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Syrian shell hits health center in southern Turkey

In my opinion Turkey will send troops to Syria one way or another. Either before Assad falls or after. There is extremist elements in the FSA and foreign fighters who are setting shop. After the revolution the extremist and foreign fighters will set their sights to Turkey. The new Syrian army I don't know will able to handle all the extremist,Kurdish separatist,Christian militias,Alawite militias at the same time. Turkey will have to help post Assad Syria.That is why I believe Turkey should send a force of 50,000-85,000 men to Syria to help train the new Syrian army, back up the SNC,exterminate the extremist infiltrators. Because if you guys think post Assad Syria will be a picnic. It won't. After the revolutionary chaos every extremist group will use Syria as a playground. So Turkey will be heavily involved in destroying these extremist militant groups and help bring Syria on its feet.
I never believed turkish people will be that much stupid- they are ready to go for a war with another musim country-

Israelis will be laughing hard when they see the Turkey and Syria taking it out in a war-
The second that Assad falls the FSA will also fall apart and cease to exist as an armed group. So i would not count to much on them actually we should expect nothing from them regarding the Kurds. If you do it will end for u with disappointment.

Fsa doesnt care about syrian lands, when assad fall fsa is gone, everybody will go home and its over. Thats what will happen!

Pure bullcrap comment, The FSA has basicly two factions in its organization, The Freedom fighters and the islamic extremist. The Islamic Extremist are by far the minortity in the organization so if the Assad regime would ever fall the only problem would be taken care of these small minor threats.

No, Simple minded retards like you wouldnt understand what these people have gone through. They lived decades under a corrupt blood soaked regime which has brought everything to Syria but Wealth, Justice and Freedom. If Assad falls a new dawn and oppurtinity for the Syrian people will arise...
Don't fcking take this!! hit them back 100x harder!!

Hit WHO harder?

You see, this is the main problem:

It remains unknown if the shell was fired by Syrian army or opposition forces.

It could simply be the islamists trying to force your soldiers to indirectly topple Assad by involving you in a conflict.

WTF? Why doesn't the government do anything? Bufferzone is minimal what we should.

I think Turks are waiting until elections are over in US.

Why are you waiting for US elections? If you take unilateral action (at least defensive) I don't think US would mind.

Besides, I think your government may be trying to gather intel as to who is the one firing these shells. If it turns out to be the islamists, then you might end up fighting alongside Assad. :D

I never believed turkish people will be that much stupid- they are ready to go for a war with another musim country-

Israelis will be laughing hard when they see the Turkey and Syria taking it out in a war-

Turkish people are getting killed and all you're obsessed with is you religion.

The world doesn't run on religion alone. Snap out of it. Only Pakistan does.

Pure bullcrap comment

There is only one thing pure bullcrap on this forum and that's your undeveloped brain. :lol:

The FSA has basicly two factions in its organization, The Freedom fighters and the islamic extremist. The Islamic Extremist are by far the minortity in the organization so if the Assad regime would ever fall the only problem would be taken care of these small minor threats.

No shitt Einstein!

I mean how smart could someone get!

Wth do you think those extremists will do when the civil war is over? Right they will leave the damn country, and the rest will certainly not fight PKK for us! It already happen before you dmbfck, same scenario's were tried in Iraq!

Before invasion of Iraq those ''smartass'' advisors of your smart Tayyip were expecting the same shitt from the KRG of Northern Iraq and guess what happend and still happening you peanutEnes? They (Kurds) and the Central Government of Bagdad both showing you their middlefinger when it comes to PKK!!

So my smart friend, i advice you to look at history and try to update your ''wonderfull'' brain on these matters before you discuss those topics with me.

No, Simple minded retards like you wouldnt understand what these people have gone through. They lived decades under a corrupt blood soaked regime which has brought everything to Syria but Wealth, Justice and Freedom. If Assad falls a new dawn and oppurtinity for the Syrian people will arise...

Sure mrs. smart, you jump from one to another subject that isnt related to the PYD or PKK, and it is another question how your wonderful brain was able to figure out what my toughts concerning the badboy assad and sufferings of Syrian people while i never shared my thoughts about it before?
Btw this is now the 3rd time u insulted me on this forum and i reported you already 3 times dont worry soon the mods will deal with you
It seems that you are all disregarding the role that Iran will play if Turkey gets too assertive, especially in a post-Assad Syria. You have to realize that, for lack of superpower allies and therefore lack of an arms supply, Iran has "rented" Syrian support with heavy subsidies. They will not let this kind of an investment go down the drain.

At the very least, we can all agree that the region will be destabilized by a regime chance. Iran will almost certainly lash out, and not towards Israel but towards Azerbaijan. Both sides have acknowledged that Israeli warplanes could not possibly attack Iran because the distance creates a refueling problem (and Azeri airbases will have to be used, as explained by Azeri generals in a Wikileaks cable). Iran will attempt to quell the threat by attacking a virtually defenseless Azerbaijan, and they WILL NOT take into account a Turkish deterrent.
someone just kick this kajutyun whatever out here , hes constantly talking rubbish , even hes name is annoying
At the very least, we can all agree that the region will be destabilized by a regime chance. Iran will almost certainly lash out, and not towards Israel but towards Azerbaijan. Both sides have acknowledged that Israeli warplanes could not possibly attack Iran because the distance creates a refueling problem (and Azeri airbases will have to be used, as explained by Azeri generals in a Wikileaks cable). Iran will attempt to quell the threat by attacking a virtually defenseless Azerbaijan, and they WILL NOT take into account a Turkish deterrent.
So we get a new border with Azerbaijan hooraay :D

Iran and Azerbaijan tensions have come to this point before, we've just arranged a Turkish Stars air show in Baku and they were wise enough to back off.

Turkish army isn't built to create deterrant if it was so we'd build ballistic missiles all the day :D no we are battle-ready actually have a higher battle-readiness than Russian Army.
So we get a new border with Azerbaijan hooraay :D

Iran and Azerbaijan tensions have come to this point before, we've just arranged a Turkish Stars air show in Baku and they were wise enough to back off.

Turkish army isn't built to create deterrant if it was so we'd build ballistic missiles all the day :D no we are battle-ready actually have a higher battle-readiness than Russian Army.

When have Azeri-Iranian relations gotten to this point before? They are the worst that I can recollect, especially considering the Assad predicament.

Turkey is well aware of the threat that Iran poses to Azerbaijan, yet they make no preparations. They will do nothing when Azerbaijan is invaded.
When have Azeri-Iranian relations gotten to this point before? They are the worst that I can recollect, especially considering the Assad predicament.

Turkey is well aware of the threat that Iran poses to Azerbaijan, yet they make no preparations. They will do nothing when Azerbaijan is invaded.
Over a drilling rights dispute on caspian in 2001...

here check this out:
Azernews: 'Turkish stars' enrapture bakuvians | Baku, Azerbaijan

Turkish Source

You are in error, Turkey will always be Azerbaijan's side no matter what.
Over a drilling rights dispute on caspian in 2001...

here check this out:
Azernews: 'Turkish stars' enrapture bakuvians | Baku, Azerbaijan

Turkish Source

You are in error, Turkey will always be Azerbaijan's side no matter what.

The drilling rights issue was Pan-Caspian (involving Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and I think Uzbekistan). That was merely competition. Now is different, because Iran sees Azerbaijan a threat to its national security (and rightly so). Add that to the fact that the region is destabilizing, the chance of an Iranian preemptive strike is high.

"You are in error, Turkey will always be Azerbaijan's side no matter what." What evidence do you have for this, besides an air show??? Turkey has done nothing for Azerbaijan. All interaction has been strictly commercial. (Closing Armenian border had more to do with Genocide issue than NKR.)
The drilling rights issue was Pan-Caspian (involving Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and I think Uzbekistan). That was merely competition. Now is different, because Iran sees Azerbaijan a threat to its national security (and rightly so). Add that to the fact that the region is destabilizing, the chance of an Iranian preemptive strike is high.

"You are in error, Turkey will always be Azerbaijan's side no matter what." What evidence do you have for this, besides an air show??? Turkey has done nothing for Azerbaijan. All interaction has been strictly commercial. (Closing Armenian border had more to do with Genocide issue than NKR.)
Did Irani aircraft violate Azerbaijan's airspace out of "competition"? I doubt it :) in any case TURAF sent a message with that air show and it worked.

Don't be childish :) Iran is constantly under US and Israeli threat and Azerbaijan is preparing for karabagh both side got their hands full. Turkey-Iran border is one of the oldest in the world. Iran isn't stupid enough to risk a fight with TSK which is superior to its forces in many aspects. Especially with all the vultures circling around Iran.

One step at a time, Azerbaijan won't make a move for Iran before liberating NK and Iran knows this. They will just keep supporting Armenia to delay that.
Did Irani aircraft violate Azerbaijan's airspace out of "competition"? I doubt it :) in any case TURAF sent a message with that air show and it worked.

Don't be childish :) Iran is constantly under US and Israeli threat and Azerbaijan is preparing for karabagh both side got their hands full. Turkey-Iran border is one of the oldest in the world. Iran isn't stupid enough to risk a fight with TSK which is superior to its forces in many aspects. Especially with all the vultures circling around Iran.

One step at a time, Azerbaijan won't make a move for Iran before liberating NK and Iran knows this. They will just keep supporting Armenia to delay that.

There is no point in arguing about what did or did not compel Iran to refrain from attacking back then. May have been Turkey, may have been developments in territorial delineation. Point being is that Israel will undoubtedly be more adventurous if Assad falls, meaning that Azerbaijan WILL be in Iranian crosshairs. The Revolutionary Guard can occupy Baku in an hour. Neither you nor I have any idea how Turkey factors into this. There is no precedent.

You keep making the mistake of pretending that all these events are isolated. Azerbaijan has no choice in whether Israel will be using its airbases or not. It can't just say no at this point.

Not trying to get into another NK argument, but Azeri Press Agency acknowledged today that Armenia was buying military trucks "illegaly" from Japan. They are not lethal of course, but it makes that think who else Armenia is dealing with:D No do you believe me when I say that Armenia has undisclosed weaponry?
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