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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Putin this Putin that. lots of cocksuckerfanboys These days.
i tell you what, Saudis should in fact lower the oil production and double oil Price. Why is Saudi Arabia helping US Warmongerers against Russia? USA is not helping Saudis. Why does Saudi Arabia not cut the oil production so Russia can arm themselfs to grow to a real threat to Europe and USA kuffars?
Let them kuffars kill each other in World War Three with massive Military build up. Saudis can easily use the oil Money to make peace with Asad, Iran and other Muslims. Saudi Money should be invested in Syria.
I trust in Saudis. They will overcome this ugly fake world and find to the routes of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
Alliance captured Job al-Ahmar, Rabia, Salma towns in Latakia province
U already 5th time recycle news about Jubb al Ahmar which was captured a week ago. Neither Rabia nor Salma is not captured. Stop spamming the thread with every nonsense u see on ur facebook.
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I've played that video with the fabricated subtitles twice and couldn't find anything funny. Try this if you felt the same :

#Beirut: 35th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution | Daily News Analysis

- July, 2014
The legend says all of Putin, Bashar, Al-Maliki and Nasrullah begged Santa Claus to forgive Americans which made the latter give Americans their last chance. Otherwise Santa would have wiped the floor with Obama.
Some moderate tatbirists :

#RIH: An Imperial Occupier was Killed By the Rebels

Name: Nadir Hameedi
Nationality: Iranian

That one with him is Hadi Kajbaf and was killed few months ago (here).

As for the reason why Nadir died :

He appeared with Qasim Sulaimani in this picture (left). That Bruce Lee guy standing between them was killed too and his name is Mahdi Sabiri (here).
Qasim, or Papa Smurf needs to disguise as a Da'ishi and takes some photos with Ibraheem Al-Badri and the other apes so we could get rid of Da'ish. Palestine can also be liberated if he takes a photo with Gargamel (Netanyahu).

Source (Farsi): Defa Press
#RIH: Rebels Have Killed an Iranian-Paid Refugee

Name: Muhammad-Ali Khadimi
Nationality: Afghan
Affiliation: Fatimiyoun

A funeral of some Iranian pilgrims who died in Mina (Saudi Arabia), except one of them who was a paid refugee (first pic from the left).

Source (Farsi): Iqna.ir
A source for that perished Basij militant posted by BLACKEAGLE, his name is Rasoul Pour Murad.

Quote from Wikipedia :
The Basij (Persian: بسيج‎‎), full name Sâzmân-e Basij-e Mostaz'afin (Persian: سازمان بسیج مستضعفین‎‎, "The Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed".
They are oppressed by nature as you see. No way Rebels can be moderate since those people are mazloumeen | mustadh'afeen | oppressed even when we stomp them on our land.
I think "The Oppressed Republic" makes more sense than "The Islamic Republic".

Source (Farsi): Mehr News Agency
#Hama: What Do You Mean By Saying 'Moderate Beheaders' ?
- WARNING!: The following are steps to find and watch a graphic video, your discretion is strongly advised.
1. Copy this link to your address bar: Sendvid - Instant video upload
Complete the URL by adding this to the right of the aforementioned link: /cbfdzp8r
Summary :
An incomplete video taken from a dead soldier's phone few days ago. I hear one of the soldiers around him saying "Separate (his head) and put it on his chest" while the moderate beheader keeps showing the ethics of the too 'Islamic resistance'. He says "Son of a..., Why didn't you say 'Hello' to Al-Assad's men?".
He also says "I swear I will...His God".

Like any other case, it only matters when the Rebels do such things.
And yet the Southern Front idiots are feeding the foreign Afghans who had been paid by Iran.
Name number of groups who are not allied to JaN and also compare their power and land they possess.
With or without Jabhat Al-Nusra. Your country pays its refugees and sends them to fight the secular Southern Front in Dar'a (not JAN nor Da'ish). Do not pretend like your problem is only with the Islamists.
My categorization from less scum to full scum:

SAA and early FSA (those rare true secularist ones in beginning)
huge gap
Islamic Front, Nusra front, Ahrar al-Sham, ISIS (and other quasi-groups)
Ahrar Al-Sham is a part of the Islamic Front.
the difference between terrorists and moderate rebels ...
The US-led coalition targeted the moderate groups like Jaysh Al-Sunna in Atma, hence such standards are useless .
Alliance captured ‘Abtayn, Al-Wadayhi, Qala’at Al-Najam in southern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured Abtin, Sabiqyah near Aleppo city.

Insurgents have not recaptured anything except Kafr Nabodah. Alliance has air power and artillery and will make sure to bleed the insurgency dry. For every alliance soldier wounded in action, more than 100 insurgents are killed by air power and artillery.

I guess the video evidence is fake then.
I would post it, but I would get banned. Shows too many dead bodies :)
Latakia governor says Alliance will eventually win over the insurgency.

Remember Assad's promise that he would wipe us out by end of 2014?
Well it's almost 2016 now :)
Go troll somewhere else kid.
Situation on the ground clearly shows that's not happening. Assad loses 1-2 tanks at the very least per day on multiple different fronts. Due to soviet style tactics he either A:) deploys them like static pieces like a retard or B:) Rushes our ATGMs like a retard. SAA had 5,000 tanks before revolution, lots of which were in storage/inoperational/reserves. 1,000 at least destroyed by now (easily, around ~600 TOWs were fired, and I'd say around ~400 were against tanks. Let's say 350 hits. Now factor in other ATGMs, IEDs, abandoned tanks, tanks destroyed by RPGs, etc...and you easily get 1,000. Now move on to captured tanks and that's another 500.)
That's tanks alone. 80,000 Alawites died and they're shitting themselves right now, to the point where they have to get Russia and Iran to do their dirty work for them directly. And they're still losing.

Poor anti-assad moderate beheaders, they are dying left and right. :lol:

i feel pity on them :rofl::rofl:

allah huakbar shouting is not working with them

you are terrorist how will it work hehehe
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