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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Syrian army preparing for offensive in Idlib to recapture lands lost to Army of Conquest earlier this year. Switched to Russian advisors. Much more disciplined and professional.

Iranian Shahed-129 recon drone flying over Aleppo

Russian air strikes in Hama

Su-34 bombers deployed for the first time

Russian Su-34 Strike Fighters Combat ISIL in Syria
Syrian army preparing for offensive in Idlib to recapture lands lost to Army of Conquest earlier this year. Switched to Russian advisors. Much more disciplined and professional.

Iranian Shahed-129 recon drone flying over Aleppo

Russian air strikes in Hama

Su-34 bombers deployed for the first time

Russian Su-34 Strike Fighters Combat ISIL in Syria

We have assumed control of the situation. Our operations will bring peace and stability to Syria by eliminating every jihadi, NATO sponsored or otherwise.
Syrian army preparing for offensive in Idlib to recapture lands lost to Army of Conquest earlier this year. Switched to Russian advisors. Much more disciplined and professional.

Is it confirmed? Are Russian advisors on the ground near the frontline?

If Yes, the effectiveness of SAA will increase probably by tenfolds. What Syria is lacking as of now are disciplined and trained mid to junior level Officers as most of these ex Officers have deserted their ranks. If the Russians do take a role as advisors, they will fulfill these roles and the effectiveness of SAA will increase by many folds backed by Russian hammer in the Air.

All reports showing that Russian Air Power lighting up multiple groups on multiple fronts.
"Arm Syrian Rebels to shoot down Russian planes"

the funny thing is kid voices in the background...looks like poor editing
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We have assumed control of the situation. Our operations will bring peace and stability to Syria by eliminating every jihadi, NATO sponsored or otherwise.
Your operations will put you in a quagmire and cost you billions of dollars you don't even have. It's like what happened to America with their misguided invasion of Iraq, they thought they were all macho and that they can fix everything and kill the bad guys, ended up creating many more and destroying a nation, not to mention losing thousands of soldiers. Of course, Russia will not be held to the same standards as the US and they know it. They won't hesitate to retreat when things get rough. If you want to eliminate jihadis you should start with the ones in the south of your own country, the Chechens who have been very important to the rise of terrorism in Arab lands. You can't even defeat those guys on your own land, what makes you think Syrian terrain will suddenly change that? But go ahead, knock your selves out :tup::-)
"Arm Syrian Rebels to shoot down Russian planes"

the funny thing is kid voices in the background...looks like poor editing
saudi american wahhabi days of terror in Syria are coming to an end and McCain is burning, NAF should take mariuopol and make it a double whammy for the murricans.

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