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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

500 ,you spend long time on form unlike content.
What is interesting about this cruise-missile attacks ,are measurement of errors,collecting of data about impact of attack, ratio of success of fired missiles on a target and etc...
All this informations when will be collected and processed can be very good indicator about movement in a military industry...is on good or bad direction.
And to not forget that's one way of creation of new age of weaponry.
I'm not military expert but rationally thinking is not complicated stuff.
And for terrorists...they will be destroyed but on a very nasty way.
I bet that next on repertoar would be a vacuum bombs
Only wearing a cool camouflage does not make one a 'special force'. That's the mentality of many people here. We saw how U.S 'specially trained' rebels surrendered themselves to Nusra terrorists just within days of fighting.

IRGC dint wear cool camouflage but still dying.........
Putin says Russian ground operation ready to start. Now rebels are toast.
IRGC dint wear cool camouflage but still dying.........

They kill perhaps 10 times more terrorists, only because you don't like to watch their corpses doesn't mean they don't exist. This is a war and no one is invincible, just like how Emirati soldiers were not invincible when a ballistic missile fell over their head. War has casualties.

You posted photos that could be from anywhere and any year. Anyone with 5 years or older will reject them as proof of anything unless they are backed up. Especially coming from an Israeli. That is because you have zero credibility.

As for ISIS, your country is supporting terrorists against a UN recognized government of Syria with material support. These people then fight with ISIS. Therefore you are considered state sponsors of terrorism.

- Israel supporting terrorists
Battle of Qalamoun (2013) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Same terrorists fighting together with ISIS

You can make excuses and token arrests all day. Doesn't change the facts and in the information age, everyone knows an Israeli's true face.

Trust me on this, once Syria is free of rebel scum, it will turn its attention to the sponsors of this little endeavor. And your country is on that list.
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You posted photos that could be from anywhere and any year. Anyone with 5 years or older will reject them as proof of anything unless they are backed up. Especially coming from an Israeli. That is because you have zero credibility.
Zero credibility has you and your MoD which are proven pathological liars:

Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed) | Page 705

Kh-55/555 never were used in combat, so its pretty retarded to say that their photos can be from anywhere and year. Plus old photos can be googled and exposed. At least you could say you dont know what it is. But you started to scream there were no any cruise missiles in past week and showed urself as liar and ignorant.

As for ISIS, your country is supporting terrorists against a UN recognized government of Syria with material support.
Thats another ur lie, we here is no any proof of material support.

These people then fight with ISIS. Therefore you are considered state sponsors of terrorism.

- Israel supporting terrorists
We cure injured Syrians, just as we cure hundreds thousands of Palestinians every year. Of course since u are a retarded kid, you dont know what is humanism and Hippocratic Oath. More over those few rebels we cure are enemies of ISIS.

Your country on the other hand is bombing enemies of ISIS and provided ISIS with thousands of manpower.

P.S. Russian MoD lied once again. They claimed that Tu-22 bombed ISIS in Raqqa and Deir Ez Zor, while in fact they bombed in Latakia 200 km away, where is not any ISIS.

P.S. Russian MoD lied once again. They claimed that Tu-22 bombed ISIS in Raqqa and Deir Ez Zor, while in fact they bombed in Latakia 200 km away, where is not any ISIS.

We don't care about ISIS. ISIS is no body.
We don't care about ISIS. ISIS is no body.
Thats what I was saying all the time: neither Assad not Putin consider ISIS as a threat, yet they talk about ISIS all the time for propaganda purposes.

at around the 1 minute mark, what are those, air launched cruise missiles or bombs ?
Cruise missiles.

By the way, those who think Tu-22 bombings are something mega powerful:


Each dropped 12 500-pound dumb bombs. Here Vietnam era F-4 fighter with 18 500-pound bombs:


These dropped these dumb bombs into clouds with zero visibility.


Totally useless.

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