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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

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about time they started knocking out the oil tankers.

i find iy hard to believe NATO intelligence hasn't been tracking these convoys.

all you need is SAR/GMTI to find them especially when they are operating in the middle of the night in open desert
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Kuweiris must grow larger :)


But according to @500 its all useless man and even an F-4 can carry more bombs so go figure. I think @500 has been hallucinating a bit lately.

about time they started knocking out the oil tankers.

i find iy hard to believe NATO intelligence hasn't been tracking these convoys.

all you need is SAR/GMTI to find them especially when they are operating in the middle of the night in open desert

Nato intelligence knows very well what's going on with these tankers; the problem is where the tankers go to deliver the oil, Turkey, our fellow Nato partner which is actually supporting ISIL and this is one of the ways how they finance ISIL. Only now that Russia got involved and particularly after Paris, they finally got serious about doing something about ISIL and the oil.
Nato intelligence knows very well what's going on with these tankers; the problem is where the tankers go to deliver the oil, Turkey, our fellow Nato partner which is actually supporting ISIL and this is one of the ways how they finance ISIL. Only now that Russia got involved and particularly after Paris, they finally got serious about doing something about ISIL and the oil.

NATO intelligence aren't that competent as you may think.

Also, Russian bombing has nothing in common with Paris. What happened in Paris - it's a problems of Paris, not Russia.
No. Rebels have retaken Rasm al Sahrij, and this Islamic Front account

You mean just like when these same accounts were reporting that villages south of Al Hadher weren't captured (by proving it with some unclear video), only to read a day later that the complete Hadher front was broken and rebels were driven back to Icarda? Nothing has been recaptured by rebels in these areas.

more than 60 iranian rats have been sent to hell so far,

Rebels are doing more than expected with no serious weapons ...

It took the lives of only 60 Iranians to capture more than 400km2 of territory in areas which rebels controlled for years. While at the same time Houthis are going on rampage in Saudi territory, and even capturing Saudi cities, by demonstrating that the Saudi army is the most incompetent army in the whole region.
NATO intelligence aren't that competent as you may think.

Also, Russian bombing has nothing in common with Paris. What happened in Paris - it's a problems of Paris, not Russia.

No, you misunderstood, my meaning is that now that Russia is involved in Syria and also because of Paris, now western countries have been forced to get more serious about fighting ISIL including the US attack on oil tankers the other day. Of course Russia's action is unrelated to Paris, I know that.

US intelligence knows very well what's going on with the oil, but they were conveniently looking the other way (same as to many other things) since they were not very interested in actually hurting ISIL much since it is a very convenient tool of regime change in Syria.
Let's be honest.
The number of iranians and Iraqis killed in this war is still less than the number of Parisians killed in a single day by ISIS.
Let's be honest.
The number of iranians and Iraqis killed in this war is still less than the number of Parisians killed in a single day by ISIS.
r u kidding me !!
death of a Military Commander after a Raid targeted HQ.

I tought Russia wasn't gonna bomb moderates, this way u will unite them with extremists

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