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Syrian - Iraqi Turkmen Support Thread

You have to understand this event didnt happen by accident or coincidence there are causes.. why dont you ask yourself who made what mistakes before you criticize anyone?

All i am saying is first make a proper research.. try to understand the situation.. now obviously there are some who tricked the Turkmens.. who made them make these wrong calculations and moves etc ignoring Turkey.. ask yourself this?

When it comes to attention and special care for immigrant Turks, Turkmens, Azeri, Uygurs and generally Turkic world as a whole it started with that guy.. before him Turkey pretty much was an isolated country without any foreign policy. It was on its own and involved in nothing. There was zero relationship or whatsoever.. i mean perhaps you are younger than me but i am old enough to remember how it was.

I care about interests.. i help and love anyone let alone Turks.. but i will turn hostile and seek revenge if you are ungrateful and betray my goodwill do you understand?

You want Turkey to get on its knees and support them even if they disobey and betray..

Ofcourse they should not fight.. you dont start a fight that you will lose thats not smart..now probably you will misunderstand insult me again but this is a whole different kind of topic.

You are not being objective here there is a strong political, religious and historical reasons behind that statement.. its the history of your country and people.. you blame your own leaders.. not only erdo probably you hate Yavuz Sultan Selim too..

pfff the guy is one of greatest important Turks leader in our history.

I was insulted and unjustly banned.. they dont let me speak without banning me thats the reason why i went to Arab section.

Its nothing to do with love and hate for Turks or religion.. if you attack me i will defend myself.. I am Turk too i dont give a damn if youre Turk i will defend myself if you attack me even if your my family.
So Palestinians are more gratefull then Türkmens and Ahiska?
It is Turkeys responsibility to protect their fellow kin everywhere in the world and not only Arabs
How turkmenistan is supposed to help them? Do they have the ability or the common borders with them? No, so it would be impossible. The same is true for Azerbaijan.
what u say it's true but i don't like them to be silent about those poor turkmen i can see now so many thing like UN , JUSTICE and ....are BS the truth is the only those whom have some cart to play will be cared
what u say it's true but i don't like them to be silent about those poor turkmen i can see now so many thing like UN , JUSTICE and ....are BS the truth is the only those whom have some cart to play will be cared
I doubt if they could do anything by using international organizations. Only option is Iran, who may help them, but even for this case, Turkmens are living in areas which are pretty far from shia regions in Iraq, and it is hard for Iran to connect to them and send help for them.

@Our Turkic bros...

Some guy is trying to create fıtna in this thread.

Don't forget that, ones words only bounds himself.....
He, aka El-Turco is not only one person. we have some other people like [TR]Ahmet and xxxKULxxx who have almost the same mentality.
He, aka El-Turco is not only one person. we have some other people like [TR]Ahmet and xxxKULxxx who have almost the same mentality.

No one is in the same mentality with ElTurco... but the two latter guys you have mentioned, have similarities. I think, you know what do they have in common. ;)
this is my mentality.. nothing to hide.. only God can judge me.

i will try to make clear in Turkish:

bu Turkmenlerin savasa hazirlandiklarini haberlerde gorunce ilk aklima gelen sey art niyetli ulkelerin bunlari cikarlarina gore kullanildiklariydi, tuhafima gitti kendilerini niye atese atiyorlar yazik olacak diye..?

sizce boyle dusunmem Turkmenleri sevdigimi zaten kanitlamaz mi?

simdi ben dusmanim da siz mi Turk dostusunuz? :-)

cahil dost yerine akilli düsman yegdir demisler.. :-)

Diyorum ki: Irak ordusu bile geri cekilip kaciyorken bunlar neyine guvendi kimin gazina gelipte savas karari aldilar.. bu nasil politika? bunlari boyle yanlis yonlendirenler kim.. yenileceklerini bilmiyorlarmiydi sanki? o_O

onu bunu suclamadan evvel once bu sorulari yanitlamak gerekmez mi? :what:
hic biriniz bu tur kritik noktalara deginmiyorsunuz.. hic birseyden haberiniz yok bu apacaik ortada dusunmeden mantiksiz hissi davraniyorsunuz.. sizi varya kim olsa oynatir kullanir ben buna dayanamiyorum bunlari kabul etmiyorum iste..:hitwall:

gercek su ki onlari dusunmesem sevmesem tam tersi boyle aptalca hareket etmelerini desteklerim ki zarar gorsunler. Gaz verirdim sizde beni alkislardiniz.. :meeting:

sonuc itibariyle sen onun bunun yonlendirmesiyle boyunu asan islere kalkis ondan sonra Turkiyeye söv say.. bunu kabul etmek gercekten mumkun degil.:angry:
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this is my mentality.. nothing to hide.. only God can judge me.

i will try to make clear in Turkish:

bu Turkmenlerin savasa hazirlandiklarini haberlerde gorunce ilk aklima gelen sey art niyetli ulkelerin bunlari cikarlarina gore kullanildiklariydi, tuhafima gitti kendilerini niye atese atiyorlar yazik olacak diye..?

sizce boyle dusunmem Turkmenleri sevdigimi zaten kanitlamaz mi?

simdi ben dusmanim da siz mi Turk dostusunuz? :-)

cahil dost yerine akilli düsman yegdir demisler.. :-)

Diyorum ki: Irak ordusu bile geri cekilip kaciyorken bunlar neyine guvendi kimin gazina gelipte savas karari aldilar.. bu nasil politika? bunlari boyle yanlis yonlendirenler kim.. yenileceklerini bilmiyorlarmiydi sanki? o_O

onu bunu suclamadan evvel once bu sorulari yanitlamak gerekmez mi? :what:
hic biriniz bu tur kritik noktalara deginmiyorsunuz.. hic birseyden haberiniz yok bu apacaik ortada dusunmeden mantiksiz hissi davraniyorsunuz.. sizi varya kim olsa oynatir kullanir ben buna dayanamiyorum bunlari kabul etmiyorum iste..:hitwall:

gercek su ki onlari dusunmesem sevmesem tam tersi boyle aptalca hareket etmelerini desteklerim ki zarar gorsunler. Gaz verirdim sizde beni alkislardiniz.. :meeting:

sonuc itibariyle sen onun bunun yonlendirmesiyle boyunu asan islere kalkis ondan sonra Turkiyeye söv say.. bunu kabul etmek gercekten mumkun degil.:angry:
So basically you mean they should have run away leaving their homeland that they and their ancestors lived for more then 1000 years because its not Turkeys responsibility to help their ethnic kin if they fight back?
Sorry for my harsh words but this is retarded as hell
Or maybe you sympathise too much with ISIS
So basically you mean they should have run away leaving their homeland that they and their ancestors lived for more then 1000 years because its not Turkeys responsibility to help their ethnic kin if they fight back?
Sorry for my harsh words but this is retarded as hell
Or maybe you sympathise too much with ISIS

i really tried to be patient with you but this is it.

You dont seem to understand simple point i made that some time fight might be not in your interest and you have to avoid it avoid i said do you even know what that is?.. avoid doesnt mean run or leave dont put words in my mouth okay!

you are calling me names and now labelling me as sympathiser i suppose you have some comprehension issues..

turkcede yazdim gine anlamiyorsun?

edit: look for the thread about ''turkish troops enter syria'' and ''threat against suleyman sah tomb/shrine'' to find out who i support you can see for yourself.
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whats really retarded is you start a fight and get your arse kicked knowing before hand you stand no chance.. get it?

Tal Afar is majority shia, they were defending themselves against people seeking to behead & massacre them which has also happened as pictures confirm. They had no choice but to fight, this time it wasn't American forces who were the enemy just seeking to control the city.
btw nobody holding you internet warriors to travel at there.. you want turkish army to do it right? you want someone else to fight your war its nice huh? lol oh ne ala! :)

turkish army wont do anything if not in our interest so forget it.. bro. :wave:

also according to you they are traitors you targon and the others called them traitors several times then why beg traitors for help have some dignity and do it yourselves if you have some balls.:coffee:
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Tal Afar is majority shia, they were defending themselves against people seeking to behead & massacre them which has also happened as pictures confirm. They had no choice but to fight, this time it wasn't American forces who were the enemy just seeking to control the city.

Look in that case turkey could send some help anytime and do whatever nesecarry its not so far from us anyway.. if they are being attacked for no reason you wont have much choice left.

but now i find it retarded where even Iraq army is on run these Turkmen begin to confront them

they will be massacred now even more

and to be honest you cant be 100% sure that they would touch these turkmens i dont know how can we be so sure bro..

maybe if they avoided them in first place nothing would happen.. anway .. they have been used as canon fodder imo and now they blame Turkey.. isnt that foolish?

Dont you agree? @1000
whats really retarded is you start a fight and get your arse kicked knowing before hand you stand no chance.. get it?
What do you mean 'start a fight'? IS has made it pretty clear that it won't spare Shias and already considers them as 'infidels' who deserve to be killed. You support Erdogan? Fine, but you can't close your eyes on the reality and bring excuse for every single action of his government. To make it clear, I don't believe it's Turkey's responsibility to help the Iraqi Turkmens because they are not officially citizens of Turkey, but morally it's the duty of all of us to help them by every means possible, not just Turkey.

Now to pursue your own agenda, you are trying to make it look like it's actually Turkmens' fault that a bunch of savages attack their towns and will most probably kill them if they don't pass the 'nutjobs' religious criteria'. What should they do? Accept it and be slaughtered like a sheep?

maybe if they avoided them in first place nothing would happen.. anway .. they have been used as canon fodder imo and now they blame Turkey.. isnt that foolish?

Really? avoid them? Tell that to Christians of Mosul who were told to either pay money, convert or get killed, you certainly won't like their answers. One does not simply 'avoid' IS scumbags, because they come to you. Open your eyes man and see what is happening around you.
What do you mean 'start a fight'? IS has made it pretty clear that it won't spare Shias and already considers them as 'infidels' who deserve to be killed. You support Erdogan? Fine, but you can't close your eyes on the reality and bring excuse for every single action of his government. To make it clear, I don't believe it's Turkey's responsibility to help the Iraqi Turkmens because they are not officially citizens of Turkey, but morally it's the duty of all of us to help them by every means possible, not just Turkey.

Now to pursue your own agenda, you are trying to make it look like it's actually Turkmens' fault that a bunch of savages attack their towns and will most probably kill them if they don't pass the 'nutjobs' religious criteria'.

Listen when it comes to agenda thats exactly my point those turkmens misguided and abused by others for their own agenda. but its definately not Turkey..

Iraq army retreated back to the south --

Kurds stand in the north..---

all these parties seem to act extremly carefull--

but than we have Turkmens who reclessly stand up declare some war and become target.. why?

i care for them trust me.. you on the other hand i dont think you care for turkmen or arabs or any other iraqis.
I just want to say that it is a major geopolitical mistake to let a large amount of turkmens get wiped out in iraq because they were always a gate way for us in to iraq. We could actually use them to influence events there. So even if they aren't turkish citizens and we don't have legal obligations towards them it isn't smart strategically to just let them fend for themselves because the result will be us having less influence in iraq.

With that being typed we should also consider what are the realistic options that are availiable for helping these guys. We can house them in refugee camps in turkey, or we can send aid into iraq to help them. Any other options other than those 2 mean that we are going to be involved militarily.

By militarily i mean either supplying the turkmens weapons, training intelligence or by having the turkish military establish a safe haven in iraq for turkmens, another
option is to completely wipe out isis both in iraq and syria.

Now any military action against isis will have consequences. First off we can expect terror attacks in cities all over turkey and that means tourism revinue plummets, social instabillity etc. Also we will be fighting 2 insurgencies at the same time (pkk & isis) so our forces will be pretty stretched out. Our hostages will be killed. Imo the economic progress we have made over the years will be in jeopardy.

So the question to ask is what is the best course of action.

A. Shelter turkmens in turkey.
B. Send humanitarian aid to the turkmens in Iraq.
C.provide turkmens with weapons, training intelligence.
D. Set up a safe haven in iraq (could become like trnc eventually:chilli:)
F. Get the military involved and wipe out Isis
G. All of the above.
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Listen when it comes to agenda thats exactly my point those turkmens misguided and abused by others for their own agenda. but its definately not Turkey..

Iraq army retreated back to the south --

Kurds stand in the north..---

all these parties seem to act extremly carefull--

but than we have Turkmens who reclessly stand up declare some war and become target.. why?

i care for them trust me.. you on the other hand i dont think you care for turkmen or arabs or any other iraqis.

Still not a single comment on double standart. also I explained why Turkmens had to fight, stop talking thrash without knowing anything.

You think you're arguing with us, this is not arguing, this is owning because you can't counter any of my points.
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