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Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

MANILA -- Philippine Justice Secretary Leila de Lima confirmed on Thursday the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) had recommended the filing of criminal and administrative cases against members of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) involved in the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman last month.
In a text message from Spain where she is attending the World Congress Against Death Penalty, de Lima confirmed that the PCG men involved in the incident may be held criminally and administratively liable, but she declined to state categorically what charges should be filed based on the recommendations of the NBI in its fact-finding report.
De Lima said the report has already been submitted to President Benigno Aquino III, who has the prerogative to either adopt it as it is, or subject it to another layer of review by his own legal team.
"I'm confirming that the NBI already submitted the report. I forwarded the report (to Aquino) before I left for Madrid. The NBI recommended the filing of criminal and administrative charges (but) I cannot disclose yet what exactly the charges had been recommended until it is disclosed by the president. So let's not preempt the reaction of the president," she said in a phone interview with reporters.
She also declined to comment on whether she agreed with the supposed NBI finding of a security lapse, unnecessary use of excessive force and violation of the rules of engagement on the part of the PCG.
"I cannot disclose yet the findings of the report. So if I keep answering those questions then I will be disclosing already the specifics of the findings... Until the president approves or adopts the report it would be improper to disclose it," she said.
De Lima however hinted that the NBI would make use of the murder complaint filed by the victim's daughter, Hung Tzu Chien, before the Pingtung prosecutor's office in Taiwan.
"If the filing of recommended criminal charges is approved, the NBI would need a private complainant, so that would be the daughter of the fisherman. The NBI is looking at it (murder charge) as a private complaint," she said.
A source at the bureau who requested anonymity said that NBI probers were able to establish at least one of the six elements of murder under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, specifically the fact that the Taiwanese fishermen were unarmed at the time the coast guard fired at their vessel.
Investigators also claimed that the coast guard team might have violated the rules of engagement in allegedly using excessive force to drive away the supposed intruding fishermen, resulting in the death of Hung Shih-Cheng.
On May 9, PCG officers shot and killed 65-year-old Hung at sea 164 nautical miles southeast of Taiwan. The Philippine coast guard admitted later firing at the Taiwanese fishing vessel.
Investigation teams respectively organized by Taiwan and the Philippines have completed "parallel investigations" on the incident.
Besides, the UN convention is so vague it does not take into account the conflict of laws between nations. Taiwan may not be recognized as a nation, but it still has a right to protect the lives of its citizens, including the use of force to repel unauthorized and inhumane treatment.

Ma didn't overreact. His demeanor and measures are appropriate to elicit a prompt and proper response, given how PH has ignored a similar incident in 2006. Even if Ma doesn't react, do you think the rest of Chinese will sit idly while Taiwanese fishermen are being harassed and shot at by PCG?

If Taiwan was clearly on the wrong side, then there should be no outrage or condemnation expressed by U.S. congressmen.

Here read this:

EDITORIAL: Ma sabotaging Taiwan’s democracy
Thu, Jun 13, 2013

A delegation headed by former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Wu Poh-hsiung (吳伯雄) departed for China yesterday and is today scheduled to meet with Chinese President and Chinese Community Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping (習近平). It is the first such meeting under the KMT-CCP communication platform since Xi took the CCP’s helm in November last year. Among the delegation are former National Security Council secretary-general Su Chi (蘇起) and former KMT vice chairman Chan Chun-po (詹春柏), who was also the office director of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) KMT chairmanship re-election campaign.
At first glance, some may describe the meeting as conventional, posing no threat to Taiwan. They would then be buying into Ma and the KMT’s claims that the political party-to-party communication channel serves to develop cross-strait ties and that more channels of communication help stabilize cross-strait relations.

Surely no one could object to options that improve cross-strait relations. However, what sort of “win-win situation” is there for Taiwan when the so-called “improved cross-strait relations” of the opaque KMT-CCP communication platform is built on marginalizing Taiwan’s democratic mechanisms? And where has the government’s integrity gone when its authority appears to have been usurped by this political platform setting the agenda for cross-strait development?

A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow in Taipei to set up a round of talks between Taiwan’s Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) Chairman Lin Join-sane (林中森) and China’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Chairman Chen Deming (陳德銘). At the to-be-scheduled talks a cross-strait service trade agreement is expected to be signed.

All this delivers an unsettling sense of deja vu: In May 2008, two months after the KMT returned to power, then-KMT chairman Wu immediately headed a delegation to Beijing to meet then-CCP general secretary and Chinese president Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) and touched on cross-strait charter flights and tourism. Less than one month later, the SEF and ARATS inked two agreements on weekend charter flights and opening Taiwan to Chinese tourists.

In response to concerns that the KMT-CCP forum could dictate cross-strait development, Ma has often said that this would not happen because all matters decided through the KMT-CCP communication platform must be approved by the government and agreed to by the SEF and ARATS.

Such assurances carry little weight, because the KMT-dominated legislature appears to blindly endorse any agreements ratified by the SEF and ARATS.

Taiwan is a democratic country, and yet the most crucial democratic element — public oversight and participation — has been shut out of the negotiation process.

Adding insult to injury, Ma reiterated to Wu prior to his departure in a meeting on Monday that Taiwan and China “do not have state-to-state relations.”

Granted, Ma may justify his statement with reference to the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution, which states that ROC territory includes China. The point is that China does not recognize this constitution. In other words, Ma’s insistence that Taiwan and China do not have state-to-state relations ends up pandering to Xi because it translates to “Taiwan is not a country.”

The nation’s democracy may be lauded as successful, but a chapter of sabotage from within is unfolding under the lead of the Ma government. This government disregards the voice of the people, while it clings to the concept of “leading the government with the party.”

EDITORIAL: Ma sabotaging Taiwan?s democracy - Taipei Times

Your own president don't recognize Taiwan as a country.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think you should kick him from the office when election time comes.
Such assurances carry little weight, because the KMT-dominated legislature appears to blindly endorse any agreements ratified by the SEF and ARATS.

Taiwan is a democratic country, and yet the most crucial democratic element — public oversight and participation — has been shut out of the negotiation process.
"Public oversight and participation has been shut out". Isn't the legislature elected? This people is funny, because they don't like the outcome, they called what is being debated and oversee by the elected legislature not democratic.

And this come from "Taipei Times" editorial? Maybe "Taipei Times" should set up an office and appoint themselves to issue certificate of democracy.<\sarcasm>

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Where in article 73 will you read that it excludes the use of force to prevent suspect poachers from 'fleeing' the jurisdiction of the coastal state concerned??? ANSWER: NONE.

To do something as drastic as shooting at an unarmed fishing boat, you need authority from a law that is very specific in language. You cannot vaguely and personally interpret the law in such a fashion to put lives in peril.

The professor you referred to is the only Taiwanese speaking out for PH, and all the Pinoys jumped on the wagon. Anyways, he said whether the shooting was legal depends on whether the fisherman was fleeing, which is WAAAAYYYYYY OFF BASE, as NBI doesn't think that is even relevant and NBI's investigation findings are collaborated by Taiwan authorities.

poacher my ***. Taiwanese fishermen don't hunt endangered species. should Taiwan arrest every Pinoy fisherman that comes within 200 NM of Taiwan that it considers its EEZ? You guys keep assuming Taiwan has no authority to assert EEZ, but that is not the reality, unless you all want war, which is pretty stupid considering you will throw the entire asia into chaos, sacrificing your allies, not to mention changing the composition of the region, all for little PH...
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"Public oversight and participation has been shut out". Isn't the legislature elected? This people is funny, because they don't like the outcome, they called what is being debated and oversee by the elected legislature not democratic.

And this come from "Taipei Times" editorial? Maybe "Taipei Times" should set up an office and appoint themselves to issue certificate of democracy.<\sarcasm>

The article was probably written by the DDP, warmongers who want cessation from China and become the state of Taiwan. They don't care if everyone in Taiwan dies, or if WWIII starts, as long as they achieve political agenda by defeating KMT. Real Chinese cowboys who rather be identified as the relics of Japan from WWII.

MA has been called a lot of things, but a "traitor" of democracy is the first, and pretty fu cking ludicrous. Editorials like this that disparages and degrades the honor of a president IS the product of democracy, and the fact the president tolerates such harsh criticism is support for democracy. The author of the article has slapped him/herself in the face by writing such stupid thing.
These coast guards are the pirates of the sea. China and Taiwan should send warships and wipe out the entire Philippine Navy. Anyway, the South China Sea could need some more corals.

What is with the propaganda pic?

You may not have killed a saint, but they did kill an innocent man.

Disgusting act.
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Hahahaha just accept that you people are not like by majority of Asian due to the fact you people love steal ideas and resources from everybody i think its time for you jerks to change for the better cursing us will not change your wrongs. Well as we say here kung ano ang ginawa mo babalik rin sa iyo (what you did will come back to you)
Here read this:

EDITORIAL: Ma sabotaging Taiwan&#8217;s democracy
Thu, Jun 13, 2013

A delegation headed by former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairman Wu Poh-hsiung (&#21555;&#20271;&#38596;) departed for China yesterday and is today scheduled to meet with Chinese President and Chinese Community Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi Jinping (&#32722;&#36817;&#24179;). It is the first such meeting under the KMT-CCP communication platform since Xi took the CCP&#8217;s helm in November last year. Among the delegation are former National Security Council secretary-general Su Chi (&#34311;&#36215;) and former KMT vice chairman Chan Chun-po (&#35449;&#26149;&#26575;), who was also the office director of President Ma Ying-jeou&#8217;s (&#39340;&#33521;&#20061;) KMT chairmanship re-election campaign.
At first glance, some may describe the meeting as conventional, posing no threat to Taiwan. They would then be buying into Ma and the KMT&#8217;s claims that the political party-to-party communication channel serves to develop cross-strait ties and that more channels of communication help stabilize cross-strait relations.

Surely no one could object to options that improve cross-strait relations. However, what sort of &#8220;win-win situation&#8221; is there for Taiwan when the so-called &#8220;improved cross-strait relations&#8221; of the opaque KMT-CCP communication platform is built on marginalizing Taiwan&#8217;s democratic mechanisms? And where has the government&#8217;s integrity gone when its authority appears to have been usurped by this political platform setting the agenda for cross-strait development?

A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow in Taipei to set up a round of talks between Taiwan&#8217;s Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) Chairman Lin Join-sane (&#26519;&#20013;&#26862;) and China&#8217;s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Chairman Chen Deming (&#38515;&#24503;&#37528;). At the to-be-scheduled talks a cross-strait service trade agreement is expected to be signed.

All this delivers an unsettling sense of deja vu: In May 2008, two months after the KMT returned to power, then-KMT chairman Wu immediately headed a delegation to Beijing to meet then-CCP general secretary and Chinese president Hu Jintao (&#32993;&#37670;&#28644;) and touched on cross-strait charter flights and tourism. Less than one month later, the SEF and ARATS inked two agreements on weekend charter flights and opening Taiwan to Chinese tourists.

In response to concerns that the KMT-CCP forum could dictate cross-strait development, Ma has often said that this would not happen because all matters decided through the KMT-CCP communication platform must be approved by the government and agreed to by the SEF and ARATS.

Such assurances carry little weight, because the KMT-dominated legislature appears to blindly endorse any agreements ratified by the SEF and ARATS.

Taiwan is a democratic country, and yet the most crucial democratic element &#8212; public oversight and participation &#8212; has been shut out of the negotiation process.

Adding insult to injury, Ma reiterated to Wu prior to his departure in a meeting on Monday that Taiwan and China &#8220;do not have state-to-state relations.&#8221;

Granted, Ma may justify his statement with reference to the Republic of China (ROC) Constitution, which states that ROC territory includes China. The point is that China does not recognize this constitution. In other words, Ma&#8217;s insistence that Taiwan and China do not have state-to-state relations ends up pandering to Xi because it translates to &#8220;Taiwan is not a country.&#8221;

The nation&#8217;s democracy may be lauded as successful, but a chapter of sabotage from within is unfolding under the lead of the Ma government. This government disregards the voice of the people, while it clings to the concept of &#8220;leading the government with the party.&#8221;

EDITORIAL: Ma sabotaging Taiwan?s democracy - Taipei Times

Your own president don't recognize Taiwan as a country.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think you should kick him from the office when election time comes.

He recognized that Taiwan by itself is not a country. Its the free area of Republic of China which includes mainland China. Taiwan is a province of Republic of China.
He recognized that Taiwan by itself is not a country. Its the free area of Republic of China which includes mainland China. Taiwan is a province of Republic of China.

So you just say we should not be talking to taiwan we should talk to china

Apparently a bunch of Philippine coast guard appointed themselves prosecutor, judge and jury without even able to present coherent evidence.

I hope the coast guard would be put in jail soon, because behavior as such is a menace to civilized society.
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