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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

the deadliest war plane mankind has ever built

Deadliest or not, it punches big holes in the ground. That is what counts against the cannibals and it shows to the supporters of the cannibals, that they are dealing with a true force of gigantic proportions.

But even Tu-160 with a maximum takeoff weight 12 times that of a Rafale is useless in this kind of war without ground operation. Someone must go on the ground and hold the territory. Without this, all the planes in the world will fail to defeat the cannibal zombies.
But even Tu-160 with a maximum takeoff weight 12 times that of a Rafale is useless in this kind of war without ground operation. Someone must go on the ground and hold the territory. Without this, all the planes in the world will fail to defeat the cannibal zombies.

Unless, they use nukes.

Russia Iran claims to have captured Radwan in Latakia province

Russia Iran take on rebels in eastern Ghouta

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Unlike B-52 and B-1, Tu-160 and Tu-95 can only carry cruise missiles, thats why they are useless in conflicts like Syria.

Not true.

Also, you're discounting the TU22. As i said before, these Bombers bring Overwhelming Firepower on the Battlefield and gives the Russian Air Force the ability to carpet bomb areas controlled by the Rebels. Their utility will soon be tested in Syria, but already with Russian Guidance it appears the SAA is pushing the rebels back hard.

"The Tu-160 is capable of carrying the strategic cruise missile Kh-55MS, which is known in the West by the Nato designation and codename AS-15 Kent. Up to 12 Kh-55MS missiles can be carried, six in each bay. The Kh-55MS is propelled by a turbofan engine. The maximum range is 3,000km, and it is armed with a 200kt nuclear warhead.

The weapons bays are also fitted with launchers for the Kh-15P, which has the Nato designation and codename AS-16 Kickback. The Kh-15P Kickback has solid rocket fuel propulsion, which gives a range up to 200km. The Kickback can be fitted with a conventional 250kg warhead or a nuclear warhead. The aircraft is also capable of carrying a range of aerial bombs with a total weight up to 40t."

Tu-160 Blackjack Strategic Bomber - Airforce Technology
Unlike B-52 and B-1, Tu-160 and Tu-95 can only carry cruise missiles, thats why they are useless in conflicts like Syria.

But Tu-22 can, and it wouldn't be to hard to modify Tu-160 and Tu-95 to drop bombs.

It does not change anything. Cruise missiles have same warhead as free fall bombs but 1000 times more expensive. So its basically just propaganda for show, especially since most (if not all) of these cruise missiles have failed.

Do you have down's syndrome? Serious question.
While these Iraqi paramilitary fighters are not members of a professional army, they form some of the most effective anti-ISIS units in the region.

That's right. And there is explanation. These guys are religious and are not afraid to die.

I quote While these Iraqi paramilitary fighters are not members of a professional army, they form some of the most effective anti-ISIS units in the region; this is likely due to their religious beliefs and close coordination with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Central Command.

Iraqi Paramilitary Reinforcements Arrive in West Palmyra to Aid the Syrian Army
Russian operations after they confirmed that a bomb brought down Russian passenger plane in Sinai Penninsula.

Tu-160 and the Tu-22M are on display.

Russia has also confirmed the expansion of its fleet in Syria. Before and after picture is below. Maybe someone can help translate:

Russian operations after they confirmed that a bomb brought down Russian passenger plane in Sinai Penninsula.

Tu-160 and the Tu-22M are on display.

Russia has also confirmed the expansion of its fleet in Syria. Before and after picture is below. Maybe someone can help translate:


Adding 5 Tu-160 bombers, 6 Tu-95MS bombers, 14 Tu-22M3 bombers, 8 Su-34 bombers, 4 Su-27SM bombers. These operate from the Caucasus. From Latakia operate 4 Su-30SM bombers, 4 Su-34 bombers, 12 Su-25SM bombers, 12 Su-24M bombers, 12 Mi-24 helicopter gunships, 4 Mi-8 utility helicopters.

Terror of rebels. Iranian air force F-14 bombers.

Russian MoD confirms 34 cruise missiles were launched from Tu-160 and Tu-95 bombers:

с 9:00 до 9:40 стратегическими ракетоносцами Ту-160 и Ту-95МС проведены пуски 34 крылатых ракет воздушного базирования по целям боевиков в провинциях Аллепо и Идлиб.

ТАСС: Политика - Минобороны РФ в два раза увеличило количество воздушных ударов по террористам в Сирии

Next time keep quiet crying bear boy.

Next time post sources. I told you before.

Because of the flag under your name, everything you say is considered a lie unless you can prove otherwise. Not that hard to understand yeah?


Tu 95 has entered the battle. Jihadi animals have no idea of the kind of firepower it can carry.

Also, talk of using bio-weapons is getting stronger among the decision makers. At this point everyone who is anyone in our armed forces supports the use of VX and plague on the jihadis.
The Syrian people will win over isis and moderate beheaders with the help of Russia and Iran.
The only thing that terrorists supporters can do is too cry. :cry:
Yes yes, Syrian people are totally cheering the people that are bombing them.
There is nothing wrong with saying Labayk.
But there is a clear difference when rebels say Labayka ya Allah and Shiites say Labayka ya Hussein. Shows who has allegiance to whom.
God is part of culture. It does not physically exist you moron :lol: Muhammad (PBUH) created Islam in the 600s.

Russia Iran entered Humaymah al Kabeera in Aleppo province.

Breaking: Syrian Army Enters Humaymah Al-Kabeera Village in East Aleppo
Whatever you say :)
Yet rebels lost hundreds of kilometers to these same militias. Let them enjoy some minor 'successes' on the battlefield, while losing more land each weak. Like I said, the push in southern Aleppo is only the beginning. Expect more reinforcements from these same militias, and more land being captured by them too.
Nope. Once Jaysh al Fateh arrived this militias haven't been advancing. In fact, Jaysh al Fateh has already retaken some land. Rasm al Sahrij, ICARDA, Banes, Tal Hadiyah, to name a few.
These HUMVEEs used by Iraqi Shia are built in Iran. Thousands are built every year. Armed with 14.5 mm heavy machine guns, these HUMVEEs splash personnel from more than a kilometer away.
Idiot, these are US supplied. Given to shiite militias by Iraqi army, then redeployed to Syria by Iran.
This is a huge escalation on side of the Russians.

I am surprised no one else is picking up on this. The introduction of Strategic Bombers will allow the SAA to flatten out any Rebel Positions, and having a friendly aerial artillery loiter in the area for hours.
Yes yes bomb our villages more, sure won't encourage more people to join us and others to become refugees. Putin totally isn't propelling the refugee crisis or anything.

In actual news:
Jaysh al Fateh has stopped the sectarian Shiite advance in South Aleppo, and have retaken Rasm al Sharij, Tal Hadiyah, ICARDA, and are on the outskirts of Banes or have retaken it. They also blew up 2 BMPs yesterday, captured 1, and captured 2 Humvees. And destroyed a Humvee with a TOW. Oh the Irony.

In Northern Hama, rebels have taken 3 points south of Morek, getting ever so closer to Hama city to free it from the Tyranny of Assads. 1982.

Russian airstrikes hit bread factory in Aleppo which fed 120,000 people, as well as the ISIS-held water treatment plant that provided water for ALL of Aleppo, regime, ISIS, or rebel held.

Rebels have downed something (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) in Aleppo:
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