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Btw Tomoroww what time isit being concluded in the meeting? Is the LHD platform also going to be concluded Tomoroww.
Despite all the factors tarjanus listed <I know how difficult it will be to integrate S400s into Turkish-NATO radar network> This is a very critical subject concerning our national security. S400 is still the most capable system in the tender. If Raytheon had brought THAAD into the tender I'd immediately jump into it but.. I believe there are some political issues there limiting the export of the weapon system. federal law and stuff.. things that I'm ignorant to

Anyway, PAC3 is quite advanced too and it's a better match for Turkey's current needs. You know Turkey has air superiority against her neighbours so ballistic missiles are more of a threat than planes.

in time, with our growing regional sphere of influence we might have to match Russia and Israel too. Which again will force us to adapt to new possibilities...

this must be such a mind-fvck for the rookies in this forum :)
1.As a turk,can u trust Russian weapons?Russian always sell their weapons to the rivals(or enemies) of turkey ,so they will also give the data of s-400 to these countries(I don't want to say the names )

2,Turkish soldiers are mainly trained to use western weapons for almost time,not soviet/russian weapons.American jets+Russian SAMs is not a good idea

3.the wars between israel and Arab showed soviet/Russian weapons could not march western weapons,pls think about 1982,IAF destroyed Syrian 's Russian-made air force and SAM very easily

4,the monkey model problem,since the era of soviet ,Russian was always sold monkey model weapons,such as Syrian and Iraqi T-72s,which are different from the tank used by Russian army

So s-400 is the worst

Then,we lack enough data of HQ-9,Chinese are working very hard these years but I doubt can they march the American

But from the experience of j-600t and ws-1,Chinese can cooperate with Turkish defense industry very well,while US protect their secret

The S-400 and later the S-500 are the best systems and not the PAC-3!
PAC-3 is just another upgrade of the PATRIOT system(slower then a PATRIOT missile).
Read the sepcs of the S-400 and of the PAC-3 then decide which 1 is better.
MIM-104 Patriot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
S-400 (SAM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe we should choose the one that provides most technology transfer.
We need the best system,what is our gain from tech transfer of a inferior system?
But all aside we dont have any other choise then the PAC-3(politics).
The S-400 and later the S-500 are the best systems and not the PAC-3!
PAC-3 is just another upgrade of the PATRIOT system(slower then a PATRIOT missile).
Read the sepcs of the S-400 and of the PAC-3 then decide which 1 is better.
MIM-104 Patriot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
S-400 (SAM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read other reasons pls

If you are Indian ,S-400 may be the best

But not Turk

Also Russian will sell monkey model (downgraded)S-400 to u,just like their MiG-29 and T-72 which sold to Arabs
Also Russian will sell monkey model (downgraded)S-400 to u,just like their MiG-29 and T-72 which sold to Arabs
Then it's 100 percent sure that they will lose the tender.

Only reason why S400 is considered is because it has an edge over PAC3.

rest assured, they can not sell no "monkey model" to Turkey. In that case PAC3 will definitely win
Gov't undecided on missile contract but favors local developers
A military appropriation meeting attended by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo&#287;an and Turkey's top brass on Thursday yet again delayed a decision over a long-range air defense system, for which local developers and four international companies were bidding.
Anonymous government sources told Today's Zaman on Friday the government focused on moving ahead with local developers, aiming to help improve a relatively poor defense industry.

The Thursday meeting of the Defense Industry Implementation Committee (SS&#304;K) lasted five-and-a-half hours -- one of the longest so far -- and was meant to select a winner for a proposed missile defense system, but the committee delayed any final decision on the hefty $4 billion contract. In a statement released after the meeting, the SS&#304;K said it would hold additional meetings to select the company for the missile defense system. The main competitors for the tender are the Patriot missile long-range air defense system, produced by US partners Raytheon and Lockheed Martin; Russia's Rosoboronexport with its S-400 system; China's HQ9, exported as FD-2000; and Italian-French Eurosam with its SAMP/T Aster 30.

"It was decided to go ahead with talks with the local companies bidding on the long-range missile project. Talks will also continue with the bidding firms for the manufacture of the Landing Platform Dock (LPD, smaller than an aircraft carrier) project to improve the bidders' offers," said a press release posted on the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM) website.

Critics have questioned the reason for the $4 billion deal given that, as a NATO member, Turkey is protected under the alliance's Europe-wide ballistic missile shield. The NATO missile system includes an early warning radar near the town of Kürecik, in Malatya province. Anonymous sources from the meeting cited Turkey's increased self-confidence due to having Patriots for the indecision over an almost six-year-old T-LORAMIDS project. "Prime Minister Erdo&#287;an, in particular, believes Patriots will keep Turkey safe for some time. … Over time we can coax the bidders to lower their price and we will be able to develop systems locally, too," said the same sources. Today's Zaman learned the NATO deployment plan envisaged training Turkish army officers on how to operate the Patriots.

The meeting also failed to make a decision over a planned purchase of four F-35s in 2013. Turkey pledged last year to buy 100 F-35s in the mid-term last year. The SS&#304;K will begin separate negotiations with local RMK Marine shipbuilders and Sea Transport Management for the serial production of six new frigates for an anti-submarine warfare and offshore patrol vessel (M&#304;LGEM) project, in addition to the TCG Heybeliada (F-511), already in service and the TCG Büyükada (F-512), currently under construction. Contract talks will also start with local Roketsan Missiles for the preliminary conceptual design stage to produce launching platforms for Turkey's military and civilian satellites.

The M&#304;LGEM corvette is Turkey's first domestically produced warship.

The first vessel of its class entered service as the TCG Heybeliada in late 2011.

The committee meanwhile delayed the selection of a winner for the production of Turkey's first aircraft carrier. Three major Turkish companies are competing for the bid: Koç Holding's RMK Marine, Kaptano&#287;lu Holding and Turkon Holding. The committee also delayed a contract for a domestically produced amphibious landing ship, while it approved several projects related to the Agusta A129 attack helicopter, which is being developed in a partnership between Italian aerospace group Augusta and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

We have to exploit this situation, whether its ToT or the price. Screw NATO integration, if (let's say) the Chinese offer is better then why the hell not?
We have to exploit this situation, whether its ToT or the price. Screw NATO integration, if (let's say) the Chinese offer is better then why the hell not?

+1 also Turkish & Chinese partnership about missiles pretty old

Also any info about this project or about Patriot systems?

Havelsan of Turkey and Boeing of the United States are in the process of developing a next generation, high altitude ballistic missile defence shield. It is envisaged that the system will be used by the U.S., Turkey and other NATO member states.[50][51][52]
would love to know more about the scope of (what exactly Chinese meant by) ToT

Note: it seems HQ-9 is designed to be flexible enough to employ a wide range of radars...the rest depends on the scope of ToT and your imagination

Aselsan Multifunctional Phased Array Radar + indigenous fire control system like MK-99 and a two-stage Chiese missile :) asking for to much I guess :devil:

Navy HQ-9 (HHQ-9) on DDG 170

I just cannot believe such news... just to lure China away from supporting Syria Government :chilli:
Don't look down on China government's wisdom!
I just cannot believe such news... just to lure China away from supporting Syria Government :chilli:
Don't look down on China government's wisdom!

here is another option... may be it is you who looks down on your government's wisdom :sick:

let me summarize the thread for you...

According to Yenisafak newspaper in the T-Loramids is a $4 billion program to buy long-range missile and air-defense systems CHINA one step ahead due to technology sharing approach.


according to the recent news Turkey is seeking to find a partner for the development (co production) of T-LORAMIDS...I think we have such a luxury at the moment !

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