are islands with no people unlike most the claimants who claim all (china) even rock and shoals which you people still call islands see your wrong the first time and your still wrong in everything other fact is china namely the ROC and later on the PRC claim base on the Map of the ROC 1930s in any map of china you never find it any islands in the expect Taiwan which was stolen from the original inhabitants by the chinese (wow ever since then your pirate invaders so long for your no invading others nonsense) and under international law islands who have no occupants and near archipelago (a.k.a Nations like the Philippines) can claim those islands sine hence Archipelago unlike you Falklands (I mean if your going to side with the Argentine use the Argentinian name for the islands Islas Malvinas See when you use things use its full content) which is a whole different case all to together there is no comparison and besides the people voted to stay with UK so when people vote they get its well known fact that birts have that island since 1690 so please cry me the river among rivers you have no idea what is and what is not so please sell your trash propaganda some place else because people here are not stupid to believe that 100% b.s lies heck you can even face us in a peaceful way of solving matters like this and use military power heck am talking to guy who's own country or renegade province political status is in questions and now you did something wrong to your neighbor your just too damn proud to admit it and now your people are using force and hurt innocent workers because of their origins some first world country you people turn out to be! and yet tell us that their is difference between you and the imperials up north? Now this bull b.s b.s b.s to the core as we say here katarantadohan yan kagaguhan niya! Face it you evil people are the real evil here may araw rin kayo! remember that.

This is so full of fail that I don't know where to start. Chinese came into Taiwan to liberated it from Dutch colonial control in 1662, like the Chinese who fought against the Spanish in the Philippines and Chinese mestizos who led the 1896 revolution against Spain.

And is there a mysterious glitch that turns SOUTH GEORGIA ISLANDS into the "Falkland Islands"? Or are you trying to hijack the topic?

France and the Republic of China specifically said they claimed the SPRATLY islands, including Taiping (itu aba). Japan conquered it from France and surrendered it to the Republic of China. The American administered Philippines never claimed it once or tried to occupy the islands.
I was starting to like this forum, talked to a number of Indians, Filipinos, Thais, Viets, Pakistanis, and they're really good with discussions about military updates and war histories (this is the reason I joined this forum). Not until some bunch of Chinese PUNKS start swarming up on you like flies for one bad post.

I'm a middle-aged man who works with eBay.UK, MY family name is Sorensen, my father is half Norwegian in ancestry, my mother is an O'brien Scottish, living in Nottingham. It really won't bother me, if some Ch*nk calls me Thai, Indian, Filipino, Viet, Malaysian, etc... because of me using my Asian associate's email address and user ID instead of mine to register here. These minorities are well respected and admired in the west - COMPARED TO THE CHINESE. You can say anything, anytime you want, No big deal.
(Two years ago, my PayPal account was hacked, since the email address linked to my PayPal is registered on some foreign forum used by hackers, - I WILL NEVER USE MY EMAIL AGAIN FOR FORUM REGISTRATIONS)

I don't even know why I'm responding to these comments, honestly, you Ch*nks don't deserve even one nick of my time.
Of the three most hated races on Earth, (Blacks, Jews, Chinese), I don't agree with the first two, I appreciate Jews and Blacks, but looking at the behavior of some Chinese on this forum and how they discriminate other enthnicities and ballwash some comments, I see the reason why on the latter.

To the Pakistani admins, what's my take on this? Do I ignore these yellow-skinned, cat-eating punks? Or Humiliate them back?

The true color of a white man - racist . I havn't seen any racist comments in this thread except from you so far, you fish eating red neck, peckerwood, the source of homosexuality in the world. Go fu ck your assistant and Pinoy wife you are so fond of.
If you really made those request just like when ma said he not against filipinos and taewanese made a little witch hunt for filipinos afterwards what bunch of hypocrites


This is what changed the tenor of this debate. I, too, was a rational debater from the beginning, until Zero Wing posted this thing, amongst other inflammatory, senseless, baseless, comments about Taiwan, and the Chinese, fueled by other comments by an American physician who is supposed to have compassion and morality. Then, I lost respect for this thread, and I don't give a fu ck about the debate, because there hasn't been one in this thread.
This is so full of fail that I don't know where to start. Chinese came into Taiwan to liberated it from Dutch colonial control in 1662, like the Chinese who fought against the Spanish in the Philippines and Chinese mestizos who led the 1896 revolution against Spain.

And is there a mysterious glitch that turns SOUTH GEORGIA ISLANDS into the "Falkland Islands"? Or are you trying to hijack the topic?

France and the Republic of China specifically said they claimed the SPRATLY islands, including Taiping (itu aba). Japan conquered it from France and surrendered it to the Republic of China. The American administered Philippines never claimed it once or tried to occupy the islands.

You are one knowledgeable dude (or girl? no matter). I thought I was left to rancor with these aholes myself. I am proud to raise the same flags with you. word of advice, if you continue to argue with zero wing and bob ong, you will find yourself in a quandary b/c they will keep shifting on you in an attempt to make you miss the target. Their only strategy, and defense, is to mislead, with smoke and mirror, with faulty logic, distortion of truth, outright lies, spread rumors. I'd rather they refute their Chinese ancestry and call themselves Spaniards, cuz they are probably closer to the lazy life style of Spain then the diligence of the Chinese.
The Republic of China both claimed and stationed garrisons in the Spratlys before the Philippines -FACT

The Republic of China and France both claimed the Spratly islands while the Americans administration in the Philippines did nothing - FACT

Japan invaded the Spratlys and took them from French forces, not American forces - FACT

The allies designated the Republic of China to receive the surrender of Japanese forces in the Spratly Islands - FACT

The Philippines then made up a claim based on proximity after both the Republic of China claimed and occupied the Spratly Islands - FACT.

The Republic of China and France claimed the Spratly and Paracel ISLANDS, not the south china sea itself, all it means is that whoever owns them would have a big EEZ. The middle of the arctic has no islands and is not under any particular nation's EEZ, only the areas around Canada and Russia are. The dotted line map shows the maritime boundary, not some magical boundary of sea claimed to be part of China.

And I love how you managed to mysteriously misread South Georgia Island into the Falkland islands. South Georgia is uninhabited, claimed by both Argentina and Britain, closer to Argentina yet it is controlled by Britain. Isn't that strange?

And since when did the uninhabited islands say they wanted to be ruled by the Philippines? I didn't know inanimate islands could voice their opinion?

Read this:

In 1952, a Philippine civilian began to mine sulfur from Taiping Island and that same year, a note attached to the Treaty of Taipei provided the Nationalist Chinese arguments for sovereignty over the island. The Nationalists established a permanent presence on the island in July 1956.[12]

Taiping Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Filipinos are the first one to occupy and claim Spratlys after Japan renounce her ownership to the islands. The Taiwanese used force to evict Filipinos which is against international law.

There is no international agreement which gave those islands to China. FACT.

The Sulu Sultanate already owned those islands. Sabah, Palawan and the Spratlys Islands were given to the Sulu Sultanate by the Brunei Sultanate.

My brothers from two shores and three regions, keep up the good work.
Also, please don't lose your cool and give those trollers satisfaction.
Read this:

In 1952, a Philippine civilian began to mine sulfur from Taiping Island and that same year, a note attached to the Treaty of Taipei provided the Nationalist Chinese arguments for sovereignty over the island. The Nationalists established a permanent presence on the island in July 1956.[12]

Taiping Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Filipinos are the first one to occupy and claim Spratlys after Japan renounce her ownership to the islands. The Taiwanese used force to evict Filipinos which is against international law.

There is no international agreement which gave those islands to China. FACT.

The Sulu Sultanate already owned those islands. Sabah, Palawan and the Spratlys Islands were given to the Sulu Sultanate by the Brunei Sultanate.


It said PERMANENT presence, because they occupied the island before and then withdrew because they were loosing the civil war in China and had to withdraw the government to Taiwan safely.

Read the sources again, the permanent base was a return because it wasn't the first time

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books
It said PERMANENT presence, because they occupied the island before and then withdrew because they were loosing the civil war in China and had to withdraw the government to Taiwan safely.

Read the sources again, the permanent base was a return because it wasn't the first time

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - Hmi-gwOn Pak - Google Books

Our people were removed there forcefully. Even if you build a base there...it doesn't changed the fact that no international agreement gave those islands to China. Occupying territory thru force is against international law. Historically, Spratly Islands is owned by the Sulu Sultanate and now a part of the Philippines...so that made those islands part of the Philippines.

China's claim is based on bogus history.
actually, I think he is the assistant, b/c the original writing does not sound like it was written by a Filipino.
Our people were removed there forcefully. Even if you build a base there...it doesn't changed the fact that no international agreement gave those islands to China. Occupying territory thru force is against international law. Historically, Spratly Islands is owned by the Sulu Sultanate and now a part of the Philippines...so that made those islands part of the Philippines.

China's claim is based on bogus history.

I know this is futile, but even granted that the islands have not been claimed by anyone under international law, what makes you think PH has a legitimate claim? because of proximity? that sounds so crass and can only come from a simpleton.
NBI: Philippine coast guards liable

The National Bureau of Investigation has recommended the filing of criminal charges against the Filipino coast guards involved in the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman in northern Philippine waters last month, the Inquirer learned on Tuesday.

A source, who has knowledge of the investigation of the incident but asked not to be identified because he has no authority to speak on the matter, declined to say whether murder or homicide charges had been recommended.

But the source said there was a debate on whether to bring murder charges against the coast guards, as “superior strength” was used “against an unarmed civilian,” or homicide, as the shooting death of fisherman Hung Shih-chen was “not premeditated.”

The source said the NBI report on the investigation of Hung’s death had been submitted to Justice Secretary Leila de Lima.

“It is a thin report, because the annexes have yet to be forwarded to [Secretary De Lima],” the source said.

The report, according to the source, includes the identities of the coast guards who fired their rifles at Hung’s fishing boat in waters off Balintang Island on May 9.

Shooter identified

t also contains the identity of the coast guard who fired the bullet that killed Hung, the source said.

The shooter was identified through a cross-match between the slug recovered from Hung’s body during autopsy and the signature of the coast guard’s M14 rifle.

The shooting happened in Philippine waters, as the Philippine Coast Guard stated in its report on the incident submitted to the NBI, the source said.

The source said the incident took place within 79.2 kilometers of Philippine territory and 316.8 km from Taiwanese territory.

No attempt to ram

But the Coast Guard’s claim that the fishing boat Guan Ta Hsin 28 tried to ram the coastal patrol vessel MCS-3001 was disproved, the source said.

The Coast Guard claimed that the fishing boat’s hostile move was the reason for its officers’ firing at the vessel, aiming for the engine to make it stop.

But the NBI report says the results of the ballistic tests and trajectory examination on the fishing boat showed the shooters did not know where the engine was, the source said.

Diplomatic row

Hung’s family has brought murder charges against the Philippine Coast Guard in Pingtung County District Attorney’s Office in southern Taiwan and with the NBI team of investigators who traveled there last month for the Philippine probe of Hung’s death.

The shooting death of the fisherman sparked a major diplomatic row between Taiwan and the Philippines.

Taiwan demanded an official apology from the Philippine government, compensation for Hung’s family and punishment for the shooters.

To pressure the Philippines into complying, Taiwan froze new jobs in Taiwan for Filipino migrant workers and suspended tourist travel to the Philippines and trade and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

President Aquino apologized for the shooting death of Hung, but Taiwan rejected his apology because of his description of the killing as “unintended” and an “unfortunate loss of life.”


The two countries, however, agreed to cooperate in the investigation of Hung’s death.
A team of Taiwanese investigators traveled to Manila to examine the coast guards’ weapons, interview them, and see their own video of the chase between their vessel and Hung’s fishing boat.

An NBI team traveled to Taiwan, examined Hung’s boat, interviewed its crew, and studied the Taiwanese coroner’s autopsy report.

The two teams agreed to release their findings separately.

NBI: Philippine coast guards liable » News » thePinoy
The Republic of China both claimed and stationed garrisons in the Spratlys before the Philippines -FACT

The Republic of China and France both claimed the Spratly islands while the Americans administration in the Philippines did nothing - FACT

Japan invaded the Spratlys and took them from French forces, not American forces - FACT

The allies designated the Republic of China to receive the surrender of Japanese forces in the Spratly Islands - FACT

The Philippines then made up a claim based on proximity after both the Republic of China claimed and occupied the Spratly Islands - FACT.

The Republic of China and France claimed the Spratly and Paracel ISLANDS, not the south china sea itself, all it means is that whoever owns them would have a big EEZ. The middle of the arctic has no islands and is not under any particular nation's EEZ, only the areas around Canada and Russia are. The dotted line map shows the maritime boundary, not some magical boundary of sea claimed to be part of China.

And I love how you managed to mysteriously misread South Georgia Island into the Falkland islands. South Georgia is uninhabited, claimed by both Argentina and Britain, closer to Argentina yet it is controlled by Britain. Isn't that strange?

And since when did the uninhabited islands say they wanted to be ruled by the Philippines? I didn't know inanimate islands could voice their opinion?

FACT is CHINA’s claim is BASELESS from HISTORICAL and LEGAL perspectives.

To legally claim territory, one must define exactly its boundaries. Give me the geographic coordinates of that 9 dash line now (if you do not know what I mean by "geographic coordinates" ask a surveyor LOL)

China's claim of the 9 dash line is totally absurd. What if Italy will show an ancient map of the Roman Empire which extends all throughout Europe that was once a part of the Roman Empire. Or Mongolia will show an ancient map which includes China as part of its territory which was once conquered by the Mongolian Emperor Genghis Khan?

When China ratified the UNCLOS in 1996, she made a statement that it enjoys sovereign rights over its exclusive economic zone of 200 nm and the continental shelf. China also stated a law it passed in 1992 claiming islands in South China Sea including Taiwan and other disputed islands. Keep in mind that the UNCLOS was written in 1982. In both statements, China also stated that she will abide and respect the international law.

China climbed out of the toilet making, and now wants to take what belongs to the Philippines. They want to write their own laws allowing them to rape the natural resources of the Philippines, to the point of using their government ships to block the Philippines from imposing their laws on illegal Chinese fishing boats in Filipino waters. Yet they want to act as victims and threat of war. They are only disappointed that the Filipino people will not be pushed from what is the Philippines.

As for Falkland and South Georgia, there are British people living there. Again I repeat. Britain and Argentina are both outside the 200 miles EEZ of Falkland Islands. Try to look at the map of South Georgia Island it's even far than Falkland Islands.

As to geographical location, the Philippines appeared to have an edge in claiming the ownership of the Spratlys Islands as no other State can claim of being an "Archipelagic State." Under Article 46, Part IV of the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS), Archipelagic State is defined as: "A State constituted wholly by one or more archipelagos and may include other islands. Archipelago means a group of islands, including parts of islands, interconnecting waters, and other natural features..."The Philippine Island is an archipelago, consisting of so many islands, islets, and reefs and the Kalayaan Island or Spratlys are within its continental shelf and China is not an Archipelagic State.

Oh well what's new... For so many years, these Chinese leaders thought of themselves as superiors and their citizens inferior humans. This attitude has molded into a Nazi-like psyche. This time, they look outwards emboldened by their newly created national wealth. Glaringly, these politburos would speak about a PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC yet kills their own fellow Chinese people opposing against what these leaders want.

Taiwanese navy should go after the Filipino pirates that murdered Taiwanese fisherman. Arrest them and put them on trial. If Philippines would not surrender them, than Taiwan should do something such as blockade Luzon. If the Ma government would not do that, he should just resign and replace with someone that would protect its people.
Go ahead! Your garbage words must have the same elements in your brain. PCG is in pursuit of its duties to enforce Philippine and international law – they have the authority to board, inspect, apprehend any offending vessel conducting (or suspected to be conducting) unlawful activities within Philippine maritime boundaries. No more leeway to those wicked heartless Taiwanese.
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