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Syrian Rebels Get Bored with Syria, Plot to Kill All the Buddhists in Burma


Nov 10, 2012
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Syrian Rebels Get Bored with Syria, Plot to Kill All the Buddhists in Burma

Somehow throat slitting, terrorizing people and marrying non Muslim women will not make people convert to Islam. It worked when Islam was on the ascent during 6th century to 15th century....but this won't work now. This is a just a bad advertizing campaign.

We are stuck up in a vicious circle for not adapting to changing times. We cannot kill our way into world domination...please.



Each campaign of Islamic terror against a non-Muslim country is usually preceded by complaints of human rights violations against the only humans that matter. Muslims.

Step 1 sees the Saudis and their useful idiots denouncing a country. Step 2 sees the media writing in-depth stories about a Muslim hangnail in Country X, when they couldn’t be bothered to write about Muslim massacres of non-Muslims in other places without spreading the blame to the victims. Step 3 sees the terrorists funded with Saudi money beginning their killing sprees.

Burma has gone through Steps 1 and 2 with a torrent of articles whining about Muslim persecution. Now we’re on to Step 3 of every Muslim supremacy campaign. Mass murder.

Syrian Islamist have been attempting to smuggle Muslim extremists into Myanmar, a Syrian Islamist source told NOW. According to the source, “many attempts have been made to send Jihadists to Myanmar for the sake of our brothers.”

“Contacts with Islamist groups in Pakistan, India and other surrounding countries are being made in order to facilitate their entry into Myanmar.” The source, however, added that “these attempts have failed.”Speaking to NOW, Salafist Sheikh Bilal al-Masri called on Muslims to attack Buddhists and their interests.

“I decree that every person who can get to a Buddhist should kill him because they are killing our people and the Muslims cannot be blamed for their reaction.”

The Sheikh went on to say that there was “a systematic war” against Muslims in Mali, Iraq, Palestine and Myanmar. “All this can trigger extremism, and then they will say that we are the terrorists,” the sheikh added.

Yeah it’s crazy isn’t it. You declare a genocidal war against Buddhists and people don’t realize that the Buddhists made you do it. Why don’t people understand that the Jews, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Atheists and Every Other Religion on Earth are the real terrorists?

It’s incomprehensible why every religion is persecuting Muslims. Including notorious oppressors such as the Jews and the Buddhists who have a long history of enslaving and killing other people. Oh wait… Muslims have a long history of enslaving and killing other people.
But the good news is that the Syrian rebels are diversifying. They’re not just about killing Shiite Muslim and Christians in Syria. Their civil rights movement has bigger plans. Like going to Burma to kill all the Buddhists.
Asian Defence News: Syrian Rebels Get Bored with Syria, Plot to Kill All the Buddhists in Burma
Now Buddhists are also in their hit list.. Well is any religion left ? It's like after some decades they ll start counting Aliens as threat also.
This will give Burma the opportunity to completely finish of the Rohingyas.
Now Buddhists are also in their hit list.. Well is any religion left ? It's like after some decades they ll start counting Aliens as threat also.

From the bold above, we can make a nice movie, Aliens V/s Predators V/s Mullahs
So, which scheduled caste do you disgrace?

Whatever caste is , it does not kill on daily basis. People here fight daily to end it, but on other side good people do nothing. and let extremist represent the front line.
You are an imbecile. :pop:

Thank God for 1947 we don't have to have our homes near these people

Whatever caste is , it does not kill on daily basis. People here fight daily to end it, but on other side good people do nothing. and let extremist represent the front line.

Are you sure you want to cling to that statement? You might get embarrassed
Are you sure you want to cling to that statement? You might get embarrassed

Getting embarrassed by a person , who can not see the risk of these extremists and trying to save these people :D

You are funny.
Getting embarrassed by a person , who can not see the risk of these extremists and trying to save these people :D

You are funny.

I'm usually grumpy on Wednesdays.

And here I am interacting with a jovial young shudra

Khosh raho putar
I'm usually grumpy on Wednesdays.

And here I am interacting with a jovial young shudra

Khosh raho putar

You are talking to an Indian. This is your mindset which think that you are interacting with someone else.
Be happy in your imaginary world.
@Abu Zolfiqar I though us Muslims were the intolerant ones. Let them have their fun.
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People should know that there are extremists in every religion.. even atheism...

Extremists are very dangerous, they are very contagious... people should put a stop to them, however when the west and their puppet support them in one place, that will open doors for terrorism in other countries....
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