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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Antaress is one of the best poster in here. Always posting thought-provoking things and useful information. How dare you talk to her like that. If you can't keep it civil, please stop posting in this thread at all and learn some manners.

She complains and accuses others but does not tell what the solutions are.
At least 100 Hazari Afghans, Iranians, Lebanese, Iraqis terrorists were killed in past 24hrs in Busra Al Hareer and dozens were captured including an Iranian IRGC officer & two Hezbollah mercenaries. Most of the killed and captured Regime fighters during the offensive on the town, are Afghan Iranians. Additionally, the regime confirmed 11 SAA, 3 PLA & 14 NDF killed in Busra Al-Hareer but no words about the dozen killed afghan Hazara fighters. Too many graphic videos and pics.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Hadi Kajba killed in Busra al-Harir


A dead Afghan terrorist had mullah issued Passport to Paradise on him


Abandoned loyalist convoy near Busra al-Harir:At least 3 BMPs, including 2 with DIY ZU-23 mounts

Some photos for the funerals of Afghan Iranian fighters killed in Syria in the past, buried in their cities in Iran.

At least 100 Hazari Afghans, Iranians, Lebanese, Iraqis terrorists were killed in past 24hrs in Busra Al Hareer and dozens were captured including an Iranian IRGC officer & two Hezbollah mercenaries. Most of the killed and captured Regime fighters during the offensive on the town, are Afghan Iranians. Additionally, the regime confirmed 11 SAA, 3 PLA & 14 NDF killed in Busra Al-Hareer but no words about the dozen killed afghan Hazara fighters. Too many graphic videos and pics.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Hadi Kajba killed in Busra al-Harir

View attachment 216763

A dead Afghan terrorist had mullah issued Passport to Paradise on him

View attachment 216771 View attachment 216772 View attachment 216773 View attachment 216774

Abandoned loyalist convoy near Busra al-Harir:At least 3 BMPs, including 2 with DIY ZU-23 mounts

Some photos for the funerals of Afghan Iranian fighters killed in Syria in the past, buried in their cities in Iran.

View attachment 216764 View attachment 216765 View attachment 216766

What the hell is that passport to heaven bullshit? Aren't you guys tired of making up lies? Why would Iranians give such a passport to an Afghani and headline it in English And Arabic (but not Farsi).

I did a google search on that and found the image from 2012!!

When all you guys do is lie, I will stronger in my convictions.
At least 100 Hazari Afghans, Iranians, Lebanese, Iraqis terrorists were killed in past 24hrs in Busra Al Hareer and dozens were captured including an Iranian IRGC officer & two Hezbollah mercenaries. Most of the killed and captured Regime fighters during the offensive on the town, are Afghan Iranians. Additionally, the regime confirmed 11 SAA, 3 PLA & 14 NDF killed in Busra Al-Hareer but no words about the dozen killed afghan Hazara fighters. Too many graphic videos and pics.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Hadi Kajba killed in Busra al-Harir

View attachment 216763

A dead Afghan terrorist had mullah issued Passport to Paradise on him

View attachment 216771 View attachment 216772 View attachment 216773 View attachment 216774

Abandoned loyalist convoy near Busra al-Harir:At least 3 BMPs, including 2 with DIY ZU-23 mounts

Some photos for the funerals of Afghan Iranian fighters killed in Syria in the past, buried in their cities in Iran.

View attachment 216764 View attachment 216765 View attachment 216766
I wonder when you become tired of lying .
What the hell is that passport to heaven bullshit? Aren't you guys tired of making up lies? Why would Iranians give such a passport to an Afghani and headline it in English And Arabic (but not Farsi).

I did a google search on that and found the image from 2012!!

When all you guys do is lie, I will stronger in my convictions.

A good number probably did die, but I don't believe the 100. Probably 2-3 dozen. And who knows how many jihadists.
If that was true (Assad helping Isis), then Assad would be Qatar's & Saudi's best friend.
Well, how do you explain Assad and ISIS co-operating through oil and electricity deals? Assad maintains oil derricks and refineries that ISIS have in exchange for oil, same thing for electricity. Yet clearly he isn't Qatar's BFF. Or Saudi's. You know why? Because those countries don't fund ISIS, it goes against their ideology. Saudi prefer supporting secularists, while Qatar prefer supporting Islamists. ISIS are neither.

Rebels treating an Iranian they captured - the rebel commander says to treat him well, and offers to have the Iranian's mouth dampened, rather than give him water, as he clearly was shot in the Stomach. If this was a rebel captured by regime and it's allies, he would be tortured right now.

Intense video of Jaish al Islam fight against ISIS in Barzeh, Qaboun, and Tishrin:
It gets real intense at 3:20.
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Jordanian-trained FSA Southern Front troops look very professional in a new Busra al Hareer victory video

Iranian Houssein Badpa was also killed in Busra al Harir area along with senior IRGC officer Hadi Kajbaf


Badpa and Suleimani and another afghan fighter who was killed in Darra last February.

Taking pics with Qassem Suleimani brings a bad omen which causes the death of a person.


Qasem Suleimani with Commander Hadi Kajbaf

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Rebels captured 9 schoolboys drafted by Assad:

Assad is scraping the bottom of the barrel just like another desperate dictator:
Syrian Arab Army
April 20 at 10:26am ·
Army General Command: Full control established over areas in Daraa, cutting off terrorists’ supply lines


The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said that army units on Monday morning established full control over the towns of Msaika al-Sharqia, Msaika al-Gharbia, al-Khawabi, Ashnan and al-Dallafa, and cordoned off the towns of Mlaihet al-Atash and Busr al-Harir in the countryside of Daraa province as part of a special operation which resulted in killing a large number of terrorists in the aforementioned areas.

In a statement, the General Command said that this achievement clears and secures the vital route between Daraa and Sweida province, and at the same time cuts off terrorist organizations’ supply lines as it closes off the crossing point of al-Lajjat which terrorists had been using to smuggle mercenaries, weapons, and ammo from Jordan to the Badiye desert and to the Eastern Ghouta area in Damascus Countryside.

The General Command said this success is a severe blow to terrorist organizations and will pave the way towards eliminating terrorist hotspots in the area, vowing to continue pursuing terrorists across the country until they are eliminated completely.



Syrian Arab Army

Syrian Arab Army
April 19 at 11:36am ·
Syrian Army units secured the town of Koureen in Idlib countryside, however was not declared cleared yet as some terrorist units are still inside and the army is sweeping the town to eliminate them.
Rebels captured 9 schoolboys drafted by Assad:

Assad is scraping the bottom of the barrel just like another desperate dictator:
you know what we call the "Godwin point"?
you reach it very fast ;)
i guess we can compare Asad to Hitler ? should i remind what he did to your ancestors ?
Shoah — Wikipédia
don't compare things like this. this is not respect for your ancestors suffering . ...
you know what we call the "Godwin point"?
you reach it very fast ;)
i guess we can compare Asad to Hitler ? should i remind what he did to your ancestors ?
Assad gasses and starves own people.

Do u know many people beside Hitler doing it? Call it whatever u want.
A 'man' (Bashar) beat his 'son' (the opposition), a foreign thug (Hiz-ballet) passed by and the 'man' invited that thug to help him beat his 'son', the thug accepted and killed the 'son', destroyed not only their house but their entire city/

Let's watch the 'professional', 'well-trained' and highly overrated sectarianists of Hiz-ballet when they invaded the rebel-held Al-Qusayr back in 2013 :

#Rewind: Hiz-ballet Terrorists Firing Missiles Indiscriminately
- June, 2013 | Al-Qusayr
FSA (1900) Vs SAA + Hiz-ballet (6000 + 2000), is this how they 'liberate' an area ?
By the way, 8 Ashkans (IRGC officers) were sent to Hell during that battle, which proves that the so-called 'advisers' were being 'advised' in Syria a long time ago.

If this is how men fight, I consider my self powerful too, it is not hard to fire missiles indiscriminately. Hiz-ballet terrorists have nothing to lose, people aren't their people and the state is not their state, curse you Hasan.
#Checkpoint: Rebels Have Earned the Baba Noël Medallion

Summary :
It gives them the ability to tell blatant lies, become hypocrites and make the sky rain barrel-bombs. They can also shout 'Ya Sahib Al-Zaman' for backup. Hope they get rid of it and keep Syria clean .

PS: Look at that 'evil Islamist-extremist' rebel in the bottom-right corner, he is smoking .

- In western countries Santa Claus wears red and puts presents in stockings and under the tree.
- In the Middle East we have two Baba Noël-wannabes :

The first one wears black and kills Muslims, calls them 'sahawat | apostates', puts his 'presents' in their houses and under their cars, to 'protect' them from 'evil west and rafidhis', and his sleigh isn't drawn by any gazelle but a bunch of apes.

The other one also wears black and kills Muslims, calls them 'wahhabis | takfiris', puts his 'presents' in barrels and drops them on the people, to 'protect' them from 'evil west and nasibis', and his sleigh isn't drawn by any gazelle but a giraffe, a mole, a hyena and a sloth .
#RIH: SAA's 3rd Division Leader was Sent to Hell

Name: Saleem Ahmad Barakat
Rank: Major-General
Finally !, a local terrorist, I missed you for a while :smitten:.
#RIH: Another Pro-Assad Foreigner was Killed in Syria

Name: Mohsen Kamali
Nationality: Iranian

Sources (Farsi): A - B - C
#RIH: One More Foreign Pro-Assad Terrorist was Sent to Hell

Name: Muhammad Jawad Muhammadi
Nationality: Iranian

Source (Farsi): Shabestan News Agency
#RIH: A Foreign Pro-Assad Terrorist was Sent to Hell a While Ago

Name: Muhammad Sajjadi
Nationality: Iranian

I don't remember I posted of this one, thanks go for the terrorist for informing us about Sajjadi's death .
#RIH: This is Another Foreign Pro-Assad Terrorist, was Sent to Hell

Name: Husain Suroor Karimi
Nationality: Afghan

The rest were all too graphic, mostly Afghan mercenaries .
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Hadi Kajba killed in Busra al-Harir.
Haj Hadi Kajbaf, here is a source that confirms him to be in Hell :

Source (Farsi): Seday Iran

You see ?, just like what Hasan said..they are 'very few' and mere 'advisers'.
May Allah never forgive them and make all those criminals suffer in Hell same as they and their puppet Bashar made everyone suffer .
#RIP: 26 Civilians were Killed in the Countryside of Daraa

When the foreign terrorists were all sent to Hell, rebels found that 26 were captured and shot dead by the so-called 'Apes of Resistance' .

Al-Sayyida Ruqaiya's Brigade ?, now I understand..it wasn't only Al-Sayyida Zainab (as) or Al-Imam Al-Husain (ra) in Daraa, but Al-Sayyida Ruqaiya (as) is there too.
Who brought them there ?, they should be in Northern Iraq so as to give Haydars and Karrars a reason to defend the 'nasibi' Christians | Muslims of Mawsil .
She complains and accuses others but does not tell what the solutions are.
I complained to no one.
What solutions ? it's too late, they don't care for us and we don't care for them.
As for Iraq, it is a bad-bad-bad situation for Sunnis. Peshmerga is racist, Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq is sectarianist, ISIS is extremist. Should have given Sunnis autonomy and accepted to create a Peshmerga-like forces for Sunnis.
Shiites have been acting as if they were the only people who live in Iraq, they don't even know what is going on in Northern Iraq.
However, click here to see some good news from Al-Najaf.
See, they share the same opinion with me. You "do not know much about Iraq so stop talking about it" :rolleyes1:.
It is Allah and ONLY Allah can keep Sunnis of Iraq safe .
Antaress is one of the best poster in here. Always posting thought-provoking things and useful information.
Thank you brother, I don't believe in the so-called 'IQ', but if I had to get it involved I will say even a dumb with 0.01% IQ knows that a single image is NOT enough to prove it no matter whether the image is fabricated or not. I mention those things to exchange ideas with other members. I could have said it myself, that exact terrorist might have been spying for Bashar, possibly.
No need to waste time on senseless messages. As for 'fighting propaganda', it would be nice if they start fighting it in their websites first, here is a quote from Fars News Agency (March 7th, 2015) :
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi Special Forces said they have arrested several ISIS's foreign military advisors, including American, Israeli and Arab nationals in an operation in Mosul in the Northern parts of the country.

The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to American and Israeli nationals and one that belonged to the national of a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member-state, from ISIS's military advisors.

Fars News Agency
1. Al-Maliki Army in Nineveh ? in 2015 ? :suicide:
2. They forgot to say: American = Obama, Israeli = Netanyahu, Khaliji = King Salman.
3. Can't they show us the passports ?, or the advisers ? (if any).
4. The lies that are being told in English are somehow more polite and a lot less silly than those that they are telling in Farsi, to save face so as not to be encountered by English readers.
5. If you visit that page, you will see that the hoax article was tweeted by 263 Omids, recommended by 211 Farhads, and liked by 625 Jamshids .
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