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Are Rohingya Bengalis in Burma originally from Bangladesh?

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Mutha jot is now calling himself Pakistani, you are an immigrant who fled from rape. And learn how to quote posts properly or who're mother will keep sucking my dick sulah


You dirty kala monkey all the above is true beyond doubt i am kashmiri

whether it be us, north pakistanis, pathans or west pakistanis or even punjabis of the sub continent we are the tallest strongest fairest and best looking

the same goes in india with indian muslims being the best looking this is why hindu women cant help themselves,

whilst dal khors like you calling it love jihad when its just hindu women going after the best men in indian society ie muslims
Randi ki bacheh, you are inheritors of muhajir rape legacy you bihari muhajir midget.:rofl:

Katwa dull ah behnchod chutiya son of cunt, :lol:

This idiot is shaming Kashmiris by calling himself Kashmiri lol fucking muhajir in denial

Kala Bihari son of rape, black muhajir will be my slave soon lololololo
So you dirty pagan

The fact you haven't even mentioned any of the topics is an admittance on your part of the basic facts that Pakistanis are taller stronger and better looking the same goes for indian muslims

befor you go after the bangladeshis remember your aukad dal khor
I did mention topic sullah katwa, youenoughuhajirs are immigrants and the funniest thing is some pussy muhajir in mirpwouldis calling himself Kashmiri:rofl:

What's your aukat muhajir, you have a rape aukat kutta, your mother is a randi and your dad is a Dalit Muslim convert. :haha::haha:

Muhajir, if you are so strong why run away from India?:cry::cry:

:rofl::omghaha:OMG you kala dal khor prick

IM not a muhajir:cheesy: non of my family come from india, has the lack of penis length and the shock of hindu women prefering muslims scrambled your brain

if you stood next to me you would look like any other black skinny hindu

I have had enough of talking to a ugly kala monkey

adios dal khor
Are you saying Punjabis,Pathans,Tamils, Bengali, Gujaratis etc look the same?

BD'shis are some of the most mixed people in the world.

We can be fair, dark, short and tall. There is no such thing as a "Bengali" look and so not you cannot tell who is a Bengali as they do not all look alike.

Study the history of Bengal and you may learn a thing or too.
Of course Assam is technically ours, please visit my region Sylhet especially the border areas like zakiganj that border Assam but does not have a official border post/boundary. Those areas cannot be seperated they culturally the same. Not to mention the many Assamese/Manipuri people in Sylhet.

TBH I was totally uneducated about this until i saw some videos on "Youtube" where i find many Bangladeshis saying this. There were many comments that were very interesting, one interesting comment was posted by a Bangladeshi that if India wants Muslim Bengalis to leave India calling them illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, then India should compensate them with lands from Assam, North East & W Bengal. The other comment i posted in Post # 6.

@Topic I think with 150+Million population, Bangladesh is huge country in that region. And being a Muslim country Bangladesh should raise its voice & concerns in international forums & UN if it sees any wrong doing against minority Rohingya/Arakan or Bengali Muslims in North East & Assam.

This was the picture he posted:

And you have your camel piss soft drink like your prophet lol.

Narrated Anas:Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine).
Sahih Bukhari 8:82:794
Anas b. Malik reported that some people belonging (to the tribe) of 'Uraina came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) at Medina, but they found its climate uncongenial. So Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to them: If you so like, you may go to the camels of Sadaqa and drink their milk and urine. They did so and were all right.
Sahih Muslim 16:4130
"A tradtionalist told me from one who had told him from Muhammad b. Talha from Uthman v. Abdul-Rahman that in the raid of Muharib and B. Thalaba the apostle had captured a slave called Yasar, and he put him in charge of his milch-camels to shepherd them in the neighborhood of al-Jamma. Some men of Qays of Kubba of Bajila came to the apostle suffering from an epidemic and enlarged spleens, and the apostle told them that if they went to the milch camels and drank their milk and their urine they would recover, so off they went.
From The Sirat Rasul Allah ( The Life of The Prophet of God ), by Ibn Ishaq (3) pages 677, 678

@al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend hope you guys are doing good. Could not pass this opportunity to show what some Indians think about Muslims.
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