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Syrian defectors - *Iranian Drones* used against Rebels

The same AlQaeda you and USA are arming have many times turned their back on you and slaughtered you like sheep. Expect a black future for yourself if these Salafi animals succeed in toppling Assad (with help of NATO)
We dont arm them otherwise Assd would be deal already. Look at weapons they have - captured.

Saudis didnt achieve sh*t. Even with their F16 supplied jets they had difficulties in bombing Houthi positions in Yemen :lol: Not to mention their huge number of casualties. Btw, the houthis are still there in Yemen, so again Saudi Fail. You have to accept Irans superiority in proxy warfare, for example you and the US have gathered all of your allies to fight a proxy war against Iran in Syria, but what a shame for you, this Iran is singlehandedly whooping your a$$ over and over again.
In 2009 war Saudis killed thousands of Houhis. Many tens of thousands were depopulated. Saudis lost about slightly more than 100. Yemen is still ruled by Saudi puppet. Iran did nothing.

Iran only gave vocal support
Thanks for confirming that Iran **** in pants.

Hezbollah is there because of Iran, Syria is there because of Iran... so Irans stance actually matters alot ;)
Hezbollah is hunting Salafis from FAI who want to fie rockets at Israel. Haha.

Insurgents are getting currently a$$ whooped in Damascus suburbs, while infact a month ago they were supposed to massively launch an attack on Damascus, calling it ''the final battle'' now the tables have turned and Assad is on a rampage hehe :)
You guys were saying same one year ago. In fact Assad declared that he crushed revolt after capturing Baba Amro in Homs in march 2012. But year passed and now situation is much much worse for Assad than it was in a year ago.
Syrian Civil war suppose to last this long ?
If Assad did not have support is it possible to fight this long with help of army only i don't think so.
I think the Zionist Salafi terrorist is losing and will be very sorry why the fcuk they come to Syria and no mother of these disease call salafi terrorist will ever send her son to fight in syria.
Syrian arm force are now battle harden and have good learning lesson to fight in city and guerrilla warfare.

WTF Zionist Jew Defending ZIonist Salafi Saudi :omghaha:

We dont arm them otherwise Assd would be deal already. Look at weapons they have - captured.

In 2009 war Saudis killed thousands of Houhis. Many tens of thousands were depopulated. Saudis lost about slightly more than 100. Yemen is still ruled by Saudi puppet. Iran did nothing.

Thanks for confirming that Iran **** in pants.

Hezbollah is hunting Salafis from FAI who want to fie rockets at Israel. Haha.

You guys were saying same one year ago. In fact Assad declared that he crushed revolt after capturing Baba Amro in Homs in march 2012. But year passed and now situation is much much worse for Assad than it was in a year ago.
Syrian Civil war suppose to last this long ?
If Assad did not have support is it possible to fight this long with help of army only i don't think so.
I think the Zionist Salafi terrorist is losing and will be very sorry why the fcuk they come to Syria and no mother of these disease call salafi terrorist will ever send her son to fight in syria.
Syrian arm force are now battle harden and have good learning lesson to fight in city and guerrilla warfare.

WTF Zionist Jew Defending ZIonist Salafi Saudi :omghaha:

salafis/wahabis and Jews are cousins.

arabs and Jews go way back
As Eastern European Zionist Jews Hijack Judaism the orthodox Jews are in Minority same way Zionist salafi Hijack Islam and real Arabs are in silent and in minority.
Both have same mission to Support their God "Antichrist Dajjal" so what one can expect from these Puppets

salafis/wahabis and Jews are cousins.

arabs and Jews go way back
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i hope it was S-129.if we supply them with enough amount of S-129 drones.they can easily deal with the terrorists at Turrkish borders.considering 24 hours flight endurance of S-129,they can use it also against terrorists heads as well.

I don't suppose Iran is in condition of supplying the mentioned drone but Transfering a few SWP to Syrian Freedom Army can easily deal with it flying around Turkish borders. You know After engagement rules have been changed between Turkey/Suria, Approaching to Turkish border is also considered as a danger to deal with for our security as well...

I don't suppose Iran is in condition of supplying the mentioned drone but Transfering a few SWP to Syrian Freedom Army can easily deal with it flying around Turkish borders. You know After engagement rules have been changed between Turkey/Suria, Approaching to Turkish border is also considered as a danger to deal with for our security as well...


I'm gonna laugh myself drunk when wahabis/salafis start blowing up in Turkish streets. If history has shown one thing, it's that whoever supports wahabis will suffer from the acts of the very same wahabis. Pakistan supported the mujahedin now look, USA supported the wahabis and they had the 9/11 episode etc...

So good luck.
I'm gonna laugh myself drunk when wahabis/salafis start blowing up in Turkish streets. If history has shown one thing, it's that whoever supports wahabis will suffer from the acts of the very same wahabis. Pakistan supported the mujahedin now look, USA supported the wahabis and they had the 9/11 episode etc...

So good luck.

As far as I know, There is no insident(?) which West supported armed groups are blowing themselves on Syrian streets to get some victory. They mostly use the weapons captured from Syrian Army or receiving help from abroad. After they finished their job, Why do they prefer to blow themselves up in Turkish streets ? So called Punishment for what ? I don't understand your point dude but One thing for sure for me, Turkey is a different and difficult storiy to deal with them in terms of political, economical and military reasons, so I think They will alter their courses for their ideological enemy, Iran as a next target (?).
As far as I know, There is no insident(?) which West supported armed groups are blowing themselves on Syrian streets to get some victory. They mostly use the weapons captured from Syrian Army or receiving help from abroad. After they finished their job, Why do they prefer to blow themselves up in Turkish streets ? So called Punishment for what ? I don't understand your point dude but One thing for sure for me, Turkey is a different and difficult storiy to deal with them in terms of political, economical and military reasons, so I think They will alter their courses for their ideological enemy, Iran as a next target (?).

they already bombed you... you forgot the border bombing incident? they already shot mortar shells at you to blame the Syrian government, hoping they will drag Turkey and NATO to war... just wait... they want to make Sharia state in Turkey just like the want in Syria.. but anyways, I don't hope that the Turkish people suffer... but I hope that AKP will get destroyed for killing thousands of Syrians.. they supported F$A terrorists and they even train them... Syrians will never forget...
deal with them in terms of political, economical and military reasons, so I think They will alter their courses for their ideological enemy, Iran as a next target (?).
Dont even dream about it. Irans borders are sealed completely...no chance for them, and these arab wahabis are rejected by the iranian society. So that guy abii is right, there is high chance that they will start to blow themself up on turkish streets. You tried to imitate iran by creating some kind of proxy but truth is you suck at it. No matter what you jump up and down iran will remain a master in proxy warfare hehe.
This is Aldab'a Airport smart one...
and here is the real footage of the EMPTY AIRPORT... There is nothing but junk... watch your beloved terrorists GETTING THEIR @$$ KICKED...

nice try.. your propaganda like always fails.. wikimapia hahahah,
Only one who failed is you. Because Dabaa is just another name for Qusair airport. This airport is located 5 km from the town Qusayr and 2.5 km from village Dabaa. Thats why sometimes its called Qusayr airport and sometimes Dabaa airport.

GeoHack - Al Qusayr Air Base

Similari Rasin airport sometimes also is called Kwareys, Aleppo international airport is also called Neyrab.
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If FSA aren't capable of beating the Syrian army with foreign economical aid, what chance do they have in any other country?
Only one who failed is you. Because Dabaa is just another name for Qusair airport. This airport is located 5 km from the town Qusayr and 2.5 km from village Dabaa. Thats why sometimes its called Qusayr airport and sometimes Dabaa airport.

GeoHack - Al Qusayr Air Base

Similari Rasin airport sometimes also is called Kwareys, Aleppo international airport is also called Neyrab.

Hezballah's drones don't need airports ;)
Only one who failed is you. Because Dabaa is just another name for Qusair airport. This airport is located 5 km from the town Qusayr and 2.5 km from village Dabaa. Thats why sometimes its called Qusayr airport and sometimes Dabaa airport.

GeoHack - Al Qusayr Air Base

Similari Rasin airport sometimes also is called Kwareys, Aleppo international airport is also called Neyrab.

you failed, don't try to make up names for airports... there is no such thing as Alqusayr airport, which is why I asked where is that airport, and Aldab'a airport has been abandoned and there is nothing in it..and what the heck are those website? I can make a website easily...

btw your propaganda fails, I showed your beloved F$A terrorists dying.. and the Syrian Army is almost done with Al Qusayr, can you deny that??
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