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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

But Israel is always trying to neutralize Syrian threat. For example operation Orchard so that Syria dont get hands on Nuke power.
there was also babylon/opera when they took out the Iraqi reactor.

with the threat of nuclear weapons and a bunch of (not sure if they really mean it) genocidal rhetoric none the less from all sides promising to wipe them out, can't blame them.

the thing is, with the saudi crazies they really mean it, those guys really want a jewish genocide for reals, their general population would be happy to see that happen.

with Iran, it seems more political expediency and just rhetoric, they're not really out to do it, and unlike the wahhabis, I doubt highly that the random Iranian really wants it.

whole ME is such a mess, but al saud pigs be damned, I want to see an Iran and Israel peace accord, I think it's workable

this whole "palestine" business is just a carrot and stick/whip routine to rally the ignorant masses in Iran, given enough incentive, maybe the ayatollahs will let go.. I hope.

but islamofascist fart in face saudi billionaires and kings are just the most disgusting thing ever, **** those guys and their global jihadi terrorist ideology... nuke those bastards please.
Russia bombs rebel illegal oil trade convoy

Mujahids group together when they go after kaffars. Army of Conquest is a recent example. Nusra and ISIS cooperated against Assad in recent weeks. When it comes to attacking Israel, all mujahids would work together. Never underestimate Mujahids and what they can do.
Don't call these kuffar mujahideen they have nothing to do wit Islam neither Jihad as duty to defend your self and your country not to kill innocent and unarmed people.
I truly don't understand Israel's game here, with Assad they had peace at the border, correct me if I'm wrong but he never made a military play at regaining the golan ? peace and status quo for so long, what could they have against Syria ? those guys were never a radicalized extremist mullah society like the sauds.

maybe to weaken Iran's ally ?

good luck to Israel, they probably know better than anyone just how bad these syrian rebel scum is.. when the time comes, they'll pull the trigger and eliminate nusra and al tawheed and the hundreds of other disgusting groups of terrorist pigs.

all I know for sure is that I'm not buying any of the "evil dictator and poor civvies being bombed" bullshit :lol:

Israelis have own state strategy but someone was made wrong calculations and now is very difficult for solving the errors.
in next 15-20 years for israeli army will be hard period because they are surrounded of countries with very skilled fighters ...5 years of war is not a joke,second is big quantity of weapons, but the most dangerous of all comes from next generations with post war syndrome who are unpredictable and can easy bring a new troubles in a region.
I truly don't understand Israel's game here, with Assad they had peace at the border, correct me if I'm wrong but he never made a military play at regaining the golan ? peace and status quo for so long, what could they have against Syria ? those guys were never a radicalized extremist mullah society like the sauds.

maybe to weaken Iran's ally ?

good luck to Israel, they probably know better than anyone just how bad these syrian rebel scum is.. when the time comes, they'll pull the trigger and eliminate nusra and al tawheed and the hundreds of other disgusting groups of terrorist pigs.
Israel is extremely neutral in this conflict. Our border with Syria is sealed not a single bullet passes through.

all I know for sure is that I'm not buying any of the "evil dictator and poor civvies being bombed" bullshit :lol:
Thats fact, which no one can deny.

in next 15-20 years for israeli army will be hard period because they are surrounded of countries with very skilled fighters ...5 years of war is not a joke,second is big quantity of weapons, but the most dangerous of all comes from next generations with post war syndrome who are unpredictable and can easy bring a new troubles in a region.
Skilled fighters in what? Dropping barrel bombs on Bedouin villages?
When i mention skilled fighters i meant at all,not only on Syrian or Lebanese,because there is a lot of European mercenaries,fighters from afghanistan,Iraq,africa....
Problems will arrive sooner or latter because do you think that all of them will be normal persons when the war will finish
I'm not talking about some equipment. Rebels haven't recaptured any ground ever since. In fact, SAA and allies have taken more ground yesterday, like Halasah near Zitan in South Aleppo.
No. Rebels have retaken Rasm al Sahrij, and this Islamic Front account https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwadYiMUH4CgEULo85MzaJQ (taken down for "copyright," just Assad trolls spamming) had video evidence of it. And much more evidence of other fronts retaken. Shiites haven't advanced ever since Jaysh al Fateh (a well-organized, well trained and well disciplined and led coalition, unlike the incompetent South Aleppo rebels) arrived.

You posted photos that could be from anywhere and any year. Anyone with 5 years or older will reject them as proof of anything unless they are backed up. Especially coming from an Israeli. That is because you have zero credibility.

As for ISIS, your country is supporting terrorists against a UN recognized government of Syria with material support. These people then fight with ISIS. Therefore you are considered state sponsors of terrorism.

- Israel supporting terrorists
Battle of Qalamoun (2013) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Same terrorists fighting together with ISIS

You can make excuses and token arrests all day. Doesn't change the facts and in the information age, everyone knows an Israeli's true face.

Trust me on this, once Syria is free of rebel scum, it will turn its attention to the sponsors of this little endeavor. And your country is on that list.
Medical treatment is a human right, not "supporting terrorists."

Syrian rebels trying to shoot a bullet at Israel is as likely as existence of unicorns. Don't try to portray Syrian rebels (of which Nusra front is a true representation) as Israel enemies, they are not.
If rebels fire a bullet at Israel, Israel will bomb us into oblivion. That's why we haven't fired. We don't have proper anti-air and IAF's attacks are all targeted and precise.

Pictures of shiites killed by Jaysh al Fateh in Southern Aleppo. Pictures are in the post after the one linked. Can't ban me for this :)

ID of a shiite killed in South Aleppo, probably Iranian:

As I said, Jaysh al Fateh in South Aleppo has retaken ICARDA, Tal Hadiyah, Rasm al Sahrij, and are at the gates of Banes.
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Israel is extremely neutral in this conflict. Our border with Syria is sealed not a single bullet passes through.

Suuuure you're neutral, that's why every Israeli and major jewish interest group is fiercely lobbying for air strikes and no fly zone over Syria.
No stupid it means battle-hardened Shia militias that will be a threat to Israel.
Battle hardened against illiterate bedouins on Toyotas? How exactly battle experience against Toyota will help u against Merkava Mk4M and F-35I? :disagree:

Suuuure you're neutral, that's why every Israeli and major jewish interest group is fiercely lobbying for air strikes and no fly zone over Syria.
What are u talking about? Do u realize that Israel could easily supply rebels with tons of arms so they would kick barrel bomber Assad to Tehran in 5 minutes?

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