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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

ISIS are real muslims, the same as Mexican cartels what are philanthropists.
And the best scenario is to empty the jails from Puerto Rico,Mexico,Guatemala... and to put on battlefield against ISIS or other holy d..k organizations, to see who is more religious.
Latest footage of Russian anti-ISIS airstrikes in Syria
No not hacked, always been a closet atheist, I'm sure you are one too but too afraid to recognize your trueself. I get no inspiration from reading the Quran, tried to understand religion this Ramadan, wasn't convinced. That's it I'm done with it, logic simply truimphs religion. I've read about the supposed prophecies regarding Syria which both Christian and Muslim and Jew idiots spam humans with, in reality those prophecies are nonsense garbage people made up. Don't waste your time with them.

I'm also sick of the idiots named 'Muslims', who all hate each other, justify murdering each other, justify repression. For example the fanatical stances of Iranians against Syrians. Which they use religion a lot to justify, also Saudis positions on Egypt coup and Rabaa Massacre, they support it and continue making propaganda bullshit against Hamas. They can take their religion up their fucking ***, I'm sick of their hypocrisy.

There are abundance of factual/logical arguments against religion, too much to ignore that staying religious is an insult to ones intelligence. But of course religious people will stretch all boundaries to offer 'holy' explanations to world events and life. Religion has failed completely, if God cares he will revive it, instead all these poor people are getting screwed and no one cares.

You yourself sound too logical to follow religion, I doubt you genuinely believe in Islam.
you sounded like a hardcore religious to me some 8 month ago :lol:

i think i still have your PMs to me and @Serpentine , lol but talk about shape shifters .

@Daneshmand , there you go bro .

and BTW hazzy , all your PMs are safe with me cause i'm a muslim and i believe in discretion . mention me when your heart beated for muslims in palestine again . cause mine does
you sounded like a hardcore religious to me some 8 month ago :lol:

i think i still have your PMs to me and @Serpentine , lol but talk about shape shifters .

@Daneshmand , there you go bro .

and BTW hazzy , all your PMs are safe with me cause i'm a muslim and i believe in discretion . mention me when your heart beated for muslims in palestine again . cause mine does

Never heard the term 'shape shifters', anyways yeah I pm'd you and resurgentIran before and I still like both you guys. As I've said before I wouldn't have problem meeting you face to face.
This is not what the Rebels are saying in their Press Statements. They are crying how destructive and effective the airstrikes were compared to the SAAF, go read up on that on Reuters. From what i have read, they killed a Senior Officer in the FSA which will be a huge blow for FSA as their is a dearth of Trained Officers in FSA.

Calling Russian Aircrafts inaccurate is amateurish at best, you should read up on their capabilities and especially the SU34. i can see that you're supporting FSA so naturally your opinion is biased and i can understand that, but try to look at things from a neutral perspective as it appears that you're in for a disappointment. If you think these Russian Aircrafts are inaccurate, than wait till you're proven wrong. This was only one air strike by an SU24, and this much hoopla was created by the West and FSA. Wait till the SU34's start pounding targets, what's going to happen than?

As we are talking, the Russians are hitting targets again in Syria.

Go watch the videos officially released by Russian MoD and come back. Now go look at NATO airstrikes. Now see the huge difference in accuracy.

Yeah, we dont really care if your civilians die. If you stand in the line of fire between Russia and its target. You will die.
Just sit there and wait, we're coming. Eventually we'll be the ones laughing :)

Fake. Guys don't even look alike.
Yeah yeah, and that was proven by 5 days old fake photo and before airstrikes even started :lol:
And your proof of that is obviously non-existent.

Allegedly a video of Islamist rebels downing a Russian SU-25 September 30, 2015. (unverified as of now)

Russian fighter jet SU-25 shot down by Syrian rebels in Hama | VK
Could've possibly been shot down, but unlikely. If it is, that's 1 down, 11 more to go :)

Russian airstrikes in Jisr al Sughour targeted a Mosque and killed everyone inside. But it's a Sunni Mosque killed by Russian imperialism so it's okay for all the Assadists on this forum.
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Could've possibly been shot down, but unlikely. If it is, that's 1 down, 11 more to go :)

So? Russia can built 1,000 Su-25s in a year. This aerial operation will not end until every jihadist in Syria is dead. :victory:
Su-25 close air support plane, terror of jihadists

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Take a look at this psychopath. He is indeed going more nuts day by day.

He looks like he just lectured his children lol. But I do get the "utter silence" metaphor though.

Important to note that it was Israel which started a nuclear arms race in the "neighborhood" by acquiring hundreds of nuclear warheads decades ago, and yet the world's response to that was "utter silence." So he is not exactly in a high moral position.

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