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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

The jihadis and israelis are hurting now as witnessed by their propaganda machine going into desperation mode. More aircraft will only increase their suffering and thats what we aim to do.

As the number of dead jihadis rises, their israeli brothers will come up with increasingly hilarious lies.

If Russia can help bring stability to Syria then they would have done a huge service to Syria and the world at large.

I am sick of these hypocrites who create civil wars and then claim they care for civilians.
If Russia can help bring stability to Syria then they would have done a huge service to Syria and the world at large.

I am sick of these hypocrites who create civil wars and then claim they care for civilians.
i don't thing Russia can help and wants to help.
but i totally agree with your second sentence ...
state of the art Su-34 bombers use KAB-500S GLONASS guided bombs to bomb primitive jihadists

Syrian soldiers armed with new arms from Russia drove primitive jihadists out of Harasta

Russia positioning warships off the Syrian coast in preparation for satellite guided cruise missile attacks using Kh-55SM. From there they can strike anywhere in Syria with a range of 3,000 km.

Kh-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what it feels like to be primitive jihadists. Europeans can hit you and you can't hit back.
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Russia positioning warships off the Syrian coast in preparation for satellite guided cruise missile attacks using Kh-55SM. From there they can strike anywhere in Syria with a range of 3,000 km.

Kh-55 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is what it feels like to be primitive jihadists. Europeans can hit you and you can't hit back.

This is going to go from bad to real bad for the jihadis. We will bury them.
Six Russian multirole fighter Sukhoi SU-30 SM type have put to flight-type Israeli fighters McDonnell Douglas F-15 off the Syrian coast.

Israeli aircraft flying for months Syrian airspace and especially Naval Air Station Latakia bridgehead of Russian forces in Syria. Israeli aircraft generally follow a fairly complex flight plan and approach Latakia from the sea

In the night of 1 to 2 October 2015, six Russian Sukhoi SU-30 took off from SM Syrian airbase Hmimim towards Cyprus before intercepting position attack four Israeli F-15 fighters.

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multirole fighter, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back to the south, flying at high speed Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced to Z 2313 (local time) that four "enemy aircraft" (Israeli) had crossed the Lebanese airspace.

This "incident" between Russian and Israeli warplanes struck stupor command of the Israeli Air Force, which held that a possible air battle between the Israeli F-15 and the Russian Su-30 would have led to the destruction of four Israeli aircraft.Israel has strongly protested to Moscow this incident but the Russians demanded an explanation for the presence of Israeli fighter planes full Syrian airspace. This incident indicates that the protection of Syrian airspace is now under the protection of the Russian air force. Causing gnashing of teeth in Washington.

The incident was ignored by the major news agencies but political and media relay of Israel in the United States, Europe and the Arab world will strengthen efforts to demonize Russian support to the Syrian government.

Russian Air Force hits 50 ISIS targets in Syria over 3 days, ‘significantly’ damaging militants — RT News

Russian night bombing targeting Army of Conquest arms depot in Idlib

loading KAB-500S satellite guided bombs onto Su-34 bombers

And here we have a perfect demonstration of Assad's supporters not caring about the Syrian people whatsoever, even though Putin says a reason for intervention was Russia's care for us. Clearly not present in these Nazis.
And here we have a perfect demonstration of Assad's supporters not caring about the Syrian people whatsoever, even though Putin says a reason for intervention was Russia's care for us. Clearly not present in these Nazis.

#emolyfe :(

Wait I got more

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And here we have a perfect demonstration of Assad's supporters not caring about the Syrian people whatsoever, even though Putin says a reason for intervention was Russia's care for us. Clearly not present in these Nazis.
so what's the latest news of the rebel advance ? :cheesy:
Why would Isis subhumans pose as refugees when most of them have European passports to begin with? And why would they go back to Europe if they left it for their delusions in Syria? And where is the proof anyway? None, just propaganda.
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