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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

What they should do is use recon drones that spot enemy targets and immediately transmit GPS coordinates to artillery then artillery pound targets using GPS guided shells. Then ground infantry can assault and take ground. Can't go wrong with that formula.

i am sure they are doing that in syria
Hopefully we get some sea based cruise missiles within range so we can bomb these animals without leaving our rooms.
Or playing with the joystick like a real life game. Technology is awesome :lol: run moderate beheaders, run!.
Okay next post. Give me a source for this

'Most of the rebels who went through college have degrees, the majority of them are Engineers. '

And not some blog or facebook video either. A proper source or like a research paper that can back up your claims.

If you dont you are a liar.

5 minutes. Go.

EDIT: Times up. Thats what I thought. Now entertain us with your badly manufactured propaganda.
I don't need a source for this. Look at refugees. The *vast* majority of them are engineers, doctors, etc. the majority of them who are old enough to have a higher education have one. Now, considering rebels come from the same demographic, we can assume the same.
As for a 'source', the only thing you ruskies consider sources is state TV. Because only glorious mother Russia is right.
1,000 moderate rebels in Daraa surrendered to SAA after the US and Jordan ended support for them

I can also take pictures of guns and claim they are from rebels.

HAHAHA using SAA as a source?
very good if true but that's a pro SAA facebook group, got a BBC or Al Jazeera link for it ?
al jazeera is a propaganda newspaper . trust more NYT kind of newspaper ;)
anyway i doubt this kind of "1000 guys surrender" news : could be a staging

Afrika Korps I mean Middle Eastern Korps


Su-30 bombers return to base after striking insurgents

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What does this have anything to do with this thread? Seriously, stop spamming.

In actual news:
Russia hit a refugee camp:

Regime airplanes hit their own forces in Dahiyat al Assad, Damascus:
Airplane is MiG-23BN

Clashes in Southern Hama:

Ahrar al Sham Tank hits regime forces in Tall Ahmar before rebels took it yesterday:

Su-30 bombers return to base after striking insurgents


Fantastic work sending those jihadis to their god.

Notice the propaganda from the terrorists getting more and more hilarious in this forum. "Most of the rebels are college graduates and engineers!!" lol.

This is so enjoyable.
The real fun starts when VVS start providing close air support to SAA :D

This operation has been planned for months. After all the stationary targets such as training camps, ammo depots, control and command centers are taken out by bombers, SAA launch offensive on Idlib. Su-25SM CAS planes and Ka-52 CAS helicopters will do CAS.
Some new bombs being used in Syria
at 0:50 sec

here you can see how it work
Russian air force bombing Army of Conquest positions near Haish in Idlib province


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