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Syrian Rebels Used Sarin Nerve Gas, Not Assad's Regime: U.N. Official

:cheesy::lol: I'm not a Kurd, and the only Pagans were ancient Saudis :rofl:

As in believing in ancient Semitic languages or being Jewish or Christian (plenty of examples of the later two even kingdoms).

One of the earliest churches was built in KSA - Eastern Province. 1700 years old.


Besides we were not fire-worshippers like you. That is correct. You might see what your cousins the Parsis do in India. Burning dead bodies in public and doing other outrages things.

And yes, you are a Kurd. Even admitted so and cried about being targeted by everyone, LOL.

LMAO so WHAT? I hereby declare that for today I'm a Kurd and proud. :azn: I wish I could join these guys and kick these Wahhabi-backed coward terrorst thugs who are kidnapping children in the ***.


You stateless fool.

Let me repeat myself, Pagan.

Yes, that you are a idiotic stateless Kurd with inferiority complex and fantasies. You might do a bit of reading first, Pagan and accomplish something in history as a people besides being jash and stateless. KSA has all kind of landcapes and is much more diverse than your irrelevant "Kurdish lands".

3000 km long tropical coastline, 1150 tropical islands, plenty of mountain ranges, tropical areas, volcanic areas, hills, steppe, desert, ancient cities, new big modern cities, Makkah and Madinah, hundreds of wadis, biggest palm grooves in the world, hundreds of oasis etc.

You might consult with non-Arabs living in KSA.

I know you dislike me now for putting duck tape on your mouth in the last few discussions :D

Our cousin went a little bit overboard when he started to claim that ancient goldmine in Northern Hijaz.




3000 km long desert, 1150 arid lands, plenty of deserts, water-less areas, arid areas, hells, desert, desert, ancient deserts, new big modern deserts, hundreds of arid wadis, biggest deserts in the world, hundreds of endless deserts etc.

Fixed it for you :tup: :D
We have the capability too :yay:

That is true, Israel keeps all its war outside of its borders and annexed the lands they fought afterwards, but nothing wrong with that when all your neighbours hate you, you have no choice.
Our cousin went a little bit overboard when he started to claim that ancient goldmine in Northern Hijaz.



Ahhh, there's no place like home.

Soon, soon. :yay:

That is true, Israel keeps all its war outside of its borders and annexed the lands they fought afterwards, but nothing wrong with that when all your neighbours hate you, you have no choice.

It's how we roll.

Second strike capabilities too.

As you can see though, we have been through wars and never resorted to such nastiness. Those big toys are only for emergencies.
Ahhh, there's no place like home.

It's how we roll.

Second strike capabilities too.

As you can see though, we have been through wars and never resorted to such nastiness. Those big toys are only for emergencies.

I agree, we should thank you for not nuking us for the 1991 ballistic attacks on Israel
I don't mean to troll or anything, but Russia is too strong, comparing it with Israel is illogical.

Don't know bro. Russia's power is quite centralised.

We have underground, air and sea capabilities. We'd get wiped off the map, but Moscow and all major Russian cities would go too.

The poor pals would be toast.

I agree, we should thank you for not nuking us for the 1991 ballistic attacks on Israel

You're welcome. It was difficult to hold back.
One of the earliest churches was built in KSA - Eastern Province. 1700 years old.

Nestorians were Syriac/Aramaic and not native to your land :no:
Besides we were not fire-worshippers like you. That is correct. You might see what your cousins the Parsis do in India. Burning dead bodies in public and doing other outrages things.
There's no such thing as "fire-worshiper" ignorant. :lol: Calling Zoroastrians "fire-worshipers" is exactly like I call you "Kaaba-worshiper", as fire is not being "worshiped" in that religion, it's not even symbol of the God, Ahura Mazda, it's just symbol of purity, it's not worshiped ignorant, that's a misconception.
And yes, you are a Kurd. Even admitted so and cried about being targeted by everyone, LOL.

Indian troll, if you read more exactly, I said "for today".
Yes, sure idiot. Isaac of Ninawa was a local from the historical ancient Eastern Arabia/Greater/Historical Bahrain region. Falsifying history is a Kurdish past time. You also claim our Semitic lands such as Arbil and Kirkuk as Kurdish, LOL. You claim everything. Because you don't have anything yourself so you claim others achievements.

LMAO so WHAT? I hereby declare that for today I'm a Kurd and proud. :azn: I wish I could join these guys and kick these Wahhabi-backed coward terrorst thugs who are kidnapping children in the ***.


I don't know a Middle Eastern ethnic group/people that number 30 million and have been so irrelevant in history and not accomplishing anything. Besides being stateless of course.

Besides those people (Semitic people) are originally from the Arabian Peninsula.

Why are you Kurds always denying that you are Kurds?:lol: Well apart from being failures. Other of your "Iranian" compatriots who have admitted to being Kurds do it here as well.

But there is room for everybody. Even Persianized stateless Pagan Kurds like you so don't cry.


Go cry about Bandar bin Sultan and the evil Arabs.:lol:

Go cry for another Arab (Bashar al-Assad alias The Child-Murderer) as you have been doing for the past days while getting seizures.
Let's assume Russia launches hundreds of missiles on your country, what can you do without receiving any help from U.S or Europe?
1) An unprovoked attack on another important state will make Russia an outlaw in eyes of the most countries.
2) Attack on Saudi Arabia will skyrocket oil prices. That will very very very anger all the world powers: US, EU, China, India, Japan and little countries as well.

That will lead to strong sanctions and isolation of Russia. It will be anther Cold War, but this time Russia will be all alone, without large socialist block.

By the way, since Russia lacks foreign bases (beside some tiny naval base in Syria), its non nuclear offensive oversea capabilities are very limited. In fact only thing that comes to my mind is Kh-555 missiles launched from Strategic bombers. But it has several problems:

1) Russia has little number of such missiles.
2) They never were tested in action.
3) Those missiles will have to fly over several countries which wont be happy about it.
4) Missiles are subsonic and Saudi Air force with AWACS, F-15s and Typhoons has good capability to shoot them down.
Nah, no body is going to use atomic weapons against any state unless they sign their death certificate.

It is better to have friends, always look for friends, a friend in in need is a friend indeed. If you see how Iran is almost being isolated, you will realize that the Mullahs' days are numbered.
Don't know bro. Russia's power is quite centralised.

We have underground, air and sea capabilities. We'd get wiped off the map, but Moscow and all major Russian cities would go too.

The poor pals would be toast.

You're welcome. It was difficult to hold back.
something obvious to every human with a functioning brain.... now I wonder what will the west do... they said if Syrian government used chemical weapons there will be strikes against Syria... now what if terrorists used it? what will they do?

They will do the only logical thing to do

supply them with more sophisticated weapons and then cry for humanity
Nah, no body is going to use atomic weapons against any state unless they sign their death certificate.

It is better to have friends, always look for friends, a friend in in need is a friend indeed. If you see how Iran is almost being isolated, you will realize that the Mullahs' days are numbered.

Always up for making friends, bro.

In fact we have opened a diplomatic office in a Gulf state.

No one knows which country, it's a secret. I was going to suggest it might be KSA in the heart of the Islamic world, but I'm worried my cousin al-Hasani would be angry at this suggestion.
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