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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

BS numbers.
Correct numbers.

Nearly 1 million Iraqis died directly and indirectly after Iraq war, due to sanctions, shortage of medicine, food, diseases and the internal war that started because of American invasion.
This is BS.

World Development Indicators-Google Public Data Explorer

Also, Iran has not killed 1 single person in Syria. There is a difference between sending an army somewhere killing their people and supporting an ally in a war.
Ayatulas provided genocidal maniac Assad with billions, weapons and mercenaries. Otherwise he would fled like Ben Ali in 2011 or early 2012. Thats why they share direct responsibility for 250 K deaths and 12 million refugees.

Plus, I have never supported Soviet war in Afghanistan, they screwed up as bad as Americans and they messed up Afghanistan, making millions suffer. That doesn't mean I won't support Russian bombing of ISIS, Nusra and other terrorists.
Russia is not bombing ISIS or Nisra. They are bombing civilians and last remaining moderate groups. Because Syria is not Afghanish enough yet.
As expected the Israelis have come to the aid of their jihadi brothers via their little Propoganda campaign. Unfortunately for you guys, this will have no effect on our operations.

Russians will still bomb all enemies of the UN recognized government of Syria until there is no one left.

We have a lot of bombs.
As expected the Israelis have come to the aid of their jihadi brothers via their little Propoganda campaign. Unfortunately for you guys, this will have no effect on our operations.

Russians will still bomb all enemies of the UN recognized government of Syria until there is no one left.

We have a lot of bombs.
Lets hope that really happens. Putin will become the savior :lol:
Russians systematically deletes all terrorist groups who have been financed by some centers from globe and now we watch how their invested money disappear.
When Chinese will start with delivery of weapons and surveillance support for Syrian army ,we will watch a new season of series - terrorist cry.
SAA needs some of these MSTA-S 152 mm self propelled artillery beasts. Shoots more than 30 km from behind the front line. Deadly.

agitpapa ‏@agitpapa 3 Std.Vor 3 Stunden
agitpapa hat Lyudmila #SaveYemen retweetet
BREAKING: SAA + NDF assault on Jisr ash Shughour has started with artillery barrage

Last time I checked, you were crying over Russian bombing of ISIS, Nusra and other similar terrorists.
Lying again
Never have I said a word in favor of isis nor Nusra. But then again u need lies to build ur house of cards.
I am critical of russians and for all the good reasons. Unlike u I don't carry 2 faces.
rumours are that Putin is going to send 6 Su-35 to complement the four Su-30SM already there, so that Turkey and Israel don't get any funny ideas :partay:
Not to mention the 6 SU-34 can also engage in air combat if required.

The jihadis and israelis are hurting now as witnessed by their propaganda machine going into desperation mode. More aircraft will only increase their suffering and thats what we aim to do.

As the number of dead jihadis rises, their israeli brothers will come up with increasingly hilarious lies.

This is very enjoyable.

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