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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The Lemon Kurds, obviously.
I think ypgjpkkepl also has an eye on the regions of Lemon Kurds and Bean Kurds, do you think they can open another front agains Secular Jihadists and Extremist Moderates plus Abu Bakr al Big Daddy on top of it?
Su-25 ground attack / close air support plane cockpit view over Syria

Now you see my face. Now you see a satellite guided bomb.


loading a Kh-25 laser guided bomb onto a Su-24 bomber




1,000 moderate rebels in Daraa surrendered to SAA after the US and Jordan ended support for them


Syrian air force bombed Daraya again this morning


SAA artillery on mountain shelling East Ghouta

Kh-59 air launched land attack cruise missiles with strike range 200 km, fired from bombers such as Su-24 and Su-34 and Su-30.

Kh-59 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The West Fears Russia’s Success in Syria - Not Its Failure

Read more: The West Fears Russia’s Success in Syria - Not Its Failure

The Western response to the Russian air campaign in Syria provokes a sense of deja vu.
In every respect it is identical to the Western response to the Russian campaign in Chechnya in 1999. In the weeks following the start of that campaign Western pundits made a host of claims and predictions. They claimed the Russian airforce was bombing civilians, and accused Russia’s leadership of war crimes. They said Russian military action would radicalise the population, turning it against Russia. They predicted more terrorist attacks against Russia, and predicted Russia’s defeat.

Syrian air force bombed Daraya again this morning


SAA artillery on mountain shelling East Ghouta

Kh-59 air launched land attack cruise missiles with strike range 200 km, fired from bombers such as Su-24 and Su-34 and Su-30.

Kh-59 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in the RT videos it clearly show they are advertising the SU fighter well
well they are doing good missions also
very good if true but that's a pro SAA facebook group, got a BBC or Al Jazeera link for it ?

Picture proof. Moderate rebels in Daraa are so crappy they are even worse than SAA and always get their A kicked by SAA.
Picture proof. Moderate rebels in Daraa are so crappy they are even worse than SAA and always get their A kicked by SAA.
given how much propaganda on both sides of this, not sure how credible that picture proof is.. maybe @Dr.Thrax has some insider knowledge ?

anyway, let's hope they all see the light and surrender, this madness in Syria has gone on long enough, time to smash that whole place into submission.
Russian Aviation in Syria Smashes ISIL With Kh-29L Air-to-Surface Missile

Read more: Russian Aviation in Syria Smashes ISIL With Kh-29L Air-to-Surface Missile

The Kh-29L air-to-surface missile used by Russian planes against ISIL in Syria is a weapon that strikes targets with a precision less than two meters, give or take.
LATAKIA (Sputnik) — The Russian air group in Syria is using a Kh-29L air-to-surface missile to conduct airstrikes against the Islamic State militants, the Russian military said Sunday.
"A Kh-29L surface-to-air missile is equipped with a semi-active laser guidance system. When the launch is conducted, a pilot illuminates a target with a laser sight. At the same time an aircraft can continue the flight," Aerospace Forces spokesman Col. Igor Klimov said.
More badly produced Russian propaganda. Orange = Kurds, ok. Yellow = "pro-US rebels," I don't know about that.. Red = Isis, LOL.
Nobody can clearly define what 'moderate opposition' in Syria is

While the West accuses the Russian Air Force of bombing the moderate rebel forces in Syria instead of Islamic State, no one has clearly defined what moderate opposition is, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said in an interview.
Follow LIVE UPDATES on Russian anti-terror op in Syria

“I don’t think anybody has yet explained what moderate opposition is, and Putin demonstrated quite active interest in the issue and asked in which way the moderate opposition was different from the immoderate opposition,” Dmitry Peskov told Rossiya 1 TV channel’s Sergey Brilyov.

Peskov added that while speaking to critics in the West, Putin mentioned things such as “the [bombed] wedding in Yemen.”

The discussion over what forces constitute moderate opposition in Syria also took place at the meeting of the Normandy Four in Paris on Friday, during which President Putin had one-on-one conversations with the French and German leaders.

Russia’s actions in Syria are absolutely transparent, Dmitry Peskov said, noting that alleged reports of Russia hitting targets other than Islamic State’s are part of ‘information warfare’.

“You can see for yourself what sort of games they play. There are known cases, when ‘first-hand’ information about airstrikes allegedly inflicted on ‘false targets’ emerged before fighter jets’ actual takeoff,” Peskov said, adding that in this case everything is “absolutely transparent and our Defense Ministry gives comprehensive information.”

US officials have themselves acknowledged it was hard to identify the “moderate Syrian opposition,” as was mentioned a year ago by US Vice President Joe Biden.

“We Americans think in every country in transition there is a Thomas Jefferson hiding beside some rock – or a James Madison beyond one sand dune. The fact of the matter is the ability to identify a moderate middle in Syria was – there was no moderate middle because the moderate middle are made up of shopkeepers, not soldiers – they are made up of people who in fact have ordinary elements of the middle class of that country,” Biden said at Harvard Kennedy School in October 2014.

In March 2015, former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford wrote in an article for Foreign Policy: “The Americans didn’t ramp up aid to the secular moderates when they needed it most.”

The assistance to moderate Syrian fighters used to be “small and erratic,” Ford said, so the moderate rebel fighters were forced “to compete against each other and to sometimes cooperate with al-Nusra Front,” thus scaring off “regime elements” hoping to negotiate a deal, “extending the war of attrition to the benefit of Islamic State.”

In March this year, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Doha Center, Charles Lister, acknowledged the “vast majority of the Syrian insurgency has coordinated closely with Al-Qaeda since mid-2012 – and to great effect on the battlefield.”

Nobody can clearly define what 'moderate opposition' in Syria is - Kremlin spokesman — RT News
What they should do is use recon drones that spot enemy targets and immediately transmit GPS coordinates to artillery then artillery pound targets using GPS guided shells. Then ground infantry can assault and take ground. Can't go wrong with that formula.


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