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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

#Idlib: A Barrel-Bomb Has Failed to Explode
Summary :
The barrel-bomb contained poisonous gas canisters, may Allah (swt) keep Bashar and his lovers in the same place in Afterlife, amen .
1. Al-Raqqa, Deir Al-Zour, Al-Bu Kamal, Manbij, etc. They were all taken from FSA by ISIS.
2. Everyone is still confused how ISIS could reach Al-Yarmouk ?
3. And Now, this. It was found on the so-called Ameer | Prince's phone :


Look at that picture, what is Bashar Al-Assad doing there ?, who is that man beside the terrorist ?
Is the regime secretly cooperating with some commanders of the so-called 'Islamic' State ?
The Iraqi regime has announced his death 10 times or so since 2003. I will wait for the DNA tests.
The Iraqi regime media is even more dumber than the Iranian media, when Mosul fell to ISIS apes and the Maliki Army was pushed back to Tikreet, they were making delusional victories in Mosul while in reality there was no Reza nor any Mujtaba left in Mosul back then :) .
Anyway, some websites claimed that some relatives of Izzat Al-Douri (they live in Jordan) said that the victim was not Izzat Al-Douri but one of his relatives, his name is Abu Sha'lan Al-Bajjari (Arabic: أبو شعلان البجّاري). Look at this :

The ear shape doesn't match.
@ebray, I am sorry for the Ethiopean Christians...:(, I didn't talk about this back then...a month ago, Jaysh Al-Islam arrested an ISIS terrorist in Eastern Ghouta, they discovered a video on his phone which shows the execution of a rebel whom they had taken as a hostage from Jaysh Al-Islam, his name is Umar Al-Toom, he was begging the Kharijites to let him pray before they kill him, they refused, beat, mocked and beheaded him... :

#Rewind: Kharijites Behead a Hostage and Prevent Him From Praying

- No graphic content.
Summary :
(0:27) - The victim says to a terrorist: May I pray the Dhuhr ?, the terrorist replied: No!.
Then he takes few steps back and returns again to speak to the victim and beat him.
(1:18) - The terrorist says: I don't want it to be sharp (the knife), then he rubs it against the ground to make it blunt.
(2:06) - The terrorist says: This is a sacrifice for Allah (swt), because Allah (swt) says "So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone]." | فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ
Making fun of that Qur'anic verse .
(2:32) - The victim says: Fine, I am 'apostate', just let me pray. The terrorist replies: No, you won't pray.
Then he slaps the victim in the face.

This is how they deal with Muslims, what do you expect when they deal with non-Muslims ?
Twitter 'jihadists' claimed that those were 'false flaggers', but later it was proven that the culprit was Qaswara Al-Tunisi aka Abu Haydara Al-Tunisi who was their Ameer | Prince of Eastern Ghouta, if a so-called 'prince' does those things what do you expect from their ordinary members ?

Qaswara Al-Tunisi, aka Abu Haydara Al-Tunisi

Meanwhile, rebels are wasting time taking care of those who don't even deserve it :

If these were rebels captured by ISIS, they would have suffered the same fate as Umar Al-Toom (ra),
and if they were innocent civilians detained by the regime, they would have been tortured to death .
....The group recruited followers under the pretense of opening a Dawah office, an Islamic missionary center. Of those who came to listen to lectures and attend courses on Islamic life, one or two men were selected and instructed to spy ...any information that could be used to divide and subjugate the local population...Sharia, the courts, prescribed piety -- all of this served a single goal: surveillance and control -
Arab nationalism, socialism, palestinianism, now Islamism....it's still the same party and people, using the totalitarian fashion of the moment to justify and build or re-build their tyranny.

O.K., class, here's the test: What's the best way to fight them, on all levels?
Great news. Hezb-ashaitan & SAA offensive on Busr al Harir and surrounding areas failed miserably, they lost 7 tanks, and dozens of troops. Among the captured were an Afghani Shiite with Iranian citizenship, along with a few Hezbollah and the usual SAA idiots.
Afghan Hazara mercenary captured in Dar'a:

Many more dead pics.
3. And Now, this. It was found on the so-called Ameer | Prince's phone :


Look at that picture, what is Bashar Al-Assad doing there ?, who is that man beside the terrorist ?
Is the regime secretly cooperating with some commanders of the so-called 'Islamic' State ?.
you have nothing else than these poor fabricated propaganda images ?
you should be very low IQ to consider such terrorist would keep such pic if it was true
it is very easy that i take a picture of the guy with an "actor"(rebel for exemple) and i give military dress to him and i take a picture of Asad to SHOW IT VERY OBVIOUSLY
try to be smarter next time in your propaganda
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Antaress is one of the best poster in here. Always posting thought-provoking things and useful information. How dare you talk to her like that. If you can't keep it civil, please stop posting in this thread at all and learn some manners.
Antaress is one of the best poster in here. Always posting thought-provoking things and useful information. How dare you talk to her like that. If you can't keep it civil, please stop posting in this thread at all and learn some manners.
yeah sure for guys promoting bullshit he is a good guy
i can see through his post .
i don't see any quality with such low IQ reasoning with an image on smartphone with obviously intent to show the Asad pic behind .
and i don't care your opinion about him or me. i am used you supported fanatism so keep on your job guy.
that's the problem with you , low IQ islamists, you believe you are the center of the world and nobody can have different opinion
we can see all the massacres you're doing in the ME.
yeah sure for guys promoting bullshit he is a good guy
i can see through his post .
i don't see any quality with such low IQ reasoning with an image on smartphone with obviously intent to show the Asad pic behind .
and i don't care your opinion about him or me. i am used you supported fanatism so keep on your job guy.
that's the problem with you , low IQ islamists, you believe you are the center of the world and nobody can have different opinion
we can see all the massacres you're doing in the ME.

I'm just pointing out the fact that Asshead is a dictator who committed genocide using barrel bombs, mass torture, chemical warfare, and other indiscriminate & inhumane attacks, and he shouldn't be praised just because he seems like the only option for a better Syria. If you want to call that supporting fanaticism, fine, but that doesn't change the fact that Assadists like yourself always come up with the same false choice of only Assad or terrorists scenario when the harsh spotlight of truth shines brightly on deceptive plots orchestrated by their evil Mullahs.
I'm just pointing out the fact that Asshead is a dictator who committed genocide using barrel bombs, mass torture, chemical warfare, and other indiscriminate & inhumane attacks, and he shouldn't be praised just because he seems like the only option for a better Syria. If you want to call that supporting fanaticism, fine, but that doesn't change the fact that Assadists like yourself always come up with the same false choice of only Assad or terrorists scenario when the harsh spotlight of truth shines brightly on deceptive plots orchestrated by their evil Mullahs.
oh pls stop with "evil mullahs" that sounds ridiculous.
i know Asad is a dictator . And if he can let the people be free later and decide their future, great.
right now the country is suffering too much and people should focus on unity and working together.
but i get that some countries in gulf are /were doing everything to promote hatred . after talibans , the system is working pretty well.
Asad is finished. if not now , a day in the future. But letting extremists lead the country like in Libya that is not an option either for Syrians or for the world . we can see how IS is a danger for everyone . AQ , IF are not much better people.

when you lead a country the minimum is promoting equal rights, non racism or hatred towards a religion .
And right now nobody in the opposition is able to lead the country. It was their option to lear the hatred from their financial support in gulf countries. their choice. bad choice. nobody is supporting them anymore in the west.
i see in Europe people don't like Asad but people don't like opposition even more;
because of their attitude.
Saw a recent vid of quite a few Iranis liquidated in Busra al-Harir.
I'm just pointing out the fact that Asshead is a dictator who committed genocide using barrel bombs, mass torture, chemical warfare, and other indiscriminate & inhumane attacks, and he shouldn't be praised just because he seems like the only option for a better Syria. If you want to call that supporting fanaticism, fine, but that doesn't change the fact that Assadists like yourself always come up with the same false choice of only Assad or terrorists scenario when the harsh spotlight of truth shines brightly on deceptive plots orchestrated by their evil Mullahs.

From Day 1, Iran supported dialogue, reforms, and push for change. What they did not support is forcing Assad out by arming every tom, dick and harry, starting a civil war, harboring terrorists, causing mayhem and destruction in a country, just because Assad is bad.

When countries act like emotional children, the region burns.
From Day 1, Iran supported dialogue, reforms, and push for change. What they did not support is forcing Assad out by arming every tom, dick and harry, starting a civil war, harboring terrorists, causing mayhem and destruction in a country, just because Assad is bad.

When countries act like emotional children, the region burns.

Assad responded to protests just like the Iranis responded to their own protests by gunning down unarmed protesters. He was probably advised to do so by Iran who managed to gun down and arrest/torture enough pro-democracy protesters in 2009, to destroy their movement.

If that was true (Assad helping Isis), then Assad would be Qatar's & Saudi's best friend.

if not for IS, Assad and his family would have be in Iran right now eating Ghorme Sabzi in Niyavaran.
Assad responded to protests just like the Iranis responded to their own protests by gunning down unarmed protesters. He was probably advised to do so by Iran who managed to gun down and arrest/torture enough pro-democracy protesters in 2009, to destroy their movement.

Sometimes I feel like I'm discussing politics with children.

If you see a big man beating up his son, you don't solve the problem by by bombing the house and killing everyone.

And don't even get me started on Neda, the most amateur propaganda attack on Iran that would not even be attempted if cheap propaganda tactics did not work so well on affecting morons.
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