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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

ISIS and JN are locals? I think your next step is swearing allegiance to Al-Baghdadi.

Btw, being local doesn't mean one can't be a terrorist. There are 'locals' in Pakistan and Afghanistan who are terrorists, there are locals in Iraq who are part of ISIS, hence terrorist, there are locals in Syria who are terrorists, hence they should be killed.
Most ISIS and JN are locals. ISIS has a forced conscription policy (sound familiar? oh yeah SAA and YPG) and also many people join anyway because they need money and jobs are scarce.

Rebels have captured Tal Sukayk and Atshan, essentially repelling almost all of regime advances in Hama province. Regime is trying to advance in Jobar, Latakia, Sahl al Ghab, Homs, and Hama, and soon Aleppo; they've been repelled in Hama (counter-offensive coming soon :), over 30 destroyed tanks and armored vehicles confirmed to today), Jobar stands as always, Latakia push was weak, as rebels were able to raid Dourin, kill plenty of SAA, and get out with some captured Ghanimah, while in Homs regime was able to take 1 village and kill 57 civilians (thanks to Ruskie airstrikes), but rebels destroyed 5 tanks.
Meanwhile, in Eastern Ghouta rebels destroyed a tank and 2 BMPs.
Nice to know that everyday, terrorists supported by israel and saudi are dying. Good job Russia, kill some more.
Nice to know that everyday, terrorists supported by israel and saudi are dying. Good job Russia, kill some more.

Russia is doing it well
it will take some time but it will succeed
the terrorist are already on retreat which never happened
Nice to know that everyday, terrorists supported by israel and saudi are dying. Good job Russia, kill some more.
Yup, we're totally supported by Israel.
If Israel supported us Assad would've been gone in 2012.
Meanwhile, those 150 civilians in total killed by Russian airstrikes? Yeah they're all terrorists too.

Russia is doing it well
it will take some time but it will succeed
the terrorist are already on retreat which never happened
Already on the retreat? Maybe a negative retreat, we've already taken Atshan and Tall Sukayk (and Sukayk itself) from SAA in Hama. So much for your offensive.
But the SAA, NDS (which consists of Jaish al Sha'abi and Suqur al Sahara), and Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party (coupled with all the other left-wing groups) all consists of local Syrians. Not to mention the several local Shiite, Alawite, Druze, and Kurdish groups in Syria consists of the local Syrians rather than the foreigners (including the Lebanese)

Here's your SAA:





Local Syrians indeed :lol:
If it's down to ideology, how come Tunisia and Algeria are producing more terrorists than the countries you accuse of fomenting the ideology, like KSA?
salafi ideology poisoned Algeria a time ago and now Tunisia .. of course they are minority in Tunisia but it is enough to send lot of fighters . in Algeria they were fighting many years these fanatics so the number got down.
preachers from gcc made good work in many countries but as well fighters from Afghanistan (teached by gcc guys) like typically in Algeria the fighters who came back from Afghanistan were the reason of troubles

More French nationals have gone than nationals of Gulf states.
of course not
Foreign Fighters In Iraq And Syria -- Where Do They Come From?
you can see they are far more (per pop) in KSA than in France
for exemple 107 saudis vs 18 French per million inhabitant come fight as jihadis

for France they are working to decrease this number of fanatics
for exemple in jail now salafis are not mixed with others and they check their activity
for exemple they want more formation of French imams not ones coming from gcc or north africa

Unfortunately it seems that Assad spent most of his time and resources into combating the more credible opposition which had existed in the beginning, whilst ignoring ISIS. A simple tactic that at the end of the day, would leave the world with a choice of Assad or ISIS - knowing that much of the world would prefer a dictator to ISIS.

This conflict has to be the biggest cluster**** ever.
i agree so much with this. hopefully Assad will leave and a smart guy can come from all this to unite the country.
Alliance captured ‘Abtayn, Al-Wadayhi, Qala’at Al-Najam in southern Aleppo province.

Alliance captured Abtin, Sabiqyah near Aleppo city.

Already on the retreat? Maybe a negative retreat, we've already taken Atshan and Tall Sukayk (and Sukayk itself) from SAA in Hama. So much for your offensive.

Insurgents have not recaptured anything except Kafr Nabodah. Alliance has air power and artillery and will make sure to bleed the insurgency dry. For every alliance soldier wounded in action, more than 100 insurgents are killed by air power and artillery.

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Demoralized ISIS militants deserting en masse amid Russian airstrikes - Defense Ministry

"The majority of armed gangs are demoralized. Discontent with field commanders is growing amid the fighters, and there are instances of disobeying orders,"

Cases of desertion among the jihadists are no longer isolated, with them now fleeing "en masse," the colonel general, who heads operations in the Russian general staff, added.

According to the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces, militants were forced to retreat under Russia's strikes, as they have lost large amounts of weapons and military equipment on the contact line with the Syrian Army.

Demoralized ISIS militants deserting en masse amid Russian airstrikes - Defense Ministry — RT News

What US strike numbers look like when they really want to destroy

see the video you will know

Anti-ISIS drills: Russian Special Forces fight ‘Islamic terrorists’

may be special force will be deploy in Syria to kills terrorist or capture

Exclusive: Close up of gen 4++ fighter jet SU-30SM in Syria

Russian military combat cam: Jets bomb ISIS command center, fuel depot in Idlib province, Syria

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